Seeing the cute look of little Lolita who was completely stunned, Kogoro Mori smiled triumphantly.

Immediately afterwards, he hugged the little Lolita and sat up, leaned against the head of the bed, lowered his head and kissed Mary's cute face.

"Looks like I hit it off!"

Mary couldn't help asking: "How did you know? I'm sure I never revealed it, even Shiliang and the others didn't know about it."

"The child has never seen me since he was born. I just saw one side in the photo sent by my sister, and I have a little impression."

"Kogoro, how do you know this?"

How did you know?

This lie is a bit difficult to round up!

Could it be that I said that I followed the original work?Mori Kogoro suddenly felt a little troubled.

But he quickly remembered something, and with a mean smile on the corner of his mouth, he leaned over and spoke softly to Mary.

"Because the two of you look so much alike down there, I became suspicious and secretly pulled out your hair for identification. Sure enough, you are related."

Hearing this, Mary's pupils burst instantly, and she beat Mori Kogoro's chest frantically: "Bastard, how dare you attack her, she is still a child!"

Mary's strength was unleashed, and Mori Kogoro was beaten so hard that he coughed instantly.

Seeing this emotional little loli, he immediately reached out and grabbed her with both hands, clasped it upside down on her back, suppressed her body and made her turn to lie on the bed.

Immediately afterwards, the big hand patted the little loli's buttocks.

A crisp sound came out!

"What kind of child, Mary, all you remember is the old calendar. Zhibao is seventeen years old this year."

"She also became smaller after taking APTX-4869. She is in the same state as you. Why are you so excited?"

"Besides, what happened between me and Zhibao happened a long time ago, far before you."

"I didn't know it would be such a coincidence. You have something to do with her. How can it be blamed on me? If you want to blame it, you can only blame good luck!"

After hearing this explanation, Mary's anger subsided a little.

She still couldn't help but turned her head and stared back at Mori Kogoro: "Big pervert, it's all your fault. My niece and I robbed men. If it spreads, what will others think of me!"

Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes speechlessly: "The relationship between you and Shiho's mother has been hidden for more than [-] years. How could outsiders know about it?"

"Didn't you say it? Even your children don't know about it. Why are you so worried?"

"As long as you don't tell me, and I don't tell you, no one will know. Are you still afraid that Zhibao's mother will jump out and criticize you?"

Mary panicked instantly: "I'm just worried about Elena, you don't understand, my sister has an extreme temper, and she can easily go to extremes."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned instantly, and he stretched out his hand to hold little Loli Marie back into his arms and asked.

"What do you mean, you're saying that Shibao's mother is still alive."

"That's not right. Shibao told me that her parents died in an accident in the laboratory."

Mary explained: "I have heard about this, but my sister and the others should have escaped by fake death."

"Six years ago, I went back to Grandma's house in Yingguo, where our sisters lived when they were young. I saw a letter and a bottle of medicine in our secret base, which were left by Elena."

"The bottle of medicine is APTX-4869. Because I was afraid of being discovered by people in the organization, the letter didn't have too many details."

"Elena said that she and her husband are safe, but the dark organization is chasing them, so there is no way to show up, so they can only hide and study the potion against the 'Silver Bullet'."

"They also have no way to go back and rescue Mingmei and Zhibao who are in the organization. They can only entrust me, a CIA agent, to help rescue people."

"I tried to rescue the two of them later, but I didn't expect that the two nieces were used as bait in the trap, surrounded by members of the organization in ambush. The gunshot wound on my chest was left at that time. I still remember the wound That man is Gin."

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly: "What is the 'Silver Bullet'?"

Mary shook her head: "I don't know this very well. My sister didn't mention her research to me, but just said that this is a dream potion. Once it is successfully developed, it can change all mankind."

"But after the 'Silver Bullet' was researched, my sister and the others were very scared. They deliberately designed and destroyed the laboratory, destroyed the experimental materials, and escaped with suspended animation."

"Nineteen years, I haven't seen my sister and my brother-in-law yet."

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, and began to think.

He had a vague guess in his heart, but there was too little information, and he was not sure.

At this time, a look of sadness appeared in Mary's eyes, and she couldn't help but said: "Since you and Zhibao have such a relationship, the child is also suffering, and now she is alone, so I won't argue with her."

"Kogoro, let's end our relationship here..."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro directly grabbed Mary's ankle, flipped the little loli away, and started the Mori family's family law.

After thirty slaps in a row, Mary's butt was swollen.

She was lying on the pillow, Xiaomeng's face was flushed, her brows were frowning and twitching.

Mori Kogoro leaned down, and his warm breath fell on his earballs: "Children make choices, adults don't make choices, they want everything."

"Dare to say this next time, it's not as simple as today."

"Also, if you dare to escape, your three children will suffer."

Mary cursed angrily: "You are a scoundrel!"

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