He clearly called himself master in his heart, but called a big pervert on his mouth, this little shikigami who has a different heart is really entangled.

Mori Kogoro had a smirk on his lips: "The contract has already been signed, from now on, Fuso should be called the master."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro sat on the futon with the incomparably light hibiscus in his arms.

It's really a great enjoyment to hold the little shikigami who is exuding cool air in the summer!

"I don't want it, big pervert!"

Fusang seemed to be shy, turned to the little red face, and couldn't help but shrink back. This shy look made Mori Kogoro really moved.

Mori Kogoro didn't care about Fusang's rudeness, his eyes patrolled Fusang, and soon landed on his jade feet.

He couldn't help but said: "Fusang is not good, the body shaping has already been completed, so don't tell me."

When I checked Fusang's spiritual body last time, the spirit energy was still below the calf, and it was not solidified at all!

Saying this, Mori Kogoro gently grasped the hibiscus jade foot with his big hand, lifted it up, and started to observe it at a close distance.

This jade foot is also very beautiful, with a snowy complexion, no trace of blood vessels can be seen, and the slightly curled toes are like pearls, crystal clear and endearing.

Fusang's entire spiritual body is now solidified, which is much more pleasing to the eye than before, and will no longer give people a weird illusion, and will not make people think that she is a female ghost again.

Fuso seems to know the taste of Mori Kogoro, and finally the legs are extremely slender, and the high heels are properly long legs.

The little Shikigami also seemed to sense the almost substantial gaze of Mori Kogoro, and his breathing became a little heavy.

Usually ghosts and earthbound spirits don't need to breathe.

But Fusang has already broken through the stage of body shaping, and even drank a bottle of mysterious well water, and is practicing towards his real body.

Cultivating into a real body is actually cultivating into a human body!

At this stage, Fusang's heart is beating, let alone breathing.

Her internal organs were all condensed, and she could digest the food she just ate.

So her reaction now is exactly the same as that of an ordinary little girl.

You can blush, you can breathe, your heart beats, but your skin is still extremely cold and you don't sweat.

Mori Kogoro smiled even more satisfied, he directly lowered his head and gently rubbed Fusang.

Immediately, I felt the coldness of the spirit body all over my face, and all I could smell was the clear scent of spiritual energy, which was very pleasant.

The little Shikigami panicked, and couldn't help but say, "Master, what are you doing? Get up!"

Fuso's heartbeat continued to speed up, and when he was nervous, he still called out the title he called Mori Kogoro in his heart.

Mori Kogoro raised his head and chuckled, his eyes were as beautiful as the stars, which instantly made Fusang a little distracted.

"As the master, of course I have the right to know the state of Fusang's spiritual body."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro put Fusang on the futon, and then put on the dazed little Shikigami pink lips in one breath, and his big hand also moved away.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have noticed something, and without raising his head, he formed several seals with his big hands, and a small hidden barrier enveloped himself and Fusang.

From the outside, the two people in the palace disappeared.

Jun Hui, the little witch who was peeking outside, couldn't see anything, and couldn't help pouted.

But she was quickly greeted by Curacao and went to the school field.

On the other side, in Maple Leaf Temple, the old abbot felt a headache in the face of the little devil who kept asking for consecration.Conan came to pester him early in the morning, saying that he was haunted by evil spirits.

Seeing his pale face and haggard appearance, the host still believed it.

But in fact, it is just the appearance of kidney deficiency caused by staying up all night and staying up late.

The old host talked badly and explained that the temple did not have the business of exorcising evil spirits, but Conan didn't believe it at all. How could the most famous temple in Tokyo not exorcise evil spirits.

The host who was so worn out could only sigh, took Conan into the quiet room and began to chant sutras to him, knocking on the wooden fish, intending to fool him.

But even so, Conan felt that it was very useful!

Sensing the appearance of the enchantment, the little shikigami became more and more nervous, and his body trembled slightly.

Kogoro Mori's master-level kissing skills were displayed, coupled with the attraction of the aura gushing out of his mouth, Fuso, who was originally a spirit body, couldn't bear it at all.

She squinted her eyes and responded, swallowing the spiritual power in Mouri Kogoro's body with small mouthfuls, but felt that her hands were getting more and more excessive.

It must be known that this reshaped body is as sensitive as a newborn baby, and Fuso couldn't bear the hand of God from Mori Kogoro at all.

After a while, she couldn't help shouting: "Master is too bad!"

After saying that, his spiritual body instantly turned into aura and dispersed, causing Mori Kogoro to fall directly on top of the futon.

Kogoro Mori, who was forcibly interrupted, was a little annoyed, but quickly suppressed his negative emotions, and turned to coaxing his little shikigami in a gentle voice: "Fusang, you are cheating, no, come out."

Fusang's voice came from the void: "I won't come out, master, you are a big pervert, too bad!"

Mori Kogoro was like a wolf grandma coaxing a little white rabbit: "Come out quickly, otherwise, I will use the summoning formation."

No matter how far away the shikigami who signed the contract with the same life are, they only need to use the summoning formation to summon the shikigami and condense the body.

Hearing him say that he wants to use the summoning formation, the ending is the same.

The little shikigami didn't resist any more, and the aura surged, and the red-faced Fuso reappeared in front of Mori Kogoro, with his long blue hair dancing without wind.

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