In an instant, I felt pink bubbles appearing on the screen...

And Sonoko in the auditorium couldn't help standing up and shouting: "Yoko, calm down, he is not something you can get your hands on..."

Before she finished speaking, she was pulled down by the ashamed Shiliang covering her mouth, and the surrounding audience couldn't help laughing.

The competition started soon. First, the three pastry chefs entered the glass kitchen to fight each other. After the winner was determined, he challenged the six-time champion Li Chunxi who was sitting next to him.

The attention of the audience was attracted by the dessert competition.

On the second scene, Mori Kogoro and the two girls discussed techniques and materials softly. Among the three, Nagara Haruka was always behind the schedule.

She didn't have the ability to be distracted, she silently endured Kogoro Mori's attack, but at the same time she was afraid of showing abnormalities, so she tried her best to manage her expression, so naturally she couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Yoko heard Nagara Haruka's heavy breathing, and couldn't help showing some concern in her eyes. She handed over a bottle of mineral water from the program sponsor and said, "Miss Nagara, how about a glass of water?"

"No, no, no, you don't have to worry about me!" Nagara Haruka desperately refused with a look of hell, which made Yoko quite puzzled.

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro couldn't stop laughing secretly.

At the same time, under the round table, Mori Kogoro's left hand slowly reached out, and landed on the hem of Yoko's emerald green dress.

Yoko's body trembled, her beautiful eyes glanced at Kogoro Mori calmly.

Immediately afterwards, her body turned sideways, getting closer and closer, as if to make it easier for him.

Seeing Yoko cooperate so much, the smile on Mori Kogoro's face grew wider, and he immediately enjoyed it unceremoniously.

I have to say that the skin of girl idols is well maintained, tender and smooth!

And Xiaolan, who was in the auditorium of the studio, thought hard for a long time, and finally figured out what the dessert her father was talking about, and couldn't help but glared at her father on the screen.

And Sera Masumi, who was beside him, stared at the screen, feeling in his heart that Yoko and Nagara Haruka's blush was very beautiful, rosy and very eye-catching.

Sera Masumi plans to buy a blush of the same style to try after the show is finished.

The tomboy Sera would never have thought that this is not actually blush, but just real blush.

While the competition was in full swing, the three female dessert chefs worked very hard, and they became more motivated when they thought that they would be able to make desserts for Mori Kogoro to try and comment on later when they were promoted.

More than ten minutes passed, and the three desserts in the kitchen were finally ready.

The first round was given to the ten live audiences who voted after tasting. Yuanzi was very lucky to be selected to taste desserts.

At the end of the voting, a female pastry chef named Ryoko won.

Soon, the second round of competition began, and a large heavy box was lifted up by several staff members and placed in the center of the studio.

Chapter 0267 two women out of control

On the big screen, Yoko's starry eyes are foggy, and her jade neck is red, almost the same color as the ruby ​​on her chest.

She was leaning against the round table, as if she might fall down at any moment.

But the audience in the studio didn't notice, their eyes were all attracted by the fruit treasure box.

Under the round table, Yoko's small hand couldn't help pushing Kogoro Mori's big hand.

At first, this girl thought that he just wanted to take advantage of it, but who knew that he would go too far later.

At this time, at the show scene in the studio, the producer Toruoka Toshihide held the key to the second purse lock and came forward to open the lock.

The two staff members on the left and right helped lift the treasure box up. Everyone present was staring at the treasure box, wondering what fruit was inside.

But seeing the things inside, the audience couldn't help being uproarious.

What followed were screams one after another.

On top of the piles of Australian red apples, a bald old man in a kimono was lying on it with blood stains on his head, motionless, dead.

All the viewers are very familiar with the old man, and that man is the planner of this show, Mr. Masatoku Takeki, a dessert gourmet.

Seeing this scene, Jian Qixiu couldn't help but fell to the ground.

Conan and Sera Masumi in the auditorium immediately ran to the stage.

Nagara Haruka and Yoko who were at the second scene heard the screams and were taken aback. They thought they had been discovered. See the general day.

The two women who came back to their senses suddenly felt extremely ashamed, but they couldn't help turning their heads to look at the live broadcast on the screen to observe the reaction of the audience in the studio.

However, the live broadcast screen was in a mess, and it didn't seem to be related to this side.

Seeing this, the two women breathed a sigh of relief.

Because only the back of the fruit treasure box can be seen from the perspective of the screen, and the director of the console was frightened, so he did not switch the camera.

So none of the three people at the second scene saw what happened.

Mori Kogoro asked quickly: "Mr. Jianqi, what happened?"

"Detective Maori, come here quickly, Mr. Takeki was attacked and killed, and was stuffed into this fruit box."

Mori Kogoro immediately spoke to preside over the overall situation: "All audience and staff, stay where you are, don't make noise, and don't leave without authorization."

"Now there is a murder case, and I am present, so let me take command temporarily."

"Mr. Jianqi, call the police immediately, and I will go there now."

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