Hearing this, Xiaolan patted him on the shoulder speechlessly, then took away the gold medal for avoiding death, and said, "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you." She took a bottle of facial cleanser from the sink and poured it When it came out, it began to rub until countless white foams were formed, and then it was attached to Kogoro Mori's cheek.

Mori Kogoro, who was lying on the edge of the bathtub, closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed his daughter's gentle service.

After more than [-] minutes, Kogoro Mori, who had regained his cleanliness, walked out of the bathroom, still handsome.

After waiting for her father to wash, Xiaolan stayed in the bath by herself and came out later.

The little loli Huihara looked at Uncle Maoli who had regained his handsomeness, and then nodded in satisfaction.

And Mori Kogoro went straight up, picked up the little loli Haibara, and then slapped her little buttocks directly: "Xiao Ai's temper is getting bigger and bigger, even uncle dare to shout? "

Huiyuan pretended to be innocent, put his short arms around his neck, blinked his big blue eyes and started to act cute, completely denying what happened just now.

Mori Kogoro laughed badly immediately: "It doesn't matter if Xiao Ai refuses to admit it, just let Zhibao come out and apologize later."

Hearing this, Haibara immediately leaned over and bit Moori Kogoro's ear.

"Big pervert, no, I don't take medicine!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Why not, uncle wants to do an experiment, but Xiao Ai has just washed the marrow of the I Ching, and all the impurities in the body have been discharged."

"If taking the antidote doesn't restore your body, it will be miserable. After that, won't Xiao Ai have to grow up from a child again?"

"Although uncle thinks it's okay, but I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it yourself, Xiao Ai!"

Hearing these words, Hui Yuan's expression changed drastically.

[If I can't get bigger, I'm missing a trait. Uncle won't dislike me with this flat body, right? 】

The worrying little Lolita was full of thoughts, completely unaware that Mori Kogoro was teasing her.

The detection function of the healing technique has already shown that Huiyuan's physical abnormality has not disappeared, which means that she can still temporarily recover by taking the antidote.

Little Lolita immediately said: "Uncle, let's go back to the room quickly, I want to try those antidotes."

At this time, Mori Kogoro seemed to be in a hurry, took a kettle and filled it with water, added some salt before entering the room.

It is natural to bring salt water in because you are worried about dehydration on the way to the ash.

I have witnessed it many times, and I sweat profusely every time. Kogoro Mori is considered experienced.

He put the little loli on the bed, and seeing her anxious look, he kissed her pink lips lightly, and patted her soft back with his big hands.

"Even if Xiao Ai really can't change back, uncle is still uncle, Xiao Ai is still Xiao Ai, uncle loves Xiao Ai, this will never change!"

Hearing this, Hui Yuan finally calmed down and smiled.

Then she obeyed Mori Kogoro and obediently let him take off his pajamas, revealing his jade-like white loli body.

After all, this pajamas is Huiyuan's favorite, and she doesn't want to be collapsed when she grows bigger.

Mori Kogoro inspected the little loli, and chuckled lightly: "I was a little fleshy before, but I lost some weight after washing the marrow in the I Ching in the morning. Now I am very beautiful, so I have to keep it up."

Hearing this compliment, Haibara turned her face shyly, then turned around and lay down obediently.

Mori Kogoro touched Haibara's small head, and soon began the experiment.

Chapter 0280

The experiment was going on in an orderly manner, and Kogoro Mori stroked Haibara's trembling little body with his big hands, as if trying to get her out of the nervous and worried mood.

But this is not something that can be eliminated by appeasement. Little Loli is worried that she will not be able to recover her body. Unless she really gets bigger, this negative emotion will not be eliminated.

His little white hand tightly clutched a temporary antidote, and the effect of the medicine was about four hours.

Mori Kogoro picked up the little loli whose back was facing him, and slowly turned her around.

Huiyuan's tender short legs couldn't help but hooked up, and his jade feet were curved, very beautiful.

In the end, Haibara sat in Kogoro Mouri's arms, and the two looked at each other.

Huiyuan's Xiaomeng's face was flushed with blush, her mouth was slightly open and she was panting heavily, her blue eyes stared at Kogoro Mori like a lake, filled with countless affections.

Little Lolita didn't know that these antidotes were made by Mori Kogoro with the materials exchanged by the system. There were no impurities or side effects at all. Human experiments were also done, and they were completely suitable for human consumption.

She always thought that every time she took this antidote, she would take a great risk, and since she hadn't done clinical trials, it might be life-threatening, and it was easy to accumulate drug resistance in her body.

But even with so many side effects, as long as Mori Kogoro wanted her to recover, she would obediently take the antidote.

This time too!

Little Loli tilted her head, and put the antidote in her hand into her mouth.

Mori Kogoro picked up the salt water prepared on the side, took a sip, then lowered his head, held the pink lips of little Lolita, and crossed the water.

With the salt water, Huiyuan swallowed the antidote, and his short hands tightly grabbed Moori Kogoro's waist.

Mori Kogoro could sense the fear in Haibara's heart, and his big hands also tightly wrapped around Little Lolita's soft back.

Soon, Mori Kogoro heard Haibara's heartbeat getting louder and louder, like a heavy drum.

The pores of Little Lolita's whole body were open, and the heat and sweat leaked out, raising the temperature of the whole room by a few points.

The familiar and then frightening change appeared, Kogoro Mori couldn't help squinting his eyes, and panting nervously.

The little girl who was hugging her tightly in her arms began to twitch, her arms began to stretch, and the little hands that could only hold her waist gradually moved to her back.

The short legs also began to grow longer. The short legs that could only be stepped on the bed grew longer. They couldn't help but bend their knees, and two long white legs appeared.

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