Xiaolan in the room was changing clothes, just took off her jeans and T-shirt, showing her explosive figure.

She was about to put on a casual home gauze skirt when she was startled by the garden that came in.

"Really, Yuanzi, don't you even knock when you come in?"

"What's the matter, I haven't seen it."

Saying this, the rogue-like Yuanzi came forward and patted Xiaolan's plump buttocks lightly, and couldn't help but enviously said: "Xiaolan, your figure is getting better and better, and your buttocks are getting bigger and bigger. Is it moisturised?"

Xiaolan had nothing to do with this girlfriend, so she quickly put on the gauze skirt.

And Yuanzi lay down on the bed directly, and started to ask again: "You didn't tell me on the TV station just now, how long can it last? How long? How big? Is it comfortable to do it..."

Xiaolan panicked instantly, and only then did she realize that the room was monitored by her mother.

And Yuanzi knew about it, if she leaked something, it would be miserable.

So she jumped on Yuanzi like a hungry tiger, covered his small mouth, and patted Yuanzi's buttocks with her big hand: "If you talk nonsense, I can't beat you to death!"

This scene reminded Yuanzi of the last time Xiaolan raped him. His buttocks were also slapped violently, and the rear of his buttocks were swollen.

But soon she thought of something again, and said meanly: "Lan, why don't you spank my ass again when your father comes back!"

Sonoko remembered the scene of Mori Kogoro giving him a therapeutic massage after his butt was swollen last time, with his fiery hands promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

The taste was so wonderful, Yuanzi had dreamed about it many times when he came back from his dream at midnight, and every time he dreamed about it, he would have to get up to change the little underwear.

Xiaolan was speechless to Yuanzi immediately, her eyes almost rolled to the sky.

She dragged Yuanzi directly to the living room: "If my mother knows that you are always playing tricks on my father, see if she doesn't teach you a lesson."

"Xiao Lan, you are so kind to me, you will definitely help me keep a secret, besides, I am not afraid of your mother."

Chapter 0274

At this moment, Yuanzi naturally dared to boast about anything.

How did she know that all her words and deeds were watched by Fei Yingli on the bed in the suite next door, and a sneer sneered at the corner of Yingli's mouth.

【That's great, Sonoko, you're not afraid of me, are you?

I didn't expect this little kid to grow up, and even want to seduce my man, it's really good!

Hey, no, Sonoko is Tomoko's daughter, if she really succeeds, Kogoro won't be able to take both mother and daughter! 】

Thinking of 'Mother and Daughter', Eri's body trembled slightly, sweating profusely.

[No, it seems that I learned that I will meet Tomoko. 】

At this time, Yuanzi, who was walking towards the sofa, shivered suddenly, and felt a bit of chill.

But what makes Eri more concerned is what Sonoko just said, which clearly means that her daughter already has a boyfriend, and she has had negative distance contact with her boyfriend.

But according to Yingli's understanding, Xiaolan didn't get close to any boy.

Moreover, she had peeked at her daughter's cell phone before, and the most recent call with Kudo Shinichi was a few months ago.

In other words, it wasn't Kudo, either.

And my daughter came home as soon as school was over, and she didn't go out to play with anyone on weekdays. She was just very clingy to Kogoro, and often went to solve cases with him.

Like last night, what is there to do in a villa in the wilderness?

Thinking of this, Eri became more and more suspicious, and frowned, as if she had an ominous premonition.

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and Yukiko, who was wearing shorts and showing her long legs, walked in with a smile on her face: "Eri, I made a cake, do you want to try it?"

Eri immediately tried to turn off the surveillance camera in a panic, but was spotted by Yukiko who saw it.

"Hey, what are you doing, isn't this Xiaolan's room?"

"You're spying on your own daughter, Eri, aren't you too perverted?"

Yingli naturally refused to admit it, shook his head and argued, "No way, you read it wrong, no."

"The walls of Xiaolan's room are the most special. How could I be mistaken? Tsk tsk tsk, barrister Tangtangfei, who knows how to break the law and violates her daughter's right to privacy."

"Hmph, wait for Kogoro to come back and see what I tell him."

Yingli stood up anxiously: "No, you can't tell him."

"Why?" Seeing her such an extreme reaction, You Xizi's eyes became even more suspicious, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Could it be that there is something hidden, I'll count it out."

Saying this, Yukiko smirked and pushed Eri back on the bed, sat on her waist, and put her small hands on it.

"Wow, it's really big. No wonder that guy likes it so much. Tell me quickly, or I'll catch them." At this moment, You Xizi's eyes were full of pranks and threats.

Naturally, Eri didn't dare to speak out about her deepest doubts.

If you really made a mistake and Zhang Fengzhuying made a big oolong, then it would be a bad thing.

But right now, this best friend of mine is unwilling to let it go.

Yingxiang thought about it, and then turned to tell Youxizi some exact information, that is, her daughter plotted against her.

Hearing Yingli's opening, Youxizi's eyes were full of gossip fire, she let go and turned over, and couldn't help asking: "Eri, you won't frame me, right? How could a girl as pure as Xiaolan have such a thing?" Oedipus plot?"

Eri immediately rolled her eyes: "Do you think I would joke about these things? If Xiaolan didn't do more and more things to me, I wouldn't have noticed it myself." Hearing this, You Xizi couldn't help gloating She laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten up on the bed, she still thought it was too weird.

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