Xiaolan repeated everything she said in the morning pretending to be Mira, while responding to her mother.

As Xiaolan continued to tell, Mira's face became darker and darker.

By agreeing to this request, I want to admit what Xiaolan said in the morning. My kingdom is sold, and I can't even win the position of queen?

There is no objection to passing the throne to Kogoro Mira, the whole kingdom was taken with the help of Kogoro, and he is his own man, so it is not a disadvantage.

But given the position of queen to Fei Yingli, her opinion has greatly dropped.

Why does it feel like being tricked, Xiaolan is setting up a trick to help her mother push her to the position of queen.

In Mira's vision, the person who is the mother of the world should be herself.

Seeing Xiaolan talking more and more vigorously, Mira couldn't help but clenched her fist and hit her little head.

But they all agreed to Xiaolan, so Mira could only cooperate temporarily to help her through this difficult time.

As for the Queen's matter, we'll discuss it later!Reconsideration!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the clean Izumo Shrine, Mori Kogoro was sitting on the stone ladder in the backyard, blowing the breeze, cooling off the heat, watching Curacao and Junhui in the school field.

The cute little Shikigami beside him is holding a spoon in the sauna, holding a big watermelon as a melon-eating crowd.

This is a square watermelon that only produces more than [-] pieces a year in Hokkaido. It is extremely sweet, and there are not half a watermelon seed in it.

Fusang, a snack foodie, had a great time eating it.

And Curaçao in the school grounds was also wearing a priestess costume, compared with Jun Hui's newly learned witchcraft.

With the help of the mysterious well water provided by Mori Kogoro and the teachings of Fusang, Curacao, whose brain is different from ordinary people, has a very high talent for learning witchcraft, only slower than Mori Kogoro.

After only a day or two, she mastered the superficial water and fire witchcraft, combined with her extraordinary skills, she was able to compete with the increasingly sophisticated Jun Hui.

According to Fusang's words, Curacao was born a great witch.

If he was born thousands of years ago when the monster race was rampant, he would definitely become a giant.

Mori Kogoro, who heard this for the first time, couldn't help but chuckled. He didn't expect a foreign miko to appear under his command.

There is no doubt that Curacao is of Caucasian origin. Although I don't know which country it is from, it is indeed not from Japan.

Curacao's combat quality is extremely strong, and his witchcraft is not as good as Jun Hui's, but through repeated designs, he can always make Jun Hui very embarrassed.

From Kogoro Mori's point of view, Junhui will definitely lose in this posture.

But at the last moment, Curaçao quietly released the water, and Jun Hui hit him with a water polo, so he surrendered.

The little witch, Jun Hui, immediately looked proud, showing off to Mori Kogoro from time to time, and kept saying things like the junior sister continued to work hard, her tail was almost up in the air.

And Mori Kogoro stepped forward and cast the Wind Control Technique to evaporate all the moisture from Curacao's body, then he took the two girls back to the stone ladder, and handed them the cut watermelon to quench their thirst.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro said, "I'll show you something good!"

After finishing speaking, he threw out a little blue doll on his body, and the witch power surged out of his body.

In an instant, a human-shaped god about one meter tall was summoned on the school grounds.

Fuso's crimson eyes lit up in an instant, and he couldn't help but glance sideways at Kogoro Mori.

Chapter 0260 Fusang's body is great


The summoned puppet was wrapped in a blue cloak, and it was pitch black under the cloak. Human faces could be seen faintly, but most of them were shadows.

It was refined from the evil spirit in the curse mask, and it didn't have much wisdom, so it stood there stupidly.

However, it is agile and powerful, even Curacao can't match it.

In addition, it is also carrying a bow and arrow, which can shoot out wind attribute arrow feathers and master certain long-range attacks.

After Mori Kogoro ordered, this shikigami showed its abilities. In the school field, the rabbit rose and fell, and it kept churning, jumping three to four meters high.

The condensed wind attribute arrow feathers are even more precise and swift.

From time to time, it can also bind seals to summon strong winds, and it can also disappear into nothingness like a ninja, which makes Curacao and Junhui's faces full of amazement.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "This is the evil spirit I met last night, and I have refined it into a doll."

"You two can find it if you want to practice in the future, it won't hurt you."

Hearing this, the two women were a little eager to try, so they put down the watermelon and went forward together to fight against the puppet.

On the other hand, Fuso Shikigami, a snack foodie, put down the watermelon, and pulled Mori Kogoro's cuff with his small hand, signaling him to go to the apse.

Mori Kogoro followed Fusang into the apse, and closed the door behind him.

The little shikigami seemed a bit awkward, but still couldn't hide the matter, and couldn't help asking: "Big pervert, you already have a natal doll, so now you will conclude the [same life contract]?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, rubbed Fusang's little head with his big hands, and said coldly, "Of course, why do you feel that Fusang is a little impatient?"

"Where is there?"

Fusang's porcelain-white face flushed instantly, and hot air spewed out from his ears, it was real.

Why is it said that refining the natal doll is the prerequisite for concluding the [Same Life Contract].

Gein [Same Life Contract] is very dangerous.

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