Mori Kogoro's words seem to have the power to soothe people's hearts.

Soon, the auditorium, which was still noisy just now, fell silent, and everyone cooperated obediently.

And Kogoro Mori in the round table room got up directly and walked towards the studio.

The two women wanted to keep up, but they had more than enough energy.

Because it was reported by the TV station, the police were dispatched very quickly.

In less than five minutes, police officer Megure soon led the team to appear.

As soon as he saw Kogoro Mori, Police Officer Mumu couldn't help but complain, "Brother Maoli, why are you in another case?"

"We have just finished the black chain of human trafficking involved in the case in the early hours of last night, and now there is another accident. Brother Maori, you are not looking for work for us, are you?"

Police officer Mu Mu, who has always been hardworking and hard-working, is also quite critical this time.

Who said it wasn't, I slept soundly at home last night, and immediately called the police as soon as I made a phone call.

Driving on the muddy land, I finally arrived at the villa in the northern suburbs.

After returning, he immediately joined the special crime team of the Matsumoto Police Department, sorted out the evidence in the USB flash drive, and then arrested the criminal company controlled by Su Fang Hongzi and the orphanage that cultivated male prostitutes.

Police officer Mumu has been so busy that he hasn't closed his eyes and hasn't eaten any food.

Just now everyone was arrested, and after returning to the police station to drink a cup of hot water, another phone call came, and they started running around again. Who can resist this?

And while Police Officer Megure was working hard, Mori Kogoro was happy all day long.

Now he comes to participate in TV programs with a happy face, looking glamorous and handsome.

And police officer Mumu is wearing a chicken nest.

There is no harm if there is no comparison, and the harm will be greatly reduced when there is a comparison!

Hearing Officer Megure's words, Mori Kogoro frowned, and said directly: "It seems that Officer Megure doesn't need my help this time?"

The old fat man's face changed immediately, and he showed a flattering smile like a changed face: "Of course not, I didn't mean that, just now I made a slip of the tongue, I made a slip of the tongue, I apologize, I apologize, brother Maori, what did you find?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Then you have to ask how many people have touched this treasure chest first, and you haven't even identified the suspect, so you can't tell now if you find it."

"Oh, yes, yes, you see, I am so busy."

After finishing speaking, Officer Megure sent Officer Chiba to start questioning.

After a pass of inquiry, there are a total of three people who have the opportunity to touch this treasure chest.

The first one is Kasuga Temple Fumi, the gourmet who is responsible for putting the first lock on the treasure chest;

The second is Jiang Gudu, the staff member sent by the producer to put the second lock on the treasure chest;

The third is the producer Taruoka Liying who is in charge of the second key of the treasure chest.

All three of these people have touched the treasure chest alone, and the others have been accompanied by others, so the suspicion is slightly less.

And this fruit-filled chest only appears in two places.

One is the home of gourmet Kasugaji Fumi, who filled the Australian red apples with his own hands.

The other is in the warehouse of the TV station. When the locks are changed and before the show starts, the boxes are stored in this warehouse.

As for the deceased, yesterday he visited Kasuga Temple Wen's home and said that he must find out the person who leaked the secret.

Hearing what gourmet Kasuga Temple Fumi said, Conan couldn't help becoming suspicious: "Mr. Kasuga, according to the program setting, aren't you not allowed to appear on the show?"

"But why are you staying here today? Could it be because of the murderer's habit of staying at the scene of the crime after killing?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but looked at Kasuga Temple Bun suspiciously.

The gourmet waved his hands again and again: "That's not the case, Mr. Wu Mu called me today, saying that he had found a way to find out the leaker, and told me to come to the TV station to watch and see how he made the leaker apologize. Yes, that's why I came here."

"I have communication records to prove it." Saying this, Kasuga Temple Wen turned out the phone.

In the afternoon, there is indeed a communication record between him and Takeki Masatoku

Chapter 0268 nonsense, my father is not happy


Xiaolan couldn't help but said: "It seems that Ms. Nagara really got it. She just said that something bad might happen tonight."

"If there is a case, the show will naturally have no way to go on, so there is no way to know which pastry chef will win. No wonder everything is blurred."

The same superstitious Yuanzi couldn't help but nodded: "This fortune teller is really accurate!"

I don't know what Yuanzi thought of, so he couldn't help but said: "Xiaolan, let's find this fortune teller to help us with divination sometime?"

Xiaolan was naturally very interested, so she quickly said, "I know where she lives, and I'll take you with me when I'm free."

Police officer Mumu couldn't help but interjected, "Is this Ms. Nagara you mentioned related to this murder case?"

Mori Kogoro smiled and explained: "Of course it doesn't matter, Officer Megure, have you forgotten? It's the female fortune teller who acted with me at the villa last night, Nagara Haruka!"

"She, like me, is a judge invited by the show today, and she just used tarot cards for divination in front of the audience at the second scene."

"It can only be said that her divination is very accurate."

Hearing this, Officer Mumu stopped paying attention.

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