Zhibao was sweating all over again, he couldn't help but tilt his head back, and lay on Xiaolan's shoulder, almost rolling his eyes: "You will join forces to bully people!"

The little angel smiled complacently: "Who told you to foul first, now you know who is the older sister!"

Thanks to the little angel's help, this experiment was very violent.

The next day, at around eight o'clock in the morning on Thursday, the doorbell rang at the door of Yoko Okino's house, and the yawning Rena Minzumu stepped forward to open the door.

Lianai just woke up, her eyes are sleepy, her hair is still a little messy, and there are a few dull hairs intertwined.

She was wearing a long blue dress, and her graceful figure could not be concealed at all. As she walked, the curves of her waist and hips would be revealed, as elegant as a Persian cat.

The door opened, and Mori Kogoro, dressed in casual clothes, appeared at the door with breakfast in his hand, smiling with dazzling white teeth, "Surprise, Reina."

With a bang, the door was directly closed.

Mori Kogoro's smile froze for a moment outside the door.

After a few seconds, the door reopened.

Rena Mizumu, who was a little sloppy just now, has a completely new look, her long black hair instantly becomes extremely smooth, and her small face is extremely smooth after being washed.

This female agent is really agile and can do so many things in a few seconds.

Mori Kogoro walked in directly, and slapped Reina's buttocks with his big hand.

"It's already my woman, so what else do you dare not show me?"

Reina chuckled lightly and said nothing, reached out to take the breakfast brought by Kogoro Mori, and snuggled up to him, as if she was a little bird.

"Hey, no, Kogoro, how do you know I'm on Yoko's side?"

Reina's blue cat eyes flashed with surprise in an instant: Could it be that the man who sent Yoko back last night was Kogoro?

But this thought was soon scattered by another blow.

"You take the witchcraft I gave you with you, so you will naturally know where you are."

Hearing this, Reina chuckled lightly, leaned over and kissed Mori Kogoro on the cheek: "That's right, my god-sama has great powers, so the little girl can't escape your control."

"It's good to know."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, pulled Reina to the dining table, let her sit on him, and his big hand lightly covered Reina's round thigh, rubbing it lightly.

Immediately, Liannai's face turned red, and she couldn't help but glance in the direction of the corridor, for fear that Yoko would suddenly appear.

"I came to you this time because I have a gift for you. Remember the natal doll I mentioned last time? It has been refined."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro took out a palm-sized green doll from his arms.

"This witch weapon is even more powerful than the jade pendant last time. It can summon battle puppets and can help you do many things. Although it has only a low spiritual intelligence, general commands are still fine."

"And it can help you achieve a fatal attack, but you need to recognize the master with a drop of blood."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro scratched his two nails, and squeezed a drop of blood from Reina's index finger, which landed gently on the doll.

The doll's eyes turned scarlet, and soon returned to normal.

Then the rejuvenation technique was performed, and the injury on Liannai's index finger disappeared.

For a moment, Lianna felt that there were some inexplicable things in her mind, which seemed to be connected with something.

As soon as his mind turned, the doll dissipated like a spirit body, and then a one-meter-high cloaked doll appeared in front of him.

"Hiss!" Reina couldn't help but exclaimed.

Soon, the puppet showed its abilities in this narrow living room, which aroused Reina's amazement, and a smile appeared on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth.

In this way, all his women are protected.

In fact, Mori Kogoro had been worried about Reina's safety before. After all, women related to the organization such as Akemi and Curacao were under his protection and were very close to his own office.

What really happened, as soon as the psychic thousand paper cranes informed, Mori Kogoro could immediately support the past.

Besides, the location of the two women is very safe. The entire building where Mingmei lives is full of bodyguards from the security company, and the shrine where Curacao is is even guarded by Fuso, so the safety factor is extremely high.

Only Lianai, who still insists on being an undercover agent in the organization, is not like this. She still has to do missions, communicate with people in the organization, and kill people, which is too dangerous.

Once something happens, Mori Kogoro will be beyond his reach.

It's all right now, with this natal puppet protecting her, it will naturally reduce a lot of dangers.

If you encounter something difficult to solve, you can delay it for a while, so that Kogoro Mori has time to rush over.

However, Belmode's words, Mori Kogoro is a little troublesome.

It doesn't count if it's my own woman, but it's all blossomed by me, and Mori Kogoro can't ignore it.

[Forget it, find Earth Binding Spirit next time, refine one for her! 】

Chapter 0282 Didn't miss me?

However, Belmode has been monitoring Minmei, and she doesn't know what she's trying to do.

Although it is possible that she wanted to rely on Mingmei to find Akai Shuichi, it was more likely that it was due to her hostility towards the Miyano family.

Zhibao was protected by herself, and she didn't dare to lay hands on him.

And Belmode didn't know the relationship between himself and Mingmei, so it made sense to act like this.

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