Then, Shiliang Zhenchun laughed lightly, and couldn't help but said: "Conan, you have to protect yourself, if a child like you is caught as a male slave, you won't be able to escape .”

The little devil couldn't help but look out the eyes of the dead fish.

After breakfast, Eri drove to work, Yukiko had a program to record and went to the TV station, and Sera Masumi took Haibara's little hand and went to school together.

As for Conan the Devil, he sneakily carried his schoolbag and set off in the direction of the temple he had found.

Only Kogoro Mori, Ran and Mary are left in the family.

After eating, Xiaolan yawned and went to her room. She wanted to change back with Mira now.

And the lie I told with my father before also needs Mira's help.

So she planned to rest with Mira and get some air when she woke up.

Mori Kogoro, who was exhausted, also returned to his room to rest. He only needs a big bed now.

As soon as he closed the door, drew the curtains, and lay on the bed, Kogoro Mori only felt that he could sleep upside down.

But not long after, the bedroom door was quietly opened.

The visitor was naturally the bored little Lolita Marie.

Mary didn't know what was wrong with her, so she came to Kogoro Mouri's room by accident.

Before the little girl with childish face and big breasts could stand firmly beside the bed, a big hand came over.

Mary was wrapped and fell into the arms of Mori Kogoro.

Kogoro Mori was quite satisfied with picking up a loli brand pillow for nothing, beeped twice to keep him still, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Mary's face was blushing, and her heart was beating extremely fast. She thought Kogoro Mori was trying to do something bad.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, there was no movement, but dull breathing sounded in my ears!

Make her look forward to it in vain!

Mary couldn't help but smiled dumbly, and her blue eyes looked at the man beside her very softly.

Somehow, listening to the man's dull breathing, Mary felt very at ease.

She turned her body sideways, lying in Kogoro Moori's arms, and gradually felt drowsy.

Soon, this little loli also fell asleep with Kogoro Mouri.

Chapter 0257 Little Lolita's Confession

In the morning, in the concubine's law office in the Empire State Building, Eri rested her face in one hand and turned a pen with the other.

The Danfeng eyes behind his gold-rimmed glasses are a little absent-minded.

At this moment, Eri couldn't help thinking of the scene she saw this morning.

The girl knelt down on top of the marble coffee table, pressing her small hands on the edge of the table, like a lioness cub.

His little face was flushed, his eyes were full of mist, and he made a blushing sound.

The girl's jade feet hanging in mid-air were fully raised, and her white body, which was dripping with sweat, kept trembling.

That scene was so eye-catching and impressive that Eri couldn't stop thinking about it.

She still has some doubts that the girl is her daughter.

No way, this is the first impression preconceived influence.

Immediately afterwards, a dream he had had earlier turned over in Eri's mind.

In the dream, it seems that Xiaolan and her mother and daughter are serving the bad guy together, the picture is very real and believable.

It was only when Eri checked the living room the next morning that the traces of the dream disappeared, so she thought it was a dream.

But what happened this morning, combined with the previous dream, Yingli couldn't feel at ease.

That bad guy is so smart, if all of this is designed by him, if the dream is true, then...

Thinking of this, Eri's pupils shrank sharply.

At this time, Usui Ritsuko's voice sounded from the side: "Sister Eri, what are you thinking?"

The little lawyer Li Shanlu also reminded in a low voice: "Teacher, it's your turn to share the case."

Interrupted by this, Eri's thoughts stopped for a moment.

Only then did she come to her senses, sorted out the documents in front of her, operated the computer and began to explain the case with slides.

At noon, in the bedroom of Mori's house, Kogoro Mori, who was revived with full blood, woke up.

He just felt refreshed and refreshed, full of energy.

But soon he noticed that a little finger was gently scratching his lips, so he couldn't help biting on it.

The little Loli Marie in his arms couldn't help being startled, and tried to pull his fingers away, but failed.

His little white face was soon dyed bright red.

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes, looking narrowly at the collar girl.

Then he stretched out his hands to cover the slender waist of little Lolita, and hugged her so that she was lying in his arms.

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