And one of them, Ma Pingchuan's breasts, also grew bigger, reaching the chest of Mori Kogoro.

Bai Jie's cute face also gradually matured, the slight baby fat on the cheeks disappeared, and turned into a melon-seeded face with a pointed chin, and instantly changed from a cute little lolita to a mature big sister.

Kogoro Mori has seen it many times, but he can't get enough of it every time. This feeling is really wonderful.

Holding the little loli in her arms, she grew up into a big beauty in an instant, which is simply fascinating and fascinated by it.

Huiyuan, who had taken the antidote and grown bigger, kept trembling and contracting, his whole body seemed to be steaming, drips of sweat hung on his beautiful face, and his blue eyes were charming but slightly blurred. She is so beautiful right now.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help showing a look of amazement in his eyes.

With his keen observation ability, there is still a difference between Shiho's body at this moment and the past.

Haibara went through a thunder infusion, and the I Ching washed his marrow, and all the impurities in his body were expelled. His body was as pure as a baby, and Shiho, who grew up from it, was also in the same state.As a result, Shiho's skin became whiter and smoother, his waist became slenderer, and the curves of his waist and hips were simply shocking.

And she also has abdominal muscles and mermaid lines, which are things that Shiho, who didn't like to move before, didn't have. It feels a little more elastic and feels great.

His little face is rosy and energetic, and his face is rosy. Compared with before, his complexion is much better, and his breath is more lingering.

The most important thing is that Shiho has upgraded her cup. With the eyes of Kogoro Mori's vicious old driver, it is natural to see that she has changed from a C cup to a D cup in an instant, which is incredible.

I didn't expect that the marrow washing of the Book of Changes has such a magical effect. Could it be that the fat has been transferred and reshaped into the perfect body now.

But Kogoro Mori was also very happy to see Shiho becoming healthier and more energetic.

"Water, water, water!"

Hearing this tender cry, Mori Kogoro immediately reached out to pick up the salt water and began to feed Shiho to drink.

After drinking two cups, Zhibao finally quenched his thirst, with a happy smile on his face.

Then Shiho also keenly noticed the abnormality of his body, so he began to observe his own skin, looking down at his body, completely ignoring Mori Kogoro in front of him.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but twitched his eyebrows. It was unforgivable that he was ignored.

His big hand directly patted Shiho's buttocks, causing him to let out a cry of pain.

Only then did Zhibao realize that he had left Kogoro in the cold, so he obediently leaned over and offered a sweet kiss.

Mori Kogoro performed his master-level kissing skills, followed by his offensive. Soon Shiho's body turned red, and his head began to feel dizzy again.

Mori Kogoro smirked: "Shiho, don't look at it, the effect of I Ching's marrow washing has also appeared on your current body. You will have the opportunity to see it in the future. Let's continue the experiment."

And Zhibao couldn't help panting: "Bad guy, the antidote is only effective for four hours, and the experiment doesn't know how long it will take. If I don't watch it now, won't I have a chance?"

"Well, I really can't do anything about you!"

Mori Kogoro reached out to support Shiho, hugged her and got up.

Panicked, Shiho's bare hands wrapped around Kogoro Mori's neck, her legs clamped around his waist, and she hung on Kogoro Mori like a koala.

Soon, Kogoro Moori brought this sister Yu to the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room, letting her see for herself.

Looking sideways at himself in the mirror, Zhibao couldn't help but beam with joy.

Soon she also noticed the change in herself, puffed out her chest, and then smiled triumphantly: "Big Nailan, it seems that I will catch up with you soon."

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Xiaolan walked in, wiping her hair with a towel. She was wearing blue shorts and a white vest, with a heavy chest.

"What is chasing me?"

Xiao Lan soon saw the situation in the room, and couldn't help but said: "What, Xiao Ai, you took medicine again, get off my father soon."

"You are too deceitful, your behavior is against the rules, hurry up and make me smaller..."

Dissatisfied, Xiaolan quickly stepped forward to stop the experiment, and there was a lot of screaming in the room, but the sound was completely absorbed by the soundproof wall and did not spread out.

Chapter 0281

The little angel quickly joined in and wanted to continue what he had just done on the kitchen cabinet!

But as soon as she approached, she was suppressed by Mori Kogoro with one hand, and she was pressed against the wall and could not move.

"Be good, just wait a while!"

This extensibility experiment is Shiho's first experiment after washing the marrow of the Book of Changes. Mori Kogoro really wants to know whether Shiho has improved.

In the past, Zhibao was suppressed to death by the little angel.

The little angel wrinkled her nose and waited patiently when Kogoro Mori said that.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhibao became provocative to the little angel, puffed up his chest and smiled lightly: "I won't lose this time."

Hearing this, the little angel narrowed her big eyes, and a ray of light flashed by, she chuckled lightly: "Since you are so confident, then I will help you."

Saying this, the little angel began to help.

She came behind Zhibao, leaned against her soft back, held the bend of his legs with both hands, exerted a strange force, and gradually pulled his long white legs into a straight line.

Zhibao has never exercised before, and he has never pulled a split horse.

After being helped in this way, she couldn't help crying out in pain, her eyebrows were furrowed, and her body trembled wildly.

She couldn't help exclaiming: "Ah, it's too despicable, stop it!"

The little angel smirked: "Persevere, after the pain has passed, you will feel comfortable later."

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