Hearing his promise, Yuanzi suddenly burst into laughter.

Xiaolan was a little curious: "Father, what are you going to investigate?"

"I won't tell you about this, lest you worry about it."


"Then where are we going now?"

"I'll take you to dinner first, and then I'll send you back to school, and I'll go to Gunma County to watch Yoko's filming."

"Miss Yoko's commission hasn't been settled yet?" Xiaolan thought it was Yoko's commission!Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "It's sort of."

Yuanzi in the back seat said, "Then let's go with uncle. We're all on leave anyway, so why go back to school? Why don't we just go and have fun?"

Xiaolan also echoed again and again.

His own daughter also wanted to go with him, so Kogoro Mori was naturally happy to take her with him!

Maybe I have to spend the night in Gunma County tonight!

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, Lexus stopped at the gate of a villa in the barren hills of Gunma County.

Xiaolan recognized the villa at a glance: "Dad, this is the filming location of "Zombie Blade", why did you bring me here?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "That's right, the second film is still filmed at the same location. After all, it's a low-budget movie, and I don't have that much money to set up the scene. Don't be afraid, Xiaolan."

But when Xiaolan got out of the car, she sensed many peeping eyes from the jungle behind her, and couldn't help but hugged her father's arm tightly: "Dad, it seems that someone is watching us!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a motorcycle approaching out of control, and the front of the motorcycle directly hit the railing of the villa, emitting a puff of blue smoke.

Yuanzi couldn't help but said, "It's Heitantou and the brat who pissed his pants!"

Seeing the two people in the car, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but rolled his eyes speechlessly, why are these two people so haunted?

The two people who appeared out of nowhere were Hattori Heiji and Conan who said they would go to the temple in the morning.

But going to the temple was just a way of telling Conan that Heiji Hattori had lied to him. He brought Conan to investigate the mystery of zombies.

[The reason is that when a couple who came to visit the photography site before left, they started the car and ran over something, and then crawled out from under the car. A zombie exuding the smell of carrion.

The couple was so frightened that they drove away without turning their heads. They told Officer Otaki about the incident, and Officer Otaki informed Hattori Heiji, who came here to investigate.

In addition, Hattori felt that something was wrong with Conan, and wanted to investigate and test it with him, so he deceived the little devil.

It's a pity that because they are not familiar with the road conditions, they got lost among them, and they didn't show up here until now. 】

The blue-faced little ghost came down and greeted Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan, then ran into the villa clutching his buttocks.

Hattori Heiji on the side said: "Don't worry, he just ate poisonous fruit by mistake when he got lost in the mountains, just pull it and it will be fine."

"So Uncle Maori, are you also here to investigate the zombie mystery?"

Zombie? ? ?

When Xiaolan heard these two words, her body froze.

"That's not true. We came here to watch Yoko and the others make a movie trailer."

As soon as the words fell, two more cars drove over.

The door of the van opened, and the filming team got out of the car. In the nanny car behind, Yoko and the second female came out.

They are bearded director Nei Dongche;

Goatee Producer Yuan Xiechong;

Fat female photographer Ejiri Kyoko;

The female lighting engineer wearing glasses rewarded Zhijiang;

Masahachi Ninomiya, a male sound engineer with a pockmarked face.

And the pink short-haired female No. [-] behind Yoko is Ria Kawabata, who often appears in suspense dramas.

Yoko was also dressed similarly to Kawabata Ria, with a black leather jacket and leather pants, and leather boots underneath, revealing her snow-white skin on her limbs.

As soon as she saw Mori Kogoro, she couldn't help smiling and walked over quickly.

Chapter 0287 daughter is not good, Dian Dian just fine

Yoko wrapped her arms around Mori Kogoro's other arm, pushed Sonoko away, and introduced the rest of the photography team to him in a low voice.

Except for the director, these people are all members of the Horror Film Research Association when they were in college.

Eight years after graduation, they are all still engaged in the same industry, which can be regarded as a very tacit small team.

Although the bearded director Nei Dongcheren was not a member of the research association back then, his dead brother was the president of the horror film research association.

But after all, this is just a low-budget C-level movie, it won't be shown on the big screen, it will only be recorded on VCR for sale, and it's just a trailer, so not many people came this time.

Yoko also agreed to act because of her friendship with the director.

Seeing Yoko's hands on Mori Kogoro directly, Sonoko's gaze at her became very unfriendly in an instant, his teeth were gritted, and Mori Kogoro's waist also had his daughter's little hand.

hiss! ! !

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