Eri seemed to be still a little bit angry, and she couldn't help pinching Kogoro Mori's waist with her small white hands, which naturally didn't break her defense at all.

As soon as he entered the kitchen cabinet, Kogoro Mori was not polite.

The big hand was thrown directly on top of Eri's plump buttocks, and the snap was extremely crisp!

Mori Kogoro directly complained to the villain: "Okay, Eri, now that you are capable, you dare to use a knife on me!"

Hearing this question, Eri, who thought she had misunderstood, couldn't help showing a guilty expression.

She said weakly: "Who made Mira and her daughter look so similar, I accidentally admitted it!"

Speaking of this, Eri's momentum swelled up again, and he made a gesture to pinch Mori Kogoro's ear: "I haven't asked you yet, when did you hook up with Mira, you bad guy?"

Mori Kogoro turned his head, avoided Eri's claws, and slapped him again, and there was another crisp slap.

"Don't change the subject. Now it's about you wanting to murder your husband. Let me ask you, what should I do about it?"

Eri's beautiful eyes immediately became erratic, and she didn't dare to look at Kogoro Mori.

She cheated and said, "How do you count? Isn't it all over?"

"Are you wrong? Do you admit your mistake?" Another slap was slapped, and Yingli couldn't help but feel her butt swelled up.

Seeing Moori Kogoro who seemed to be really angry in front of him, Eri didn't dare to be stubborn anymore.

His plump body leaned against Mori Kogoro, holding his big hand with a pair of small hands, lowered his head and whispered: "I was wrong, I'm sorry, Kogoro."

Seeing that Yingli's arrogance was suppressed, Mori Kogoro became more and more aggressive, and kept talking.

"We are a family. If there is anything we can't solve through communication, we have to use a knife."

"Besides, it's not that you don't know our daughter's temperament. How is this possible? What she likes is... Hey, why don't you just think about it? Sometimes what you see with your eyes may not be true."

"Eri, aren't you always calm in court? Why are you so impulsive this time? I'm very disappointed in you."

Seeing Kogoro Mori's lingering anger, Eri became more docile.

Rubbing his pretty face against Mori Kogoro's shoulder, he whispered, "Kogoro, don't be angry!"


"Kogoro~, please forgive me!" This time, Eri spoke in a purely nasal voice, pressing her soft chest, swaying from side to side, acting like a baby.

Frozen Beauty's rare coquetry was so powerful that Mori Kogoro couldn't pretend anymore, so he let out a breathless sigh.

"Okay, I'll forgive you this time, if you dare to do this next time, your ass will be fucked up."

"Let's make breakfast!"

Mori Kogoro said coldly, but Eri didn't mind at all.

Instead, his pink lips were printed, and he couldn't help but said: "Xiao Wulang, you are so kind."

Hearing what Eri said, Mori Kogoro felt very relieved, and all the psychological shadows from just now dissipated.The two opened the refrigerator, took out the ingredients they wanted to cook one by one, and began to process them.

Mori Kogoro stood behind Eri and began to help her prepare breakfast.

Otherwise, with Yingli's dark cooking, some members of the family may suffer from food poisoning after eating it.

While instructing him to make breakfast, Mori Kogoro said softly from time to time: "Eri, even if something really happens? You can't use a knife. If there is anything our family can't communicate with, we will regret it if we hurt someone." and!"

"Even if what happened? What do you mean by that?" Yingli frowned, only feeling that there was something wrong with the words.

Mori Kogoro quickly changed the subject and said, "I was almost scared to death by you, and my heart is still beating now."

Hearing this, Yingli couldn't help showing a nervous expression, and couldn't help asking: "You won't be frightened?"

His little hand couldn't help but began to explore, but was slapped away by the speechless Mouri Kogoro.

She changed to another method, and after a while, she breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine, it's fine!"

Mori Kogoro suddenly had black lines all over his head. His mental journey last night was unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory, fully enjoyable, and finally super enjoyable, and he stayed up all night. Now his body is very tired.

But Yingli is already in such a posture, what do you want him to do?What else can I do?

As a man, it doesn't matter if you are a little bit tired, the most important thing is to make your woman happy.

Upholding this idea, Mori Kogoro knew what to do in an instant, and his fiery hands quickly grabbed Eri's overbearing position and launched an offensive.

Yingli blushed, but she didn't mean that.

However, her man's head came closer, and there was a kitchen cabinet underneath, so she turned her head slightly and kissed him passionately.

Not long after, a gorgeous movement sounded from the kitchen area.

In the living room, Little Lolita looked at Xiaolan who was cleaning the table hard, and there seemed to be some playfulness in her big blue eyes.

Xiaolan couldn't help but stare at Huiyuan in embarrassment: "~Xiao Ai, go back to the room, don't disturb me doing housework here."

Huiyuan approached Xiaolan who was kneeling on the ground, and asked softly, "Big Milk Lan, should I call you Mira? Or should I call you Xiaolan?"

"Xiao Ai, do you want to court death?"

Little Loli turned her head to look at the kitchen area, making a gesture to call Yingli: "Ying..."

Before the words could be spoken, Xiao Lan covered them with her hand: "Xiao Ai, what exactly do you want?"

A smug smile immediately appeared on Huiyuan's small face, and she snapped her fingers: "It's easy, Chanel has released a new bag, I don't want too much, just buy me three!"

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