Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to pull the floating Fuso back into his arms, and couldn't help but patted it with his big hand!

"Don't dissipate suddenly next time, it's too scary."

"Hmm!" Shikigami glared at Kogoro Mori, but lowered his head shyly.

Mori Kogoro doesn't want to go through that kind of thing again, it's really frightening to death, it's a test of the heart.

Anyway, the contract has been signed, and they are shikigami who will live and die together, and they will be together in the years to come, so he didn't think about the routine Fusang, and prepared to be honest with each other.

The main reason is that she can't afford routines, and the strange power doesn't work against Fusang at all, and the witchcraft doesn't seem to be as good as her!

If the stall suddenly disappears in the middle of the house, it will be a pain in the ass!

Mori Kogoro's deep eyes stared at Fusang's crimson eyes, he stroked his soft snowy back with his big hand, and spoke in a warm voice.

"Fusang, I want to try another way of transmission of spiritual energy with you, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

Hearing this, Fusang's small face instantly turned bright red, and her crimson eyes became more misty. She glanced shyly at Kogoro Mori, and then lowered her head like a quail again.

Then an inaudible 'um' came from his mouth.

Mori Kogoro burst into laughter!

In fact, Fusang just wanted Mori Kogoro to get her consent.

The next time Fusang cooperated very well, and after a while, a different piece of music sounded from this enchantment.

Chapter 0262 Nervous Xiaolan

This feeling is really cold and comfortable, it is so special!

Moreover, Mori Kogoro was still a little worried about whether she would dissipate just like that, and his mood was tense and exciting.

Mori Kogoro could feel the spiritual energy gushing out of his body like a tide, and then he realized that the folklore is true, and there is really such a thing as absorbing yang energy in the world.

This little Shikigami Fusang's face was flushed, but Xiaomeng's face was full of excitement, her breath was heavy, but the corners of her mouth were lightly raised, and she was actually smiling.

Her long blue hair kept dancing, her body twisted slightly, her spiritual body trembled slightly, and her crimson eyes looked a little coquettish, as alluring as a fairy!

Fuso, who was still twitchy just now, tasted the sweetness at this time, and was extremely active, and instead kissed Kogoro Mouri's lips in one breath.

Seeing this situation, Mori Kogoro shrank his eyes, hugged Fusang in his big arms, and looked at him without giving in.

As the master, how could he allow his shikigami to gain the upper hand, so he turned to take the initiative.

After more than two hours, the hidden barrier in the apse dissipated.

Fusang slipped into the witch clothes on the hanger and hid shyly.

Mori Kogoro, who returned from the big victory, chuckled lightly: "I'll let you off this time, if you dare to run away like this next time, I'll see how I teach you a lesson."

Mori Kogoro could feel that the originally vast aura in his body was reduced by one-tenth. Although the little shikigami had a big appetite, he was still fed by him.

And the little Shikigami Fusang couldn't help but said: "Hmph, smelly master, wait for me to condense my real body, let's see how I teach you a lesson!"

There's no way, Fusang's spirit body is too sensitive!

Once the stored aura capacity is full, Fusang will have no combat power at all, and instead will have to constantly beg for mercy.

Otherwise, the aura from Mori Kogoro would keep pouring in, and she would really explode and die.

That's why Mori Kogoro let her go.

Ignoring the stubborn little Shikigami, Mori Kogoro stretched his waist and walked straight out of the apse.

Soon, he came to the outside of the apse, where the little witch Junhui was mending Curacao's witch clothes.

Just now when Curacao fought against the puppet, the action was a little louder, and the witch's costume was torn out.

Mori Kogoro sat beside the two girls and began to ask, "Xiaobai, are you used to living here?"

Curacao nodded with a smile: "It's very clean and safe here, Jun Hui also takes good care of me, everything is fine."

The little witch on the side patted Curacao's little hand: "I want to call Senior Sister!"

"Hi, sister."

"Also, my senior sister, Master Fusang and I have time to go shopping together. Master Fusang sends everything into her enchantment. It's very interesting."

Seeing Curaçao's happy face, Mori Kogoro felt relieved.

With a move of his big hand, the one-meter-high natal doll in the middle of the school field dissipated, and a small doll the size of a palm returned to his hand.

And the little witch Shimabukuro Junhui was still very concerned about the scene she just peeked at, and couldn't help asking: "Kogoro, were you kissing Fuso-sama just now? What's going on?"

Hearing this, Curacao's blue eyes narrowed slightly, a dangerous light flashed past, and she couldn't help but look at Mori Kogoro.

As a veteran driver, Mori Kogoro didn't panic at all, and explained directly.

"Just now I signed a psychic contract with Fusang, that is to say, from now on, Fusang will be my psychic shikigami."

"And I have plenty of aura in my body, Jun Hui, you know that. Aura is very beneficial to Fusang's practice. After the contract was signed, Fusang asked for the aura in me."

"You know, Fusang has said so, as the master, I can only satisfy her!"

At this time, there was a whistling sound, and a futon flew out from the apse and hit Kogoro Moori on the back.

"Nonsense, pervert, you are the one who took the initiative, yet you still slander me!"

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