At this time, Shiliang, who had been immersed in observing the scene, discovered something.

She pointed to the edge of the treasure box and said, "Look, there are bloodstains here, the bloodstains have been wiped by someone."

Police officer Mumu and Conan stepped forward to observe.

Mori Kogoro standing aside said, "This should be the blood shed by the dead."

"Judging from the shape of the bloodstain, it is possible that the murderer pushed the deceased down. The old man hit his head here and died instantly."

"It's also possible that he stepped on something and fell and bumped into it."

"From this point of view, the subjective viciousness is not so great, it is more like manslaughter."

"After all, the deceased was only investigating the leak of the gourmet show. When he was caught, he only demanded an apology. This level is not enough to kill someone."

"However, this behavior of hiding the corpse is very bad. In addition, it was seen by so many people on the scene of the show, which caused a great impact, and the crime was aggravated."

Hearing this, one of the three suspects trembled, and sweat broke out on the back of his neck.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Officer Megure, you can ask someone to ask the six-time champion dessert chef Li Chunxi, and ask him to tell him who has been leaking the fruits in the treasure chest to him."

"If he is willing to disclose, then the leaker must be extremely suspicious. After all, the deceased has been investigating him during his lifetime, and it is very likely that the deceased was killed by him."

The murderer's heart was lifted instantly.

Officer Mumu's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly ordered Officer Chiba to ask Li Chunxi next to him.

However, Li Chunxi firmly insisted that he did not cheat, so naturally he was unwilling to disclose any information.

Mori Kogoro then turned and said: "This is a TV station, and the surveillance equipment is complete. Let's check the surveillance first. We must first confirm whether Mr. Takeki entered the TV station and where he died."

Hearing his words, all the police officers present got up and started to turn to the monitoring room.

Mori Kogoro's words were more useful than the police officer Megure who led the team, and the audience below were stunned.Soon, Kogoro Mori and Officer Megure appeared in the monitoring room.

Following Mori Kogoro's instructions, the police operating the monitoring began to fast-forward from yesterday to the present. The monitoring at the warehouse door was discovered, and something was discovered soon.

First of all, at around [-]:[-] last night, the fruit treasure box brought from Kasuga Temple Wen's house was carried into the warehouse by three staff members of Rimai Radio Station, and the leader was Jiang Gudu.

After the three of them left from the gate, the dead man in a kimono appeared and sneaked into the warehouse.

He wanted to sit on the sidelines and wait for the leaker to arrive inside.

Then at eight o'clock last night, program producer Toruoka Taruoka entered the warehouse alone and stayed for about twenty minutes before leaving.

And at [-]:[-] last night, the staff member Jiang Gudu also entered the warehouse alone, and he stayed for more than [-] minutes before leaving.

Finally, around ten o'clock last night, gourmet Kasuga Temple Wenya entered the warehouse alone, and he also stayed for more than [-] minutes before leaving.

After that, no one entered the warehouse again.

This warehouse is completely sealed, and there is only this exit, which is clearly photographed by the camera.

After watching all the monitoring, Mori Kogoro immediately understood.

Conan the Little Devil couldn't help but said: "Uncle, this warehouse is the scene of the crime, maybe there are clues over there, let's go over there and have a look."

Conan's suggestion is only in exchange for Mori Kogoro's chestnut chestnut.

"Conan, it's an adult's job to handle the case, so there's no need to talk nonsense like that, do you understand?"

Police officer Mu Mu looked distressed: "These three people have all entered the warehouse, and they stayed for a long time."

"That is to say, all three of them are suspected of committing the crime. It's difficult, difficult!"

Mori Kogoro lifted Police Officer Megure's yellow hat directly: "Don't make it difficult, I know who the murderer is, let's go back to the studio."

Police officer Mu Mu received the yellow hat that fell with joy, and hurriedly followed: "Brother Maoli, is what you said true?"

Officer Mumu is naturally very happy to call it a day.

And Conan frowned again: Damn, how did uncle solve the case so quickly.

The little ghost, who was a step behind, followed up with a displeased expression on his face.

And Shiliang looked like a little girl: "This is too powerful, the case will be solved, don't you even need to see the scene of the crime? This is too fast."

Yuanzi couldn't help chuckling: "Did you realize how powerful Uncle Mao Li is now? Let me tell you, I've seen anyone who is faster than this."

And Xiaolan, who was dazed beside her, only heard the second half of the sentence, and couldn't help retorting: "Nonsense, my father is not happy."

Hearing this, Yuanzi couldn't help but roll his eyes at Xiaolan speechlessly.

And Shiliang on the side couldn't help but said: "I always feel that Xiaolan is talking about very rude things."

Hearing what Shiliang said, Xiaolan's pretty face couldn't help turning red.

She just looked at Shiliang's side face, and suddenly many images flashed in her mind, which seemed to be the feeling of the beach and the sea, and she was stunned for a while.

In fact, when she saw Shiliang and Mary for the first time, she vaguely felt that she had seen them before, but she couldn't remember.

Chapter 0269

Afterwards, Yuanzi's eyes flashed with excitement, and he pulled Xiaolan forward.

She asked in a low voice: "Are you really unhappy? Didn't you say that men can only last more than ten minutes? How long has he been? How does it feel? Are you comfortable? Don't be shy, we are sisters, Share it, if you don’t tell me, I will know sooner or later.”

Facing Yuanzi who was playing hooligan again, Xiaolan's face turned red, and she couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Yuanzi's butt, mercilessly.

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