On the other hand, Eri was obviously very satisfied with this ending.

At this time, Shiliang Zhenchun said: "Uncle, do you have time to guide me about the case I asked you for advice before?"

Mori Kogoro naturally knew what Sera wanted to ask, and he had promised her before, so he nodded and said, "Of course I have time, let's go, let's talk downstairs."

The two left the suite on the third floor and walked towards the suite on the first floor next door.

Seeing Mori Kogoro leave, Eri and Yukiko also turned and went back to their own room next door.

Huiyuan couldn't help asking: "Xiaolan, what's the matter with you? You were too bold just now, you said in front of your mother that you want to sleep with your father?"

"Hush!" Xiaolan glanced at the closed door, then picked up little loli Huiyuan and ran to her room.

"You don't know, my mother has installed surveillance cameras in my room, and she has already begun to suspect."

Little Lolita immediately had a look of astonishment on her face: "No way, when did it happen?"

"Just this afternoon, I found that my room was tampered with. Later, my father checked it for me and said that there are three surveillance cameras in my room."

"That is to say, if there is no reason in the future, I can only rest in my own room, so as not to be noticed by my mother."

Hearing this, Hui Yuan's little face immediately lit up with joy.

In this way, wouldn't he be able to monopolize Uncle Maori?

Seeing Huiyuan's expression, Xiaolan naturally knew what her plan was, and couldn't help but smacked little Lolita on the head: "Xiao Ai, don't think I don't know what you're thinking!"

Little Lolita laughed lightly: "Don't worry, Xiao Lan, I'll just let me take care of Uncle. You should act well and don't let your mother see the flaws."

But after saying this, Huiyuan turned around and rummaged through his room, fearing that surveillance cameras would also be installed.

Little Loli didn't say anything, but she was still a little scared of Yingli in her heart.

Chapter 0278 Xiaolan's snake venom strikes again

And at the door of the suite on the first floor next door, Kogoro Mori opened the door with a key, and the layout inside was exactly the same as the one upstairs.

Shiliang followed into the room, sat on the sofa in the living room, and watched Mori Kogoro making tea in a smooth manner, but there was a little hesitation on his small face, and he didn't know how to speak.

Soon, the fragrance of tea was overflowing, and Mori Kogoro handed the tea brewed from Wuyishan special offering to Shiliang.

Shiliang took a sip, his blue eyes lit up instantly, and couldn't help exclaiming: "It smells so good!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Shiliang, didn't you say you wanted to tell me about Mary?"

Shi Liang put down the teacup, and couldn't help but said: "Uncle Mao Li, I heard the voices of you and my sister in the bathroom the night before yesterday, are you doing something h?"

Mori Kogoro, who was drinking tea, choked instantly, couldn't help coughing, and picked up a tissue to wipe his mouth.

This girl is too direct, it's really unbearable to go straight to the point.

Mori Kogoro saw that Sera was staring at him seriously, and his body was tense, making a faint attacking gesture, and he couldn't help but feel a little headache.

But there is nothing to hide.

Mori Kogoro nodded: "That's true, but I didn't force her, Mary is very good, she likes it very much, and she is very cooperative."

Hearing Mori Kogoro really admitted, Sera's pupils shrank sharply.

For some reason, she was so angry that she couldn't help but patted the table and stood up: "Uncle Mao Li, how could you do this, my sister is still so young, how could you attack her!"

"I really misunderstood you. You shouldn't have been allowed to treat my sister in the first place."

Mori Kogoro chuckled instead: "It's rude to talk to elders like this."

"You keep saying that Mary is your sister, so can you tell me how old she is?"

Shiliang couldn't help but said: "She, she is thirteen, no, twelve years old!"

Mori Kogoro frowned: "You still want to hide it from me. I can't do anything to the young girl. In fact, Mary told me that she is your mother. She just ate APTX and her body shrunk. "

"So, as a junior, naturally he is not qualified to take care of the affairs of us elders, right?"

Hearing this, Shiliang immediately sat back resentfully, lowered his head and took a sip of tea: "You know all about it?"

"Nonsense, I knew it from the first time I met Mary."

"The maturity that is different from ordinary people, the fierce skill, the deliberate disguise, especially the reaction during the treatment, does not look like a child at all, and I am not an idiot, so naturally I will know soon."

"Besides, this matter is Mary's own choice, and Xiao Shiliang should respect it."

Shiliang immediately shook his head: "But, but she is my mother. My mother has to get the consent of her children to choose a partner. Besides, doesn't uncle already have Aunt Yingli? How can this be?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Even though I already have Eri, I didn't deliberately hide it. Your mother naturally accepted it, so there will be no problem."

"As for the consent of your children, Shiliang, I really can't understand that you, who are half of the blood of the Eagle Kingdom, would say something like this. Some emotions cannot be suppressed. Human beings are born free, and emotions should be like this. Love is just between two people. Things should not be swayed by foreign objects, and I will never allow them to be swayed by foreign objects.”

"Shiliang, although uncle hopes to get your blessing, but even without your blessing, I will never let anyone shake the established fact that Mary is with me. You should understand my determination."

Hearing this, Shiliang's expression was stunned, as if countless thoughts were colliding in his mind.Mori Kogoro didn't say much, and continued to make tea and drink it.

After a long time, Shiliang's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if he had figured out something, his brows gradually opened.

There was a smile on the corner of Xiao Shiliang's mouth, and the little tiger teeth showed: "Uncle Mao Li is right, some emotions cannot be suppressed, and love is so pure that it only concerns two people. I thought it was wrong."

For some reason, Mori Kogoro felt that Sera's smile had something special, it seemed that there was something special about it.

"Okay, I will ask my mother again when I go back. If you find out that it was you, uncle, who forced her, then you will die."

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