"So I practiced hard, practiced hard, thinking about debuting as a star and escaping from this ghost place."

"But after I really left, I felt empty in my heart. I often dreamed of returning to this practice room. I dreamed that I, Sister Xue and Sister Hui were tired from practicing, and we ran down the streets together to find food."

"Actually, this place is also very good, but I don't know why I hated it so much when I was a child..."

At this time, Mori Kogoro didn't say much, but stretched out his arms behind him and gently hugged Yoko.

He knows that he only needs to be a listener, listening to the little things of this girl idol.

Yoko turned her body to one side, found a comfortable position, leaned her little head on Kogoro Mori's chest, and talked about many childhood memories.

Hearing the joy, Mori Kogoro laughed along;

Hearing the sad news, his big hand gently stroked Yoko's little head, comforting her.

It is precisely because of this that Mori Kogoro also understands many difficulties of Yoko, and there is more pity in his eyes.

At the end, Yoko couldn't help but turned sideways, took off her glasses, revealed a delicate pretty face, and stared at her with bright starry eyes.

"Xiao Goro, do you think I'm annoying because I've said so much?"

Mori Kogoro smiled warmly: "No, I just want to listen to Yoko's life carefully and engrave it in my heart."

Yoko couldn't resist the uncle's love words.

She took the initiative to come over and pecked Kogoro Mouri, and then dragged him to the small stage.

"Then let me show you my debut dance song."

"Let me help you with the music, it's "Dandelion"!"

Yoko's eyes lit up again: "How do you know it's Dandelion? It's not an old fan who doesn't know this song."

"Oh, I remember. When I first met you, you still had a poster of me at home. You are my fan, right? You didn't even admit it when I asked you."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "So it's a great honor for a little fan like me to be favored by a big star like Yoko!"

Yoko couldn't help but roll his eyes at Mori Kogoro, all of them looked charming.

She took off her high heels and stepped on the stage with bare feet.

Mori Kogoro sang along at the bottom.

"There are traces of us among the flowers;

Butterflies fly over and weave bright smiles;

The cotton wool floats gently across the sky;


Outlining the rainbow, gorgeous haze;

In the sky of white clouds, blossoming dreams fly by;


Our love is like a dandelion;

blown by the wind to the sky and down to the earth;

At last it will bloom,

Dandelions everywhere! "

Yoko dances gracefully, and her starry eyes are full of affection.Mori Kogoro also had a smile on his face, beating the beat gently with his big hands.

And when he sang the ending line "In the end, the dandelions will bloom all over the sky!", Yoko did not make the ending-pose as he remembered.

Instead, Ruyan ran into Moli Kogoro's arms like throwing himself into the forest, and pushed him to the floor.

The two looked at each other, so there was no need to say much at this time.

Mori Kogoro kissed Yoko's pink lips directly, showing a master-level kissing technique. It was sweet and tasted like the strawberry sundae he just ate.

And his big hand landed on Yoko's soft body, and began to swim slowly.

Yoko's small face gradually became flushed, and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

She quickly turned over and fell to the bottom, her long brown hair scattered on the floor.

Mori Kogoro reached out his hand to untie his emerald green headband, and then the hand slid down his small face, and then got into his skirt along the track of the ruby.

Yoko looked at Mori Kogoro with fiery eyes, with a smile in her eyes, which seemed to be full of encouragement.

The beauty is deeply affectionate, how could Kogoro Mori bear to let her down.

Not long after, a moving song sounded from the training room.

(Many, many words omitted here!)

On the other side, at Maori's house, Sonoko followed Xiaolan back here.

Yuanzi thought about spending the night at Xiaolan's house tonight, secretly attacking his uncle in the middle of the night, so he didn't go home.

Seeing this, Shiliang proposed to have a girlfriends night and watch horror movies together.

This idea was naturally approved by Yuanzi, so Shiliang ran to the kitchen and started preparing fruit snacks for watching a movie, while Yuanzi sneaked into Xiaolan's room.

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