Mori Kogoro gasped, but pretended to be calm.

At this time, the chubby female photographer Kyoko has already turned on the camera and started shooting, and she is taking pictures of the second female Liya: "Come on, Liya, pose a few poses, I promise this time I will shoot you very beautifully, even if you are caught If the zombie bites, it will be beautifully photographed."

The female lighting engineer Zhijiang retorted: "There is no such plot. Liya is the cousin who plays the role of Miss Yoko. She came to her and picked up the magic sword to kill the zombies when Miss Yoko was injured."

Yaba, the pockmarked-face sound artist, moved various equipment, and said with a chuckle: "But I really like this kind of plot, and this kind of reversal may be very exciting."

Goatee producer Yuan Xiechong took the script and tapped Yaba on the head: "The script has already been decided and cannot be changed randomly. This is not a filming program for the school celebration."

The second female number Lia with short pink hair showed a sad expression: "If that guy is here, he will definitely take pictures like this."

Yuan Xiechong immediately looked reminiscent: "Yes, even if he was bitten and turned into a zombie, he still swung the magic sword to kill all evil spirits. If it was him, he would definitely shoot like this."

"It's a pity that he died eight years ago. Let's get busy with work."

"Besides, I have already written this subtitle, and it will be released tonight. The script must not be changed."

Saying this, Yuan Xiechong shook the envelope that was sandwiched by the script in his hand, and then entered the villa first, and the rest followed suit.

The director, Nei Dongche, greeted Mao Li and his party with a kind smile on his face.

Yoko had told him before that friends would come to watch, but he didn't expect so many people.

But the director is still very happy, after all Kogoro Mori is too famous.

The director was also imagining whether he could invite Kogoro Mori to make a guest appearance. Maybe with luck, he could even be on the giant screen after some operation.

"You are the Maori detective. You have known your name for a long time, and Yoko is also true. If you have a good friend like Maori detective, you would not introduce it to me earlier."

"Director Nedong is being polite!"

On the side, Hattori Heiji couldn't help asking: "Director, your previous movie was also shot here, did you hear about the zombies nearby?"

Hearing this, the Neidongche people laughed loudly: "How is it possible, young man, you have read too many ghost novels, have you come here to look for zombies? We are filming zombies, but we have never heard of them. There are these things!"

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji pondered.

"Detective Maori, Yoko, let's go in. Work will start soon. Today's filming is only on the first floor. The second and third floors are rest areas. If you come to watch the scene, don't interfere with the radio."

After finishing speaking, everyone followed the director and walked into the villa.After entering the villa, Yoko had to be busy with work before she finally let go of Kogoro Mori's arms to be with the photography team.

Kogoro Mori and his group went upstairs, and as soon as they went upstairs, Xiaolan pinched Kogoro Mori's ear with her little hand: "Father, when did you become so close to Miss Yoko?"

Yuanzi, who pretended to be Huwei, also echoed: "Yes, uncle, when?"

Being chased and held accountable by two juniors is too embarrassing, how could Kogoro Mori bear it.

He narrowed his eyes, patted Yuanzi's buttocks heavily with his big hands, and said with a smile, "Yuanzi, can you take care of uncle's affairs?"

Yuanzi covered her butt with her small hand in an instant, her little face flushed shyly, and her amber eyes were full of surprise.

Then Yuanzi raised his hand to cover his cheek, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop raising: "Uncle, are you spanking my ass?"

Seeing Xiaolan's strange gaze, she stomped her legs artificially again: "Xiaolan, please take care of your father, he, he is playing hooligans."

"Oh, I'm ignoring you."

After saying this, Sonoko trotted towards the toilet.

After entering the toilet, looking at herself in the mirror with a flushed face, Yuanzi was secretly delighted and excited: Uncle did such a thing in front of Xiaolan, is this implying something?

"Father?" Xiaolan's face was extremely unkind for an instant, her little hands clenched into fists and made crackling noises.

At this time, you have to be decisive!

Mori Kogoro directly embraced his slender waist with one hand, pressed her against the wall and kissed her directly, while his left hand held Xiaolan's two little hands firmly so that she could not move, and his right hand gently caressed Xiaolan. Lan's soft body continued to climb and fell into the area where the death-free gold medal was located.

But Xiaolan's immunity seemed to have improved, and this trick didn't work much anymore.

Her two small hands started to tear Kogoro Mori's fingers, her big eyes were shining with a cold light, she looked very similar to Eri.

Faced with this situation, Mori Kogoro can only use the Thunder Control Technique, because his daughter is not very good, just give him a shock!

The small electric current spread in Xiaolan's body along with Maoli Kogoro's big hand, Xiaolan's body trembled immediately, Qiongbi couldn't help moaning a few times, her hands loosened immediately, and her originally sharp eyes dizzy.

Sure enough, the lightning control technique still has miraculous effects.

Originally, Kogoro Moori still had some thoughts of teaching Xiaolan witchcraft, but now he gradually dispelled it.

The difficulty factor for Xiaolan to deal with now is high enough, and teaching her witchcraft will be fine.

Mori Kogoro patted Xiaolan's plump buttocks with his left hand, and smiled badly: "Xiaolan is really curious, Dad and Miss Yoko have always been good friends."

good friend?

Xiaolan naturally didn't believe it at all, Meimou couldn't help but glared at him, but her body was very weak.

Chapter 0288 Electrotherapy Xiaolan

Xiaolan's body is getting fatter and plump, she is slightly better than Yingli, and she is really not a woman who can be controlled by one hand.

Especially the denim suspender skirt and the blue striped blouse she wore today are youthful and energetic, very kawaii.

But the most eye-catching thing is Xiaolan's straight big white legs, and her flawless skin is naturally not an exaggeration.

Mori Kogoro teased his precious daughter with a wicked smile.

Under the effect of the Lightning Control Technique, there were countless tiny electric snakes swimming in Xiaolan's body, and her whole body trembled slightly as she snuggled into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and her breathing became heavy.

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