Eri immediately patted Yukiko's buttocks with her small hand: "You don't believe me?"

"Goose Goose, it's not that I don't believe you," Yukiko laughed and stroked Yingli's little face, "It's just that our family's Yingli is really a beauty, and even her own daughter is fascinated, which is too powerful."

"Screw you!"

"Tell me, tell me, what else did Xiaolan do to you?" You Xizi, who was gossiping, asked again.

Yingli didn't care about the embarrassment anymore, so she told her best friend what had been in her heart for a long time.

Immediately, Yuxiko's gasping sound continued to be heard in the room.

"Hey, Xiaolan really said that? This is too flirtatious!"

"What, did you do that to you? It's too bold!"

"Young people nowadays, they don't understand, they don't understand!"

After listening, You Xizi put her chin on her head pretending to be contemplative: "In other words, you suspect that your daughter is gay and has an Oedipus plot, so you secretly installed a camera to monitor her? Did you tell Kogoro about this? "

"Of course I said it. It's all the fault of that bad guy. If he had done a good job in sex education for his daughter, he wouldn't be what he is now."

Hearing this, You Xizi frowned, always feeling that this sentence was a bit strange, as if it contained some evil meaning.

"Then I can't help you. You should digest such a complicated problem internally!"

"Tch, Yukiko who has no loyalty, go and eat your cake!"

Eri kicked Yukiko's ass, and Yukiko left in a hurry, not forgetting to close the door, leaving Eri alone on the bed, sighing.

On the other side, the lights in the training room were turned off, and it was pitch black, and people outside could not see what was going on inside.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, a pair of small hands are tightly clenched on the railing, and the small hands are full of sweat, while his right leg is directly raised, and his jade foot is stepping on the railing, as if he is stretching.

The girl idol's jade-like body was sweating countless times, and her body was flushed with a touching blush. Countless heat was released from her body, which was no different from the appearance of sweating profusely from excessive training in the past.

With brown hair touching her forehead, Yoko smiled slightly and sang graceful notes from time to time.

Her starry eyes looked at the food street outside, the countless neon lights in the pedestrian street, and the lights of thousands of houses, and her eyes were filled with tears of emotion.

It's great to be able to go back to the place where I was a trainee, to go back to the original starting point and entrust everything to me!

At this moment, Yoko seemed to hear the explosion sound in her ears, and the sound was continuous. She couldn't help but narrowed her eyes, and tears ran across her hot little face instantly.

Through her slightly narrowed eyes, Yoko saw the fireworks blooming in the dark night sky, and the fireworks seemed to bloom in her heart, making her body bow like a jade bow, trembling uncontrollably!

so beautiful!

I really want to watch the fireworks bloom all the time. It would be great if it was like the sun never setting!

As if hearing her voice, the fireworks outside the window did not stop, and they were constantly projected into the sea of ​​her heart, one after another, the blooming fireworks became bigger and bigger!

A bewitching smile appeared on the corner of Yoko's mouth!

Chapter 0275 take good care of Yoko

Mori Kogoro caressed the curve of Yoko's waist with his big hands. He really deserves to be a girl idol who can sing and dance well. This small waist is like a small motor, full of elasticity, and one can feel the infinite vitality contained in it.

He smirked and said, "Yoko, isn't it rude for me, a little fan, to do such a thing to your idol?"

Yoko's beautiful eyes with a flushed face turned to Kogoro Mori's eyes, and those eyes were also full of cuteness and cuteness.

As soon as she hugged Mori Kogoro, she bit her silver teeth on his shoulder without hesitation.

Then Mi Nuo's soft voice came out: "I'm rude, I'm so rude."

"So I punish you not to speak again from now on."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro picked up Yoko with one hand and gnawed on it.

On the other hand, Yoko's legs were clamped around his waist, hanging tightly like a koala.

Mori Kogoro twirled with Yoko in his arms, dancing a waltz gracefully in this training room, but he was the only one paddling his steps.

As for Yoko who was hanging on her body, she was soon dizzy and spinning, her head was leaning on Mori Kogoro's right shoulder, panting heavily, and only had the strength to exhale.

After about an hour or so, the dance music and movement stopped.

Yoko was dripping with sweat, obviously unable to keep company any longer.

Mori Kogoro smirked, and patted Yoko's pretty face with his big hand, trying to bring him back to his senses.

But this girl has already fallen behind, she can't keep up with her rhythm at all, and she doesn't know where her soul is lost.

He began to tease Yoko: "Yoko, are you really a girl idol? This is not enough? It's too useless!"

"It's all your fault, Kogoro, that you are too powerful."

When he said this, Yoko's eyes were full of sincere surrender and admiration, which really made Mori Kogoro feel very comfortable.

He didn't mind Yoko who was sweating all over, so he sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his arms around the girl idol, continuing to enjoy the fireworks outside the window.

The fireworks were naturally arranged by him. In Japan, the rich can really do whatever they want.

The two snuggled together, drank beer, and ate cold food, still feeling very sweet.

Lying in his arms, Yoko looked out the window with dazed eyes, and couldn't help but say, "Xiao Goro, today is really the happiest day in my life."

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