Officer Takagi looked as if he was too stimulated, and his head couldn't bear the load for a while, so that some body functions were out of order, and it should be fine after a rest.

The handcuffs were opened, and a deep red mark was drawn on Miwako Sato's left hand. Kogoro Mori saw the red mark, and put his hand on Miwako Sato's shoulder, and the healing technique was performed.

Miwako Sato immediately felt a numbness in her body, she couldn't help trembling, and exclaimed.

Officer Takagi turned around subconsciously when he heard the voice, but saw Officer Sato trembling with a look of enjoyment on his face, and Kogoro Mori's evil big hand was resting on Officer Sato's shoulder.

His pupils contracted a few times, and he turned around quickly, still hypnotizing himself: This is not real, all I see are illusions!

At this moment, two children, Conan and Haibara, ran up. Haibara saw Kogoro Mori resting his big hand on Miwako Sato's shoulder in the toilet, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

When Officer Takagi saw Conan and Haibara, his face began to come back to life and became vivid: By the way, I solved the case and arrested Mr. Kitagawa. As long as I tell Officer Sato, she will definitely respond. I was impressed, those things just now were not what Officer Sato wanted, but this lecherous Maori detective Jamper Sato.

As long as I tell Police Officer Sato about my experience in solving the case, then I will still have a chance!

Confidence gradually returned to Police Officer Takagi's face.

At this time, Haibara walked to Kogoro Mori coldly with a small face. She saw the traces of red lipstick on the chest of Kogoro Mori's suit, which was the same as that on Miwako Sato's lips, and she couldn't help feeling annoyed.

Haibara raised his short legs, kicked Mori Kogoro's calf hard, and then stepped on Mori Kogoro's feet.

It doesn't hurt at all!

Kogoro Mori saw Haibara, and hugged him up. Seeing the cold loli glaring at him, he couldn't help but smile, Haibara's jealous look is pretty cute too!

Officer Takagi's face returned to normal, and he said to Miwako Sato: "Officer Sato, Mr. Higashida was indeed framed, and the real murderer is someone else. I stayed up all night last night and finally found out who the real murderer is. The murderer also arrested him, you must not guess who he is?"

Miwako Sato turned her head to the side, looking at Police Officer Takagi with her purple eyes, and Officer Takagi had a look of satisfaction on his face: "It was Mr. Kitagawa who killed Ms. Muranishi!"

Officer Takagi was about to admire Miwako Sato's surprised expression, but found that Miwako Sato's face didn't change at all, instead he opened his mouth lightly: "Sure enough, it's Kitagawa. Detective Mori figured it out last night. It's a pity that my phone is out of battery. Otherwise, I can remind Officer Takagi of you."

As soon as Sato Miwako said this, Takagi She only felt that ten thousand flying arrows shot into his heart, and the glass heart that had just been glued was shattered again!

Figured it out last night!

So what's the point of all this I've been up all night!

Police officer Takagi fell into deep self-doubt and lowered his head deeply.

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro carried Huiyuan to Mr. Higashida's side, pretending to wake him up, patted him on the shoulder, and took back the sleeping amulet that no one could see.

Only then did Mr. Toda wake up.

Mori Kogoro said: "Congratulations, your case is solved, the murderer is not you, but Mr. Beichuan!"

Higashida couldn't help crying when he heard this, and lay down on the ground and bowed to Kogoro Mori, saying, "Thank you so much, Detective Mori!"

Conan on the side couldn't help showing dead fish eyes: hey, hey, you thanked the wrong person!What is this guy doing!


At eleven o'clock, Mori Kogoro and his team stood together with Police Officer Megure, watching Dr. Ali, who had a big red envelope on his head, re-enter the stage.

Kogoro Mori was a little scared. If Conan hadn't kicked Dr. Ari down suddenly with a kick just now, he and Miwako Sato would have been blown to death by Dr. Ari in their sleep.

He also blamed himself for being careless, he slept too much, and he couldn't hear the sound below at all on the eighth floor.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but glanced gratefully at Conan, who was full of red envelopes: Speaking of which, this time he was really saved by this little devil. It seems that the penalty for writing the Olympiad will be reduced by two pages next time.

As for the big red envelope on Conan's head, it is Dr. A Li's masterpiece. Others don't know how football came about, how could Dr. A Li not know!

Just now Conan was chased and beaten by Dr. A Li in the back, and he was beaten badly!

Dr. Ali gave another speech, and then restarted the countdown: "Five, four, three, two, one."

Press the button, BOOM...

The rainbow bomb exploded, and the entire Kubato Art Museum gradually collapsed in the seven-color explosion light, turning into ruins.

Everyone present couldn't help cheering when they saw this scene.


In the afternoon, Mori Kogoro returned home with Conan and Haibara, and when he opened the door, a body crashed into Mori Kogoro's arms.

The soft touch of the chest is so familiar, Mori Kogoro knows it is Xiaolan without bowing his head.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and raised Xiao Lan's little head. He saw Xiao Lan's big eyes were bloodshot and her face was haggard. It was obvious that she hadn't slept all night and was waiting for Mori Kogoro. Mori Kogoro couldn't help but Distressed.

"Xiaolan, why haven't you slept yet?"

"Dad, where have you been? Why didn't you come back all night, and didn't call. Police officer Shiratori called last night to ask, I knew you had another case, but you have to tell me, Otherwise, I'm really worried about you!"

Mori Kogoro smiled, hugged Xiaolan tightly, and comforted him gently: "This time, Dad didn't bring his mobile phone, so he couldn't tell you. Next time, Dad must pay attention, Xiaolan, don't worry about it." gone."

Huiyuan bit his lip lightly, glaring at the two of them angrily.

The hateful big tit Lan made such a gesture again.

On the other hand, Conan stared at the two hugging tightly with a dead fish eye on his face.

Although I know they are father and daughter, but it is still very uncomfortable to watch!

0144 - Lock Technology

In the afternoon, Conan and Haibara were called out again by the young detective team to rehearse for tomorrow's garden party. Mitsuhiko adapted the script for the Spring Festival party based on this case, and changed the script of Kamen Rider into a police story.

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