The guilt was not too great, so Jiang Gudu honestly admitted it.

And the audience at the bottom couldn't help but show admiration when Kogoro Mori handled the case like a cocoon.

The girls next to the stage also looked like little fans.

The case was solved, and Kogoro Mori stepped down from the stage.

There was no way to record the show, so he was going to go home.

At this time, Yoko took the lead and said: "~Xiao Lan, your father will lend me a while first, I have a request to ask your father, I will ask my assistant to help you back later!"

Nagara Haruka on the side couldn't help but frowned: "Damn it, I let her play first."

Nagara Haruka originally wanted to ask Mori Kogoro to go to his home, but the bad guy did something bad in front of the audience, which made him lose his composure. How could this matter pass so easily.

But now that Yoko spoke first, she was ashamed to speak.

Xiaolan couldn't help pursing her lips, and then said, "Since there is business to do, then go get busy, Dad."

Yuanzi on the side couldn't help but said: "No, you woman obviously has other plans for uncle, Xiaolan, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Shiliang next to him covered his mouth again.

And Xiaolan stepped forward and gently tidied up Kogoro Mori's suit skirt, and said softly, "Smelly dad, you have to go home immediately after you finish your work. Get home before eleven o'clock. I'll wait for you at home."

Hearing these warm and waxy words, Mori Kogoro's body felt a little numb.

Then she turned her head to look at Yoko, and said, "Don't bother the assistant, I can drive too, just give me the keys from Dad."

Mori Kogoro handed over the car keys to Xiaolan, and she pulled Sonoko and the others away.

Chapter 0271

After Xiaolan and the others left, Nagara Haruka leaned close to Mori Kogoro's ear, her pretty face getting closer and closer, breathing like Lan.

"Mori-kun, I also want to ask you for help, but since Miss Yoko invited you first, I'll wait until tomorrow."

As he said this, his fingernails lightly brushed against Kogoro Mori's arm, which was obviously provocative.

A bewitching color flashed in his blue eyes, making him look mysterious and seductive.

"I'll be waiting for you at home tomorrow, be sure to come."

After finishing speaking, the female fortune teller turned around neatly, with a graceful waist, which attracted Kogoro Mori's constant attention.

He is really a goblin, Mori Kogoro was so excited by this girl, he regretted why he didn't just get on the horse in the villa.

But soon he noticed that Yoko's face beside him was a bit ugly, and he quickly turned around and asked concerned: "Yoko, what is the commission you mentioned just now? Why didn't I hear you mention it before?"

Yoko smiled slightly: "Let's talk about it after we leave the TV station."

The two then took the elevator to the underground parking lot instead.

The elevator came to the underground parking lot, avoiding the eyes and ears of others, Yoko reached out and put his arms around Kogoro Mori's arm, and she also stuck to C, the touch was very wonderful.

She couldn't help complaining: "Xiao Wulang, you just went too far."

In fact, Yoko was still a little angry in her heart, and she couldn't help twisting Mouri Kogoro's arm with her little hands.

Naturally, this is not the slightest defense.

Mori Kogoro smirked: "But I think Yoko likes it very much. You took the initiative to cooperate at the beginning."

The girl idol's face flushed instantly: "Nonsense, I don't like it, it's obviously you who are playing tricks."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro began to quibble, and his voice instantly became gentle and extremely magnetic: "I'm not playing tricks, I just want to create some impressive memories for Yoko, so that Yoko will remember It's up to me."

The sexy voice instantly drilled into his heart along his ears, making his heart tremble.

Yoko couldn't resist the release of the uncle's charm at all, and was fooled away in an instant, and said softly: "Glib, I will let you go this time, and dare to do it next time, hehe,"

Speaking of this, she raised her fist to demonstrate to Mori Kogoro, but this appearance was more cute than threatening.

Mori Kogoro was not used to her at all, he pulled out his right hand from the softness, and grabbed the itchy flesh on Yoko's waist: "I will do this again next time, what do you want to do?"

But the girl idol couldn't stand it at all, she laughed and ran forward and fled.

She ran to a pink Beetle, turned around, her face was flushed, and she panted and threatened: "If you do this again, I will tell Liannai and let her punish you together."

And Mori Kogoro also smiled and chased after him, taking three steps and two steps, and soon came to Yoko.

His hands directly wrapped around Yoko's slender waist and lifted him up. Yoko immediately laughed and screamed.

"Okay, you, you have already learned how to rescue soldiers, but even Liannai can't save you."

Having said that, Kogoro Mori patted Yoko's buttocks with his big hands, the elasticity is great!

When he looked up, the lifted Yoko stopped smiling, but blushed slightly, and looked down with bright starry eyes.

Before Mori Kogoro could do anything more, Yoko hugged his head and kissed him.

The trembling pink lips touched the lips of Mori Kogoro.

He could accurately perceive the girl's mind, so this kiss was very sweet.

And Mori Kogoro exerted a little strength in holding Yoko's big hand, and his five fingers sank into his delicate body, as if he wanted to rub Yoko into his body.The two kissed passionately next to the Beetle for more than ten minutes. They hurriedly separated when they heard footsteps, and hurried into the car.

As soon as the Beetle started, it drove towards the exit.

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