Of course Huiyuan knew that Xiaolan was rich, and Kogoro Mori's black card was in Xiaolan's place, so he could buy anything he wanted.

Moreover, this kind of bag obtained by taking advantage of the fire is particularly valuable for collection.

But this request is extremely heartbreaking for Xiao Lan, who has always been diligent and thrifty in managing her family and like a money fan.

Even though Xiaolan knew that there were a lot of zeros in the secondary card her father gave her, she rarely bought things randomly except for daily expenses.

The last time Fusha painted a new bag, it was only because of the agreement ten years ago that I decided to buy it.

But this time there was no other way, because Hui Yuan was holding him to his deathbed, no matter how heartbroken Xiaolan was, she could only endure it.

"Okay, buy it!" Xiaolan who said this couldn't help reaching out and rubbing Huiyuan's head violently, but the little Lolita was like a victorious general, valiant, high-spirited, and extremely proud.

The girl broke free from Xiaolan's control, and stood aside, flicking her bathrobe and sleeves from time to time.

Little Lolita was showing off her baby-like snow-white skin in front of Xiaolan.

It's a pity that this time it was purely winking to the blind man, and Xiaolan didn't see it at all.

Chapter 0256 Lolita Pillow

Duang! Duang! Duang!

Eri's tulle nightdress was really light, Kogoro Mori poked his big hands through the skirt of the nightdress, and abused it from time to time.

But Yingli's little face was flushed, Danfeng's eyes were full of mist, and there were drops of sweat hanging from his forehead.

She pursed her lips, not daring to make any sound.

Mira and Huiyuan are in the living room, but they dare not let them find out.

Eri silently endured Kogoro Mori's attack, and kept cooking with a spatula.

She wanted fried eggs, but unfortunately she wasn't as good as Mori Kogoro and could be distracted.

The eggs in the frying pan were already scorched black, and Eri didn't notice it at all.

It wasn't until a puff of blue smoke rose that Mori Kogoro reached out to turn off the fire, and then Eri realized it, and then his heart trembled wildly.

Just because Mori Kogoro from behind bit his snowy shoulder...

Xiaolan, who was cleaning the coffee table in the living room, couldn't help but spat with a slightly red face, and didn't pay any attention to the little loli Huiyuan who was constantly showing off her skin beside her.

Huiyuan's expression became a little uneasy, he snorted and went back to the room to make the bed.

After more than an hour, it was time for breakfast. Except for Mira who was still sleeping soundly in Xiaolan's room, everyone else went to the dining table.

Naturally, this breakfast wasn't cooked by Yingli, what she cooked was all black charcoal, and it was all thrown away.

This sumptuous meal is all the work of the distracted Kogoro Mori.

You Xizi glanced at the radiant little loli Huiyuan, then at the unlucky Conan with two dark circles under his eyes, and couldn't help feeling that they were both children, and the difference was too great.

You Xizi couldn't help but asked: "Conan, you look very tired, why don't you take a day off today and rest at home?"

"No! No!" Conan's bloodshot eyes were full of panic, and he refused repeatedly.

He didn't want to stay at home alone, and he was especially prone to cranky thoughts, thinking that there were ghosts everywhere, which was really tormenting.

In fact, Conan has already found a temple on the Internet, and plans to go directly to the eminent monk to help him exorcise the evil spirits later.

It only took one night for him to become completely superstitious from not being superstitious.

Conan's self-esteem was troubled, and Conan the little devil didn't dare to tell others about his fear of ghosts and being haunted by ghosts, and planned to solve it alone.

Recalling the scenes of last night, I was so scared that I peed my pants in the corridor, and then crawled all over the floor, hugging Uncle Maori's thigh, and police officer Mu Mu and refused to let go. The scenes were very eye-catching.

Conan, who has regained his sanity now, also feels that he has lost all face last night, and even has no image in front of Xiaolan.

If Xiaolan knows that she is Kudo Shinichi, she might as well die!

And Shiliang Zhenchun, who was at the opposite table, couldn't help asking: "Uncle Maori, why hasn't Xiaolan woke up yet?"

Of course Shiliang Zhenchun can't see through Xiaolan's disguise at the moment.

After all, Xiaolan was wearing a dress from the Kingdom of Wisbania, with earrings and a necklace, anyone would think it was Mira.

Mori Kogoro explained: "Too many things happened last night. Xiaolan was timid and was frightened. Later, I drove everyone back all night. I didn't get home until after four o'clock in the morning. We didn't sleep much. She is still sleeping. It's normal not to wake up."

"I've already called the school to ask for leave, Xiaolan can't go to school with you today."

After saying this, Mori Kogoro also yawned, and he was a little tired after the continuous battle.

"I'll have to catch up on sleep after breakfast!" Yingli beside him blushed when she heard this.

On the other hand, the little Lolita Mary with big breasts flashed some concern in her eyes.

Shiliang Zhenchun turned to Xiaolan and asked, "Mira, what happened at the villa last night?"

Xiaolan spoke in Mira's tone: "The philanthropist Su Fang Hongzi was killed by the secretary, and then Kogoro went to investigate and involved a dark industrial chain of male slaves from orphanage training to auction. It's Su Fang Hongzi."

"Officer Megure has reported the evidence that Kogoro found. The Metropolitan Police Department should take action today. We may be able to see it on TV."

After hearing this, Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but marvel: "Hiss, the male slave industry chain, there is such a thing in the world."

On the other hand, Conan looked like he heard it for the first time. He lost his mind last night and didn't care about anything at all.

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