The little shikigami said he was going to rest, but he was actually eavesdropping on the side.

When she heard Mori Kogoro blamed herself, she couldn't bear it at all, and came out to make trouble.

Mori Kogoro made a gesture and stood up: "It seems that Fuso is in good spirits, then let's do it again."

Being threatened by this, the little Shikigami was instantly cowed again, not daring to speak out anymore.

Shimabukuro June suddenly looked at Mori Kogoro with a strange look on her face. As a shrine maiden, she naturally knew how shikigami could absorb aura.

And looking at the reactions of the two of them, I feel that things will not be as simple as they said.

Curacao, who was on the side, couldn't understand, but she didn't take this matter to heart because she heard what Mori Kogoro said was well-founded.

Although Jun Hui was a little awkward, it quickly dissipated.

Mori Kogoro accompanied them in this shrine, teasing Curacao who was still pretending to have amnesia from time to time, and coaxing Junhui who was a little jealous from time to time, which was a lot of fun.

When dinner was approaching, Mori Kogoro said goodbye to the two girls and headed towards his home.

Tonight he still has to attend Yoko's show, and Yoko texted him to make an appointment for tonight.

The name of the program is "Dessert Wars". The rule is that every time there is a kind of fruit hidden in the treasure box, the dessert chefs present don't know what kind of fruit it is. After opening it, they directly use it as a raw material to make desserts, and then the judges will score them. programme.

Mori Kogoro was invited by Yoko to be a judge.

Xiaolan and Shiliang learned that Mori Kogoro was going to participate in this show at dinner yesterday, and the two girls who liked desserts asked Mori Kogoro to take them there.

So now Mori Kogoro is going to go home for dinner, and then take the two girls to Nikmai TV.

But as soon as he got home, Mori Kogoro was dragged into the toilet by Xiaolan.

Xiaolan looked nervous: "Dad, I'm dead, Mom is already suspicious!"

After hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning: "Lan, what's going on? Please speak slowly."

"I went shopping with Mira in the afternoon, and I just came back. As soon as I got back to the room, I found that the place near the ceiling was a bit abnormal, and the doll on the cabinet opposite my bed was quietly replaced with a new one. "

"It's impossible for outsiders to come into our house. I suspected it was my mother, so I called Sister Xiaolu, and she said that my mother was not at the office in the afternoon."

"She must have quietly gone home and installed a camera. Do you think she is beginning to suspect us?"

Mori Kogoro began to replay Eri's surveillance in the afternoon in his mind.

Sure enough, Ran's guess was correct, and Eri had secretly installed a pinhole camera and a bug.

One is in the eyes of the doll, one is in the gap between the ceiling and the window, and one is in the crack of the art wall that Mori Kogoro smashed.

Chapter 0263 is very 'motivated'!

Kogoro Maoli caressed Xiaolan's soft back with his big hand, comforting her: "Lan, it's a good thing for your mother to be suspicious, and she will think about it instead."

"When we really tell her, she won't be so hard to accept, and won't get a knife like this morning."

"She installed a surveillance camera in your room, you just live as usual and pay attention to what you say."

"And this monitoring, maybe we can use it to our advantage, Dad already has some ideas."

Hearing this, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Father, when are these days going to end? I'm so worried, I'm really tired."

Mori Kogoro caressed Xiaolan's head, turned his face to kiss his daughter's cheek, and comforted his daughter softly: "Father promises you, it will be over soon, Lan, you must have confidence in your father."

Xiaolan smiled and became full of energy again.

Immediately afterwards, she took Kogoro Moori's big hand and walked out: "Dinner is ready, let's have dinner!"

As soon as the bathroom door was opened, Yuanzi, who was eavesdropping at the door, fell in and crashed into the arms of the two.

Yuanzi couldn't help but said, "What are you father and daughter doing sneakily in the bathroom? Could it be that you are doing something bad in there?"

Moli Kogoro couldn't help but knocked Sonoko's head: "You girl, what nonsense are you talking about, and why did you come running over suddenly?"

Sonoko laughed lightly: "Of course I came to participate in the show "Sweet Dessert" with my uncle. Today Shiliang mentioned this to me, so I bought tickets and plan to watch it with you."

Yuanzi shook the ticket in his hand, his amber eyes were full of pride.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Okay, but according to Yoko, the four judges were recorded in the room, so we can't be together."

Sonoko couldn't help being a little disappointed when he heard that he couldn't sit with Kogoro Mori.

But she recovered quickly, and went to the dinner table with her for dinner.

Immediately afterwards, Sera Masumi and Conan also came back.

The little ghost's face had returned to normal.

Today he went to three temples in a row, looking for the master to help him exorcise evil spirits.

Under the psychological effect, Conan felt that he was in great condition.

At the dinner table, Conan heard that Mori Kogoro and the others were going to record a program on the TV station, so he tried to keep up with him.

It happened that Yuanzi had extra tickets in his hand, so he agreed.

After dinner, Xiaolan urged her father to leave quickly.

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