Yuanzi ignored Xiaolan's words, and directly pulled her to follow, hid behind the wall next to the entrance, and peeked with his head sideways.

The door opened quickly, and the two girls hiding behind the wall couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Dad!" "Uncle!"

The two girls rushed out, and they both looked at Kogoro Mori at the door angrily.

Mori Kogoro also looked very surprised, he has been with Yoko all morning, you and me.

It wasn't until Yoko said that she was going to the TV station to gather with the shooting team that she had time to spare.

He remembered the promise made by his female slave Chang Liangyao yesterday, so he came over to have a look, but he didn't expect to meet his daughter and Yuanzi instead.

Xiaolan crossed her arms, looked at the two of them, and couldn't help asking, "Dad, why are you here?"

Sonoko interjected, "Could it be that the person Nagara-sensei is waiting for is you, uncle?"

Xiaolan and Yuanzi left first last night. They didn't hear the invitation from Nagara Haruka. In addition, when they opened the door and saw her sexy clothes, they had misunderstood.

Therefore, the expressions of the two women are a little ugly at the moment.

How could an old driver like Mori Kogoro overturn easily!

He chuckled: "Just now Xiaoyao sent me a text message, saying that the two of you came over here, and I happened to be entrusted nearby. I will come to pick you up when I'm done."

"Isn't it, Xiaoyao?"

Nagara Haruka naturally nodded in agreement.

The two women were somewhat skeptical.

"Okay, have you finished divination? Do you still want to stay here for lunch? Let's go!"

Hearing this, the two girls hurriedly said goodbye to Nagara Haruka and followed them out.

Seeing the three of them get into the car and drive away, the female fortune teller couldn't help leaning against the door and sighing resentfully.

But soon, her phone screen lit up, and it was a text message.

After reading the text message, Nagara Haruka smiled again, "It's not possible today, there is still tomorrow!"

Chapter 0286 Sonoko's Invitation

In the car, Mori Kogoro said: "You two skipped class again today, this is not acceptable!"

Yuanzi stuck out her tongue: "Xiaolan took the first place in the last exam, it doesn't matter!"

"Xiaolan won first place, what about you, Yuanzi?"

"Hmph, uncle, don't underestimate me. I'm only a little less than Xiaolan, and I'm also the top three in the class. That's why the teacher is so easy to criticize me."

Sonoko said this with great air, although she was sometimes unreliable, but as the successor of the Suzuki consortium, she was naturally not an idiot.

"Then what do you come here to divination?"

"Of course I can't tell uncle."

"that is!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "I'll know if I don't tell. Based on my relationship with Xiaoyao, I will definitely tell her next time I ask her."

Xiaolan suddenly became anxious, her face flushed red: "Father, go ask her, and I will never talk to you again."

Seeing his daughter like this, Mori Kogoro laughed even louder, and couldn't help rubbing Xiaolan's head with his big hands.

But now he already knew about his daughter's troubles, and he played all the monitors in his mind just now.

I really didn't expect that Xiaolan would be troubled by this matter, and even went to the hospital for an examination.

No wonder I see her straightening her waist every time, it turns out that she has had this idea for a long time.

But that's right, it's been more than four months since I returned to China, so it's normal to have this trouble.

But Mori Kogoro felt that everything should go with the flow.

And the most important thing is that Xiaolan's channeling technique must also raise her body to the limit of the human body, realize the evolution of the human body, and abandon some redundant and useless genes, and then it is safe to make this plan.

After all, the situation of the two of them is also considered special.

Besides, Nagara Haruka's divination also said that it will take a year or two.

What she said after being promoted to a psychic fortuneteller is naturally correct.

Yuanzi's head came out from behind, and he couldn't help but said, "Uncle, Xiaolan, should we go on a gambling boat this weekend? I happen to have a few tickets, let's go together."

"This time the gambling boat will pass through Okinawa, Taipei, Xiangjiang, and the Philippines. It will go to many places. It must be very interesting."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, he didn't expect Meizi to ask him to take the Fugui pill, but Sonoko also intervened, which is a little more variable.

And Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "With so many places, is it too far away? How many days does it take by boat?"

"Nine days and nine nights is a bit long. We can disembark and come back in the middle. Okinawa or Taipei are fine. It's okay to use my Suzuki family's plane to pick up people."

"Uncle, let's go together!"

Although I don't know what Yuanzi's plan is, but this nine-day and nine-night trip is obviously unrealistic, and someone will definitely hijack the ship.

But Mori Kogoro wasn't worried. He was confident that he could protect everyone, so he said directly, "Let's go together when the time comes. It just so happens that I have to go on board to investigate something."

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