Conan couldn't help but have black lines all over his head.

After Officer Takagi handcuffed Mr. Kitagawa, a police car stopped with a roaring siren, the door opened, and Officer Megure and Officer Shiratori ran out.

It was the first time Conan saw such a swift police officer Megure, completely different from the steady fat man in the past.

Police officer Megure had anger in his eyes and kept yelling: "Takagi, didn't you escort the prisoner? Why did you appear here? Where is Officer Sato? Where is she?"

Officer Takagi quickly stood up straight and saluted Officer Mumu: "Officer Mugure, I have caught the real murderer who killed Ms. Muranishi. It was Mr. Beichuan. He just admitted that he was married because of Ms. Muranishi's forced marriage." What he killed was also blamed on Mr. Higashida who had a bad relationship with the company."

"As for Officer Sato, he should have come out of the Kubado Art Museum by now. Last night, he was handcuffed in the toilet on the eighth floor of the Kubado Art Museum together with the Mori detective because of a mistake. By the way, the suspect, Mr. Higashida, is now in the art museum. Open up, it should have been rescued!"

Police Officer Mugure breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but he quickly realized: "What, the Kubado Art Museum is the art museum that will be demolished today, it's too bad!"

Hearing this, Haibara, Takagi, Conan and the others immediately turned ugly.

The few of them quickly got into the police car with Police Officer Megure, and rushed to the Kubato Art Museum, leaving Officer Shiratori looking at the murderer, Mr. Kitagawa who was handcuffed, and the three boys of the Detective Boys with a speechless face. .

Police officer Megure hurriedly asked someone to call the police officer who maintained order at the blasting site, but the outside of the Kushito Art Museum was very noisy, and the police officer did not hear the phone ringing at all.

Police officer Mu Mu repeatedly directed the driver: "Go at full speed, I want to see the Cupato Art Museum as soon as possible."

Police Officer Takagi and Haibara kept praying in their hearts: there must be nothing wrong!Officer Sato (Uncle Mori).


Standing on the high platform, Dr. Ali was wearing a black suit, with a big round face very excited, and introduced his invention: "The rainbow bomb was used in this explosion. This is my latest invention. The explosion power is completely controllable and will not affect the people. Any other building, other than that, when it explodes, it will glow like a rainbow of colors, which is very beautiful."

Dr. Ali said proudly: "Let us bid farewell to the Cupato Art Museum that has been with us for more than [-] years under the rainbow, and let it usher in a new life!"

The people below were even more excited.

Dr. A Li held the button and kept shouting: "Everyone count down together, ten, nine, eight... three, two, one."

He was about to press the button when a football kicked over from a distance, hit Dr. Ali on the forehead, and kicked him to the ground.

All the people in the car breathed a sigh of relief: they finally caught up.


Officer Takagi got out of the car, snatched the handcuff key from the police station, and ran directly to the eighth floor, followed by Huiyuan and Conan on short legs.

Because the Kubato Art Museum was going to be blasted, the power supply was cut off, so the elevator couldn't be used, so Officer Takagi could only keep climbing up the stairs.

He ran extremely fast, leaving Haibara and Conan behind, and his suit was soaked in sweat.

But Police Officer Takagi's face was filled with a smile: "Wait, Miwako, I'm here to save you!"

Thinking of Miwako Sato's voice and smile, Police Officer Takagi was full of energy and rushed to the eighth floor in one go.

Panting heavily, he rushed into the men's toilet, and at a glance he saw Mr. Dongtian who was sleeping on the door panel and tied up.

Officer Takagi was full of joy, and couldn't wait to see Miwako Sato's surprise.

He rushed outside the toilet cubicle, shouting, "Officer Sato."

But the scene in front of him made Officer Takagi completely unbelievable.

The smile on his face gradually froze, the pupils contracted intermittently, and the big black face covered with sweat was getting darker at this moment, the mouth was wide open, and the tongue stuck out unconsciously and twitched.

At this moment, Miwako Sato was like a docile kitten, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, sleeping peacefully in Kogoro Mori's arms.

And Mori Kogoro's big hands poked in from the hem of the suit skirt, pinching Miwako Sato's buttocks.

Both of them were soundly asleep, and they didn't hear the sound from outside at all.

Mori Kogoro, who heard Takagi's voice, woke up and saw the police officer Takagi with an extremely weird expression in front of him. He couldn't help pulling his hand out of Sato Miwako's suit skirt, waved at Takagi, and smiled. He said, "Officer Takagi, you're back!"

Takagi looked at the row of bright teeth smiling on Mori Kogoro's face, and the waving right hand that was just taken out of Sato Miwako's buttocks. This was almost a provocation to himself, and the anger in his heart was simply It's about to squirt.

I stayed up all night to investigate the case outside, and solved the case after a lot of hard work, but you are here to touch Miwako's ass, it is unforgivable, unforgivable.

At this moment, Miwako Sato also woke up, looked at Mori Kogoro with sleepy eyes and said in a lazy voice with a bit of coquettishness: "Kogoro, what are you arguing about, I want to sleep a little longer !"

Sato, who was talking, smiled wickedly, stretched out his hand and squeezed Kogoro Mori's chest muscles: "Such big chest muscles are really the most suitable pillows!"

Seeing Kogoro Mori's pouting mouth, Miwako Sato immediately realized something was wrong, turned her head quickly, and saw the completely petrified Takagi Wataru.

Takagi Shepherd's heart at this moment was like glass hitting the ground, it was shattered!

What Sato said kept echoing in his mind: "Xiao Wulang, what are you arguing about? He wants to sleep a little longer! Such big pectoral muscles are really the most suitable pillows!"

"Kogoro... such big chest muscles..."

"Kogoro... such big chest muscles..."

Chapter 0143 Broken Takagi

Miwako Sato blushed immediately, she got up quickly and explained: "Officer Takagi, don't get me wrong, it was really cold last night, we had no choice but to hug each other to keep warm, please don't say it out what!"

Officer Takagi froze for a long time, like a short-circuited robot.

It took a while to realize, and said with a blank face: "I didn't misunderstand, you are just hugging each other to keep warm, ha ha! Ha ha!"

His laughter is very weird, a bit like the laughter of a girl who has been played badly.

"Officer Sato, I brought the key to the handcuffs, here you go!" Officer Takagi walked forward stiffly, then handed the key to Miwako Sato, and turned around again!

Miwako Sato couldn't help but looked at Kogoro Mori suspiciously, Kogoro Mori could only wave his hands.

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