Then she let go of her finger, and put on her pink lips in one breath.

Mary's green eyes couldn't help but stare at the domineering Kogoro Mori.

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with his toughness, he did not resist, but instead responded enthusiastically.

It's just that she couldn't help wiping her fingers on Mori Kogoro's yukata repeatedly.

But Mori Kogoro's big hand couldn't help poking in from the hem of Mary's clothes, and soon covered the position of her gunshot wound.

It is obvious that Mary's old injury has fully healed during the last I Ching wash, so there is no need to check it again.

But Mori Kogoro couldn't help but grab it with his big hand, as if there was a mysterious gravitational pull.

Mary's green eyes were soon filled with water mist, and her panting became more rapid.

Little Lolita seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, she pushed Kogoro Mori's chest with her little hands, broke free, and sat up.

She couldn't help but said: "Big pervert, stop, I have something serious to tell you!"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "If you have something to tell me, you don't have to come and get under my bed early in the morning, Mary, you are lying!"

Mary couldn't help but stare again, obviously she was arrested, how to put it like a night attack by herself.

But Mary didn't want to argue, she took a few deep breaths, and her little face quickly returned to normal.In the past few days, Mary has considered a lot. She already has this kind of relationship with Mori Kogoro, so she has no intention of continuing to hide it.

She planned to have a showdown with Mori Kogoro, and fully disclosed her identity.

I don't know how much information this clever detective has.

If he had been informed in advance, he should not feel that he was cheating him.

Mary, who thought so, was very anxious at the moment. She was not worried about the dark organization, but she didn't know how to explain that she was the mother of three children, and she was worried that Mori Kogoro would not be able to accept it.

But no matter what, what should be faced is still to be faced!

Mary spoke directly: "APTX-4869!"

Mori Kogoro stroked Mary's jade feet with his big hand, and narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

"Mary, are you finally going to confess? I thought you were going to keep it from me forever."

Mary's pupils couldn't help shrinking, she swallowed, and asked quite nervously, "You, you know everything?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Seven or eight, you, the Akai family, the Haneda family, I know about everything."

Upon hearing this, Mary's face was filled with astonishment.

"So, you also know that I'm not a child?"

Mori Kogoro scolded lightly: "Nonsense, I'm not a pedophile. Children under the age of fourteen are against the law. Of course I know your true identity!"

Kogoro Mori who said this seemed a little lacking in confidence.

And Mary couldn't help but looked at Kogoro Mori resentfully.

[In other words, the things he did to him from the first time he met him actually knew his identity a long time ago.

Let me just say, how could there be such a vile person in the world, who would be stingy and bitten the moment they meet!

Damn it, I've been trying to pretend to be a child in front of him, I'm really ashamed of myself! 】

Mary stopped pretending to be a child and put her hands on her chest, and a mature and slightly hoarse voice sounded.

"So, you also know about the dark organization!"

As soon as the words fell, Mary felt her buttocks being slapped hard.

"speak English!"

Mary gave Kogoro Mori an annoyed look, her hoarse voice stopped, and changed to a delicate loli voice again, which sounded more comfortable.

"You also know about the affairs between the dark organization and us. You revealed information about the dark organization to me several times before, and it was all intentional!"

"Take us back to live here, tell us the mechanism and protection level of the house, it's all for our peace of mind, I have asked other people in the family, even Xiaolan doesn't know that there is a connected air-raid shelter in the kitchen aisle."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Bingo, you guessed it right. Mary looks stupid, but she is quite smart!"

Mary hammered his chest in dissatisfaction, and then said, "But there is one thing you definitely don't know."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, reached out and patted Mary's buttocks, and said provocatively, "Maybe I know it too."


"Why don't you make a bet, if I tell you, you will unconditionally agree to my request, otherwise I will unconditionally agree to your request."

Mary seemed a little hesitant, but she couldn't bear it when she looked at the shy Kogoro Mori, so she nodded and agreed.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "What you want to talk about is your relationship with Xiao Ai, but you and her mother are sisters, right?"

Hearing this, Mary was instantly shocked, and looked at Kogoro Mori in disbelief.

The relationship between himself and his sister Miyano Elena has been hidden for more than [-] years, only the first time when he saw Hui Yuan Ai, the flaws might be exposed, and other times it was as usual.

How did Mori Kogoro know about this relationship? It's incredible!

Chapter 0258 I'm a rascal

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