"Tonight's conversation is a secret between us. No one is allowed to speak out. Whoever speaks out is a puppy."

After saying that, Shiliang turned around and ran out of the suite, and went upstairs.

Mori Kogoro was a little confused, but he didn't think too much about it, so he also headed towards his home.

When I returned to my home on the third floor, little loli Huiyuan was taking a shower in the bathroom, and Xiaolan greeted her, and couldn't help but ask, "Dad, what are you and Shiliang talking about?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Shiliang asked me about several cases before, and she couldn't think of a breakthrough, so she just asked me to help guide her."

"I didn't expect her to be so diligent about the case."

Xiaolan reached out and put her arms around Kogoro Mori's arm, and pulled him towards the kitchen.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Xiaolan, don't pretend now, your frightened expression just now was hidden from even your mother!"

"Nonsense, I was really scared just now. It was disgusting and scary. I will never watch Thai horror movies again."

Saying this, Xiaolan's little hand pinched Mouri Kogoro's waist, and spun around vigorously. Mouri Kogoro's face changed drastically in pain, and he twitched: "Xiaolan, what are you doing?"

"Smelly dad, what was your favorite dessert that you said on the show before? How can it be considered a dessert? Besides, those words and adjectives were not mentioned in the show."

Mori Kogoro patted Xiaolan's little hand, and couldn't help but quibble, "But it's really the best thing Dad has ever eaten in his life, and he will never forget it!"

Xiaolan's small hands were loosened slightly, her pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help asking: "Really?"

"Of course!" Mori Kogoro replied decisively.

The corner of Xiaolan's mouth curled up, and she couldn't help but said softly: "Then, do you want to try the new dessert I 'made' again?"

Kogoro Mori turned his head and saw a row of cone-shaped piping bags on the kitchen cabinet. Some of them were filled with fresh cream, and some were filled with jams.

Maori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Since it's Xiaolan's wish, Dad must try it."

"It seems that the snake venom in my Xiaolan's body has exploded again!"

"I hate it!" Xiaolan's fist landed weakly on Mori Kogoro's chest.

Chapter 0279 Let Zhibao come out to apologize

Little Lolita came out of the shower, stepping on the floor with her bare feet, wiping her wet hair with a towel in her hand, she seemed to be in a very good mood.

Not daring to hear some noises soon, she walked towards the kitchen.

Seeing this scene on the kitchen cabinet, little Lolita was completely stunned, her brows twitching uncontrollably.

Xiao Lan, who was licking the cherry jam ice cream hard, saw Hui Yuan, and licked a few more mouthfuls with nostalgia, then took it away and said hello to Xiao Luoli: "Xiao Ai, have you finished your bath?"

Saying this, Xiaolan Xiaofan rolled her tongue and swallowed all the purple jam on her lips.

Little Loli couldn't help but burst out: "Hey, don't you two think dirty? How can this be?"

Xiaolan smiled and explained: "Where is it dirty? This is my father's idea. Adding more jam will be delicious and sweet. Xiao Ai, why don't you try it!"

Mori Kogoro, who was concentrating on cream carving, nodded in agreement.

His face was so disfigured it was almost unrecognizable, covered in white cream and jams of every color.

No way, he has always been so wild.

Seeing Xiaolan's hands stained with jam, and the colorful Moori Kogoro, little Lolita's blood pressure couldn't stop rising, she couldn't stand it at all!

Huiyuan immediately opened his mouth and said frantically, "You two immediately wash it off for me."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said, "Xiao Ai can also try it!"


Little Loli raised her head, and the slightly red eyes of the soon-to-be-blackened little Loli shot straight at her. The two of them didn't say anything more immediately, and rushed towards the bathroom.

Xiaolan, who closed the bathroom door, couldn't help complaining: "Xiao Ai is getting more and more uncute, obviously she is the most sloppy person among us!"

But when she saw her father's colorful face, she couldn't help laughing, and she fell into his arms: "Dad, why do you look like this? You look like a big tabby cat!"

"It's not all your fault, why are you spreading so much butter and jam on the bread?"

Xiaolan retorted: "Who told you to lick it yourself, you'll be fine if you don't eat it."

Mori Kogoro was dumbfounded for a moment, then he simply rubbed the cream on his face onto Xiaolan's face, screaming immediately.

Xiaolan couldn't help but ran away, but Mouri Kogoro, who was chasing up, grabbed her waist and turned back.

The cream rubbed all over her face, and she instantly turned into a little tabby cat.

"Oh, don't be like this, damn it, dad is too annoying."

boom! boom! boom!

There was a knock on the door immediately, and the voice of the little loli Huiyuan came in: "You are still playing, hurry up and wash me up, or you will not be able to sleep tonight."

Hearing this, the two people in the bathroom stuck out their tongues in unison.

Xiaolan reached out to pick up the shower head on the side, turned on the hot water and said, "Dad, lie on the bathtub, and I'll help you wash off all the cream on your face."

Mori Kogoro naturally lay down obediently, and the hot water fell onto his cheeks along with his little hands.

He couldn't help muttering: "Lan, if you don't add some facial cleanser, it won't be clean."

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