Yuanzi was pinched and jumped up, rubbing his buttocks and screaming, which attracted the attention of the policeman next to him.

And Shiliang, who followed behind, covered his forehead speechlessly: I always feel ashamed to walk with Yuanzi!

Soon, everyone returned to the studio, and the corpse had already been removed.

The audience hadn't left the stage yet, just now Police Officer Mu Mu was in a hurry and forgot to arrange for the audience to leave, so they were still waiting here.

Mori Kogoro gave some instructions to Police Officer Chiba, and Officer Chiba immediately ran towards the warehouse.

Police officer Mumu asked curiously: "Brother Maoli, what did you tell Chiba to do? Let's hear it."

Mori Kogoro didn't bother to pay attention to him, and turned to meet Yoko and Xiaoyao who appeared in the hall.

Both women went to the toilet to tidy up. At the moment, they were naturally graceful and their faces were bright and bright, but there was a little bit of youthfulness in their eyebrows and eyes.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared, the two women also came up to meet him, surrounding him from left to right.

Police officer Mu Mu couldn't help but envy Moori Kogoro, who has a strong peach blossom, after seeing it, and then looked at his own short figure, and felt extremely overwhelmed.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Okay, the audience is still there, and they will fall into my arms any closer."

"I've already figured out the case, you can just stand aside and listen later."

The two girls nodded obediently, dropped a few positions, and did not follow them to the stage.

When the audience below saw Mori Kogoro stepping onto the stage, they all got excited and looked forward to it.

Could it be that the great detective is about to start reasoning?

If it's a reasoning show, it's much better than a dessert show, and it's worth the ticket price.

Police Officer Megure and Kid Conan also climbed onto the stage, and the two of them naturally would not let go of the opportunity to show their faces.

Kogoro Mouri said directly: "I just finished watching the surveillance. Last night, a total of four people entered the warehouse on the second floor of the TV station."

"The first is the deceased Takegi Masatoku, the second is the producer Toruoka Taruoka, the third is the staff Fuguya Watari, and the fourth is the gourmet Kasuga Temple Fumi."

"Everyone went in alone, and then came out alone. The time was different from each other. Except for the deceased, all three of you came out."

"The first Mr. Takeki who went in died in the treasure chest for no apparent reason. Obviously, the murderer was among you."

Mori Kogoro picked up an apple from the treasure chest, gently threw it up and caught it.

Every time he received it firmly, but his sharp eyes were staring at the three suspects called by the police in front.

This look of scrutiny made the hearts of countless girls in the audience thump.

They stared obsessively at Kogoro Mori's profile, wishing that they were the one being examined.Seeing this, the director below quietly asked the photographer to turn on the camera, and began to capture the reasoning scenes.

The producer seemed intimidated by the big detective's aura, couldn't help but picked up a handkerchief to wipe his sweat, and quickly argued: "Detective Maori, I'm the producer of this show after all, so of course I have to make sure that the fruit box is locked. Just go inside and have a look, this is normal!"

"It will take more than twenty minutes to take a look?"

"Hehe, the warehouse is a bit big and there are too many sundries, so it's not so easy to find. Detective Maori, what are you doing in this battle? The influence of so many people is not very good. Let's find a room to handle the case?"

"This is not a firm producer, you are worried."

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at Jiang Gudu: "Tell me, Mr. Jiang Gu, you are a small worker, why do you have nothing to do in the warehouse?"

Jiang Gudu glanced at his boss, Toruoka Toruoka, in embarrassment, and then explained: "I went in to smoke. Smoking is not allowed in the TV station, and neither is the warehouse."

"But I know that there are usually no people going there, so I just ran there and hid for a while, which is considered lazy."

"I didn't kill anyone, trust me, Maori detective!"

And the gourmet Kasuga Temple Fumi next to him couldn't help but said: "Detective Mori, didn't you make it clear, the producer Mr. Taruoka must have done it."

"Mr. Taruoka is the one who keeps the second key here. No one but him can open the treasure chest and stuff Mr. Takeki into it."

The big fat producer suddenly became anxious, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief: "I am wronged, I am wronged, heaven and earth, I have kept the key to this purse lock in the bank safe, I definitely did not kill it."

"Detective Maori, you must make the decision for me!"

The producer's legs became weak, and he couldn't stand still, so he couldn't help asking for help from Mori Kogoro.

When the audience below heard this, they also nodded, thinking that the murderer was probably the producer.

"This producer doesn't look like a good person at first glance."

"I've seen him and Mr. Wu Mu have a big fight before, and there have been conflicts for a long time. I don't think it's strange for him to do it."

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "What about you, Mr. Kasuga, why are you going to the warehouse so late?"

The gourmet didn't dare to look at Mori Kogoro, and turned his head sideways: "I'm in a hurry, Mr. Takeki said that he would catch the leaker and invite me to come to the TV station, but he lost contact afterwards."

"I couldn't find him on the TV station. I searched and found the warehouse. I thought he was guarding the treasure box in the warehouse. Who knows, I still can't find him."

"I never imagined that he would be brutally stuffed into the box by the murderer. When I think of him being stuffed in the dark box, my heart aches."

"Mr. Takeki and I have been friends for many years, police officer, hurry up and bring this murderer to justice."

Speaking of which, Kasugajibun still squeezed a few tears out of his eyes, pointing at the producer and calling the police to arrest him, while Police Officer Megure had a hesitant expression on his face.

Producer Taruoka Liying felt a little exhausted, thinking that if he was caught, his life would be ruined.

He suddenly remembered something, and his eyes sparkled: "I'm not a murderer, don't wrong me."

"I remember, the bank has surveillance. I went to the bank today to take out the key accompanied by the manager. I didn't take the key at all last night, and I couldn't open the box. You have slandered the wrong person."

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