Taruoka Liying couldn't help laughing out loud, this feeling of being saved from a desperate situation is really refreshing.

But in this way, the three of them couldn't open the lock, and the case went back to the original point.

At this time, Kogoro Moori caught the apple, and glanced at the three of them contemptuously: "If I ask a question, you should answer honestly. Why waste so much talk? There are so many dramas!"

Chapter 0270 Dad, I'm waiting for you at home

Hearing this, the faces of the three of them were all stunned, and they resentfully didn't dare to play any more monsters.

At this time, police officer Chiba rushed over, and after taking the stage, he whispered a few times to Kogoro Mouri, and Kogoro Moori smiled.

He turned his head to look at Jian Qixiu, and asked, "Mr. Jian Qi, do you still remember the fixed lines when you opened the treasure chest?"

Jian Qixiu nodded in a daze, and said, "This overflowing fruit will eventually turn into a gluttonous feast."

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Then come and see now, is this box of fruit overflowing?"

Jian Qixiu then turned around and came to the box, and carefully looked at the fruits in the box.

Instead of reaching the visual effect of overflowing, it is slightly concave inward.

Jian Qixiu shook his head: "It feels much less than before."

And the gourmet Kasugaji Fumi who was in charge of packing these apples looked at the box, and asked in surprise, "What's going on, why are there so many fewer apples here than when I packed them at home?"

"Do you still need to ask? Of course they were all eaten by the murderer."

Mori Kogoro gently threw the apple back into the box.

"Because if you want to hide the corpse in the box, it will naturally take up a lot of space. There is no place to hide the replaced apples in the warehouse, so you can only choose to eat them all."

"There happened to be a juice extractor in the warehouse, and the murderer crushed these fruits into juice and drank them all into his stomach."

"But what you don't know is that the seeds of this Australian specialty apple contain extremely high levels of hydrocyanic acid, hundreds of times that of ordinary apples."

"To popularize science, it only takes more than two grams of hydrocyanic acid to cause shock and death. If more than ten apples are eaten together, the content in them is definitely excessive."

Hearing this, one of the three suspects turned blue instantly.

Mori Kogoro pointed his big hand directly at him: "Mr. Furuya, you are the murderer of this incident."

"From the moment I first saw you, I noticed that your face was terribly pale and you were hiccupping constantly. These are all signs of hydrogen cyanide poisoning."

Frightened eyes instantly appeared in Jiang Gudu's eyes, he pinched his neck and shouted: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

After saying this, he found a washbasin in the on-site kitchen and licked his own throat.

vomit! ! !

The sound of nausea continued, and the sour smell came out, and the audience below turned their faces sideways.

And Kogoro Mouri chuckled: "In this way, there will be evidence. After he vomits and collects his vomit to compare with this Australian specialty apple, I believe it will be matched soon. After all, this is very rare. fruit."

Police officer Mu Mu couldn't help asking: "Is that why we need to help call an ambulance and send him to the hospital for gastric lavage?"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and shook his head: "No need, I lied to him just now. He just ate too many apples and caused too much acid in his stomach, so he kept hiccupping."

"I just thought of a small way to get him to hand over the evidence."

Hearing this, Jiang Gudu, who was vomiting, couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking completely unbelievable.

Thanks to you, you are still a great detective, and thanks to my trust in your words, you are actually lying to me?

Jiang Gudu felt that he was extremely wronged, and looked at Mouri Kogoro with extremely complicated eyes.

Seeing his reaction, the audience below all reacted, and couldn't help applauding for Kogoro Mouri's response.

Jiang Gudu was instantly heartbroken.And the foodie Kasuga Temple Fumi beside him still couldn't believe it: "Detective Maori, how can you be sure that it was Furutani Watari who moved it? Isn't it really Taruoka Liying?"

Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Nonsense, both you and the producer entered the warehouse with legitimate reasons. You are looking for someone, and he is doing an inspection."

"But being able to talk about going in and smoking a cigarette is nothing more than a random excuse in a hurry."

"In fact, this kind of excuse is easy to debunk. You only need to adjust the monitoring back to the past month to see the actions of these two people."

"As long as you look through it, you will definitely find that the producer has gone in for a routine inspection before each program recording, and the person who said that the smoker did not enter the warehouse to smoke even once before, because I asked the Chiba police officer to check I can't even find a cigarette holder in it."

"As for how the box was opened, it can only be the hands and feet of the locker of the second purse lock, and this locker happened to be Jiang Gudu, so naturally he didn't run away."

"Actually, it's simple to do. You just go to the props team of the show to make a rubber hose of the same color, then put it on, insert it into the purse lock to pretend it's locked, but it's not locked at all."

"And when he said he was going to smoke, he actually went inside to peek at what fruit was in the box, so that he could reveal it to the so-called six-time champion, Mr. Li Chun, in order to earn a reward."

Li Chunxi next to him changed his face when he heard this, and was about to speak.

But he heard the sound of Jiang Gudu slapping the basin at the washbasin.

Everyone turned their heads, only to see Jiang Gudu covering his mouth and giving Moori Kogoro a thumbs up.

What Kogoro Mori said was right, even as a murderer, he was convinced by it.

Seeing this, Li Chunxi, the six-time champion, could only lower his head sadly.

But it was also because Wu Mu Zhengde's death last night was an accident.

The old man was so excited, he grabbed Jiang Gudu's hand and questioned him, accidentally stepped on an apple on the ground, and fell to the box before he died.

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