Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Who says no? I'm just a rascal. Why, even if your sister really shows up, I'll be in front of you. What are you afraid of?"

"Besides, it would be nice if she could show up, then Shiho would be happier."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro gently turned Mary back.

"Okay, the business is almost done, we have to do something interesting."

Upon hearing this, Mary's pupils contracted again.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro leaned over, and kissed the pink lips of the blond and big breasted little loli, and his big hands also climbed up.

Eh!How can you do this?The turning point is too fast!I'm still angry, I haven't thought it through yet, you just beat me so badly, you didn't even give me an apology, why should I be like this now!

Mary doesn't understand, this is Kogoro Mori's way of coaxing people.

Simple and crude but effective!

Feeling that pair of slightly rough big hands writhing on her body, Mary couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just now he was really afraid that Mori Kogoro would lose himself by choosing Miyano Shiho!

In the current situation, Mary, who has a different heart, can barely accept it.

Looking at the handsome man in front of her, Mary sighed silently: It seems that this time it really fell into your hands.

Immediately afterwards, the little loli responded proactively.

Soon, a stirring movement sounded.

Chapter 0259 Xiaolan's routine

It seemed a little stuffy in the hot afternoon.

Sweat oozes from Little Lolita's rose-red body, and the crystal-clear sweat evaporates into a fragrance that lingers on Mori Kogoro's nose.

Mori Kogoro rubbed the little loli lightly with his big hands, his left hand pressed the red and swollen place where he had just been beaten violently, and his right hand reached over to grab the spot where the gunshot wound was before. His hands were quite hard, and he was completely immersed in it, as if to help Mary soothe .

He wanted to tell Mary in this way that he would never let go and would hold her tightly, no matter how hard she tried to escape, he would never be able to escape.

In fact, Kogoro Mori just saw Mary's favorability achievement, and the fluctuation is relatively large.

That's why he used this method to appease little Lolita, it was simple and effective.

Mori Kogoro definitely has no strange idea of ​​wanting to measure the difference between Mary and Haibara!

But to be honest, from the back, Mary and Huiyuan look alike.

The curve of Mary's back is exactly how old Hui Yuan is.

I really don't know what it will look like when Mary takes the antidote and becomes transformed.

It must be a blond and blue-eyed big ocean horse with a super hot figure!

On the contrary, Mingmei and Mary don't seem to be related at all. Mingmei's appearance is more Asian.

If Kogoro Mori hadn't had a deep understanding of the two sisters, Shiho and Akemi, he might have suspected that Akemi was adopted by the Miyano family!

It turns out that Mingmei and Zhibao are really sisters.

Mori Kogoro leaned over, and his warm breath fell on Mary's earballs, causing goosebumps on little Lolita's delicate body.

He said with a smirk, "Do you still dare to say what you just said?"

Mary Qianshou turned around, her blue eyes were about to shed tears, she quickly shook her head, and said weakly, "No, I don't dare!"

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro laughed badly, and ordered directly: "Kiss me!"

Little Loli obediently obeyed, turned her head and kissed Kogoro Mouri's lips, and let him ask for sweetness.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori is extremely proud, and this beautiful day begins with bullying little Lori.

In Xiaolan's room next door, both Xiaolan and Mira woke up.

After hearing Xiaolan's request, Mira couldn't help scolding her.

"Okay you, Xiaolan, you actually eat alone, why did you promise me to come last night?"

"It's fine if you eat alone, but you still want me to wipe your ass for you to make such a big incident, isn't it too much for you!"

Xiaolan pretended to be innocent: "It's not my fault, who told you that you fell asleep as soon as you got home last night, and you couldn't wake up no matter how you screamed!"

Xiaolan hugged Mira's arm, swayed and acted coquettishly.

"Good Mira, just help me, if you don't help me, I'm going to die, this family will fall apart, and my father will be very sad and sad, if you help me, you are helping my father! "

"As long as you promise to help me realize this lie, I promise to listen to you in the future."

"Really?" Mira looked at Xiaolan suspiciously.

Such a great opportunity, how can we not take advantage of it!

Mira quickly made her request, and the most important thing was the frequency of the unsuccessful discussion last night.

Xiaolan gritted her teeth and agreed.

She wanted to get through this difficult time first, and as for what she had promised, it wasn't that she couldn't cheat.Besides, with Mila's weak physical strength, she might not be able to bear it if she was given more time. Xiaolan was not afraid at all.

Seeing that the signing of the unequal treaty was completed, Mira couldn't help but smile smugly, and began to ask Xiaolan for more details.

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