She is really a worry-free woman, and I don't know what kind of hatred there is between her and the Miyano family, so she is so persistent.

According to the information given by Mary, both Miyano Koji and Miyano Elena are still alive, and I am afraid that many things happened between them.

Just as Mori Kogoro was thinking carefully, Reina's fingers touched his chest and twirled in small circles.

"Xiao Goro, after the last defeat, the organization has mobilized a lot of people to search for traces of you and Gin. Rum is personally responsible for this matter."

"I heard that Gin was found twice, once in a slum, and once in Kurosawa's hometown in Ota District. There were many fights in the middle, but he escaped."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro stroked Reina's silky calf with his left hand, sniffed the fragrance from Reina's neck, and smiled very proudly: "Isn't this very good?"

But Lianai was a little worried: "The beast is still fighting, I still know a little about Qin Jiu, he is very smart, I am worried that he will find him in the end."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and as soon as the spiritual power in his body circulated, the thousand paper cranes attached to Qin Jiu transmitted the picture.

At this moment, he is resting in the underground sewage pipe of the city. The old injury has not healed, and a new injury has been added. The Gatlin on the arm is too cumbersome, so he dismantled it himself and replaced it with a bandage. Old miserable.

"Don't worry, even if he does come over, I will find out in advance."

Mori Kogoro went too far, his right hand kept climbing, and soon got into Reina's skirt.

The female agent leaned against Kogoro Mori lightly like a soft snake without bones, her small hands lightly resting on his shoulders, her pretty face flushed slightly, her breathing was a little confused, but she still insisted on passing information to Kogoro Mori.

"Also, there is one more thing. Rum has been looking for the traces of the captured Westland. Now the target has been transferred to all the hospitals in Tokyo, and the bottom personnel are sent to continue to investigate."

"Xiao Wulang, don't you have contact with the FBI? You can tell them to transfer quickly."

It didn't matter that Rum wanted to save Westland.

Even if Akai Shuichi wants to implement that stupid fake death plan, it has nothing to do with him. In the FBI, he only needs to protect Judy. If Akai Shuichi wants to be a monster, let him go.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro made a smirk, and kissed Reina's pink lips lightly: "Little Reina, don't keep talking about these topics, you have been in Osaka for so long, do you miss me?"

Lianai seemed to have sensed something, couldn't help lowering her head, her ears were stained red.

Even though she is already Kogoro Mori's woman, it has been almost half a month since Kogoro Mori came back from Osaka last time, so she will naturally be shy.

An inaudible voice came from his mouth: "Think."

Mori Kogoro smiled even more heartily: "It seems that Reina has no appetite for breakfast, why don't you come and try something more delicious?"

"What?" The blue cat's eyes were full of doubts and ignorance.

Looking at those pure eyes, Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and stepped forward, whispering in his ear.

Reina's face flushed instantly, and she couldn't help but tap Kogoro Moori's chest with her small hands, but Kogoro Moori grabbed him with a smirk.Mori Kogoro passed his left hand directly through the bend of her silky leg, picked up the female agent, and went to the sofa in the living room.

Then he sat on the sofa like a gentleman, and Reina who was sitting on the carpet gave him a shameful look, but Mori Kogoro was unmoved at all.

His big hands caressed Lianai's small head, and his feet stepped on his thighs, making him unable to break free.

The tactile elasticity of the sole of the foot is fantastic.

Reina glanced at Mori Kogoro who had a tough attitude, curled her lips, and finally obeyed.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help showing a smug smile, he suddenly remembered that it was time for Reina and Yoko's breakfast show, so he picked up the remote control to turn on the TV and started to enjoy the TV show.

On the other hand, Conan, the kid, didn't go to school, but came to Tokyo Station to pick up people.

The little devil standing next to the newsstand was concentrating on reading the news.

"The Maori detective solved the case again, and the cursed villa was actually involved in the biggest boy abduction case of this century!"

"Su Fang Hongzi, a great philanthropist, is actually the real culprit behind the auction."

"Orphan complaints! The middle-aged female secretary actually did such brutal things to the boys in the orphanage. Please re-legislate to include rape of men as a legal crime!"

"The deduction feast of Mori Kogoro, the god of detectives, the show can solve the treasure chest puzzle!"


Conan rummaged through the newspapers, and the pages on them were all about Mori Kogoro, without mentioning himself at all, so he couldn't help but feel a little upset.

However, Conan couldn't help trembling when he saw that some pages in the newspaper also published photos of the twin maids in the villa.

That is really a haunted house, how come there are reporters who are not afraid of dying to interview there.

At this moment, a big hand landed on Conan's head and began to rub it.

"Kudou, I said why I couldn't find you. So I hid here to watch the news. Let me take a look... Uncle is showing off again."

"This is the haunted cursed villa you mentioned. It's impossible. The orphan complained that the victim was a boy. How could you see a female ghost? It doesn't make sense. How about I go back with you and investigate again. "

Hearing this, Conan's face immediately changed, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "No, I'm not going to that ghostly place!"

Seeing Conan's extreme reaction, Hattori Heiji couldn't help frowning: It seems that Kudo really has some problems.

But soon he turned to chuckle: "If you don't go, you won't go, let's go, I have already asked my father, I know a very powerful temple, the presiding mana is very powerful, I will definitely help you."

Saying this, Hattori Heiji took Conan out of the station, rented a motorcycle nearby, drove him out of Tokyo, and headed towards Gunma Prefecture

Chapter 0283 Liannai, you are so coquettish!

The warm sun shone in from the floor-to-ceiling windows and fell on Lianai's body, covering her body with a faint radiance.

The sun seemed to be a little scorching hot, and fine sweat dripped from Reina's forehead.

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