Ran is worried about meeting her mother, and wants to leave before Eri comes home.

It's best if you miss it.

Mori Kogoro always listened to his daughter's words.

Everyone quickly got into the Lexus and drove off to sell the TV station in the past.

The time of this food show is at [-]:[-] p.m., Mori Kogoro and the others arrived more than an hour earlier.

When he came to the TV station, Mori Kogoro separated from the others.

He was going to the dressing room to get ready, while Xiaolan and the others entered the studio and waited.

Just as Mori Kogoro was about to walk towards the corridor, Sera Masumi called him back.

Mori Kogoro turned around, and saw Xiao Sera with a troubled face.

She frowned tightly, biting her lower lip, revealing a small canine tooth.

"What's the matter? Shiliang." Shiliang seemed to feel a little embarrassed to speak, and hesitated for a long time before speaking.

"Uncle Maori, I have something to tell you about my sister."

"It's not convenient here, can we find a quiet place to chat alone!"

Mori Kogoro immediately understood that it must have been discovered that he and her mother were in the bathroom before.

No wonder Shiliang has been avoiding himself these two days, not knowing how to face his mother's new boyfriend, right?

Mori Kogoro replied with a chuckle: "Yes, it will be fine when I get home to the suite downstairs on your floor."

After making an appointment, Sera Masumi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hands, turned around and ran into the studio.

Mori Kogoro walked to the dressing room arranged by the program group alone.

As soon as he entered the dressing room, Kogoro Mori saw Yoko Okino sitting in front of the mirror.

Makeup artist is helping her to fix her hair.

Girl idols are like this, the image must be well managed.

Other idols are always accompanied by more than a dozen people.

And Yoko has always been low-key, just an assistant and a makeup artist.

If you are going abroad to shoot a program, you will bring a few more bodyguards, and there is no one else.

Through the mirror, Yoko saw Mori Kogoro coming in, and a smile appeared on her pretty face: "Kogoro, you're here!"

She hurriedly waved her hand to let the makeup artist go out, got up hastily, and stepped on her high heels to greet her.

It's really beautiful. After putting on makeup and matching clothes, Yoko's charm suddenly came to max.

She has long tea-colored hair, a green headband, a ruby ​​necklace on her jade neck, a green dress, revealing a fair ankle, and silver high-heeled shoes, looking slim and girlish.

After the makeup artist left, there were only the two of them left in the room.

Yoko put his arm around Mori Kogoro without hesitation, and pulled him towards the sofa.

The two sat on the sofa, and Yoko spoke first: "I thought I'd have to wait to see Kogoro, why did you come so early today?"

The old driver immediately said, "I miss Yoko, how can Yoko be so beautiful today?" After saying this, he lifted Yoko's chin and admired Yoko's pretty face.

Fendai immediately appeared on Yoko's small face, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

"I don't believe it, Xiao Wulang, you must have gone to accompany that police officer Yazi, otherwise you would have left me alone at home yesterday and ignored me."

"Heaven and earth conscience, I had a commission last night. I drove to work in a villa in the northern suburbs. I didn't come home until four or five in the morning. I remembered your program before I had a rest. How can you say that I don't care?" And you!"

What Kogoro Mori said was of course the truth, but many details were hidden in the middle.

Yoko immediately looked concerned: "Then Kogoro, did you not rest well?"

"It's still more than an hour before the show starts, why don't you squint for a while in this dressing room."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, looked at Yoko softly, and his voice became gentle and magnetic.

"It was quite tiring at first, but after seeing Yoko, I feel energetic and very 'motivated'."

"Hmph, I don't believe it."

"Xiao Wulang, let me ask you, I was beaten unconscious last night, and you took me home, did you take the opportunity to do anything to me?"

What else could Mori Kogoro do? At that time, he was using a large diversion talisman, and he was pulling a naked Meizi by his side. How could he do anything to Yoko? Tou Meizi was too late.

But seeing that Yoko's bright eyes seemed to have some anticipation, Mouri Kogoro decided to change his rhetoric.

Chapter 0264

Mori Kogoro pretended to hesitate and said, "Well, there's no way, Yoko is so cute, I couldn't hold back yesterday..."

Hearing this, Yoko's eyes narrowed slightly, and she asked nervously.

"Then what did you do?"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "I didn't do anything, I just looked at it, touched it, and rubbed it."

"What?" Yoko exclaimed immediately, covering her chest subconsciously.

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