Sitting in the passenger seat, Mori Kogoro admired Yoko's delicate face, while his big hands fell on the dress on her lap.

After touching it for a while, Yoko stretched out his hand and patted it off: "Don't mess around anymore, I just got my driver's license last month."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro sat up straight away.

This is a novice female driver, so she can't be messed with casually.

"Yoko, you can tell me about your commission now!"

Yoko chuckled immediately, her starry eyes blinked, full of playfulness and cuteness.

"My commission is to let you go on a date with me tonight. You owe me this, and you have to pay it back now."

"I thought it was something," Mori Kogoro chuckled, "Yoko, do you think I'll forget about it? You're underestimating me."

"I didn't expect someone to be so impatient. It's a pity that it's late at night, and the romantic date I carefully prepared for someone will be ruined like this."

"What do you mean?"

Mori Kogoro rubbed Yoko's head with his big hands, and said with a light smile, "Sing it for you."

He cleared his throat and unleashed his masterful singing skills.

A Japanese version of "Take You to Travel" came out from his clear voice.

"I want to take you to romantic Turkey,

Then go to Beijing and Paris together,


You like to have small emotions, like dark clouds on a sunny day,

Surprised by long hair and short knowledge, rich expressions are fascinating


Hearing this gentle singing voice, like the most beautiful voice in the world, Yoko's starry eyes lit up instantly.

Then she looked sideways at his gentle face, instantly attracting Yoko's gaze like a magnet.

And his little hands tapped the steering wheel lightly, feeling extremely pleasantly surprised.

She could hear the traces of love in this song, and she felt it was extremely sweet, and the corners of her mouth raised uncontrollably.

After a song, Yoko felt her ears were getting pregnant and her body was numb.

She couldn't restrain herself at all, and kissed him directly, without seeing that the big truck was about to rear-end her.

Kogoro Mori in the passenger seat had a drop of sweat behind his ear. Women are really emotional animals, and this novice female driver is really scary.

Fortunately, his master-level driving skills are not fake, so he was distracted, responding to the excited Yoko while controlling the steering wheel to avoid.

Yoko quickly remembered that she was driving, and quickly pushed Kogoro Mori away, and then manipulated the steering wheel again.

"Hmph, I can make people happy, go on a date abroad, these places are not on the way, it's not like I haven't been there before."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and rubbed Yoko's head: "But I really have a way to take you to all these places in one day, but the impetuous Yoko can't help it for a quarter of an hour."

In fact, Mori Kogoro originally planned to compensate Yoko for this kind of romantic date. Using the big diversion talisman, he went to Antarctica to see penguins, went surfing in Sydney, and went skiing in the Alps. It must be very interesting.

Chapter 0272 Kogoro, I love you to death


Although Yoko was very moved, she turned around and said, "Actually, it's not like I haven't been to foreign countries. When the group was first established, we traveled all over the world to gain popularity, held concerts in many places, and visited many places."

"Although these places are quite beautiful, those who are not familiar with the place, do not understand the language, and a few girls are more uneasy."

"So if I'm asked to travel abroad, I might as well stay in China and find a lively place to play."

Yoko's eyes fell on the bustling pedestrian streets that passed by, and the color of reminiscence appeared in her eyes.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been out shopping for many years. I debuted at the age of sixteen, and now I'm twenty-two. It's been six years."

"Every time I come out, there are many people around me asking for my autograph. Only when I become a star do I know that I will lose a lot of things."

"Speaking of which, Senior Xizi is very cool. I heard from her that although she won an Oscar, she would not be recognized on the street at all. Her makeup skills should be learned in Hollywood. They are very good. Ordinary people can't tell the difference, but I really envy her."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "It turns out that Yoko has such troubles. Simple, I will satisfy you now. Just stop the car in any street you want to go shopping, and keep it so that no one will recognize you."

Yoko looked at Mori Kogoro with a look of surprise.

"Why, don't you trust me, the great detective?"

Looking at the confident Kogoro Mori, Yoko stepped on the brakes, and the car immediately stopped outside a bustling food street.

Kogoro Mori took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on on Yoko, then smiled lightly and said, "Okay, let's get out of the car, no one will recognize you now."

Yoko immediately looked disbelieving, looked through the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but let out a voice of exclamation: "Hiss!"

Wearing this pair of non-prescription glasses, the small face is really hard to see clearly, and the lenses are somewhat reflective.

This is the black technology material of Kogoro Mori's Kuroba family.

Kuroba Kaito's monocular lens is also made of this material.

Once worn, it can reflect light. Using the principle of light and shadow, the refracted light will distort the outline of the cheeks, and most of them will fall into the shadow.

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