At this time, the door of the men's restroom in the corridor opened, and Kogoro Mori, who heard the sound, immediately moved to the corner with Xiaolan's slender waist in his arms.

Conan the little ghost came out of the toilet, his face was still a little blue, he stroked the wall and covered his stomach, and walked slowly towards Kogoro Mori.

Naturally, there was no trace of Mori Kogoro at all just now.

Conan walks very slowly, and he says 'Aiyo' a few times.

And Xiaolan who was in Kogoro Mouri's arms was extremely nervous, and looked up in panic.

Unexpectedly, Kogoro Moori didn't give up at all, instead he intensified his efforts, and the electric current manipulated by the Lightning Control Technique increased a bit.

After all, to teach a daughter a lesson, of course, one has to go all out and shock her father, otherwise Xiaolan will almost get on her face.

Xiaolan's eyes were full of begging for mercy when she heard the footsteps, Qiongbi couldn't help snorting, and she couldn't help it anymore, her white teeth bit Mouri Kogoro's shoulder so as not to make a sound.

As for Conan, who was walking against the wall, he didn't notice it at all.

He walked over step by step, and the distance was getting closer and closer, five meters, four meters, three meters, two meters, and he was just short of the last corner.

Under the intense tension and stimulation, Xiaolan who just listened to the sound of footsteps couldn't bear it at all. Her heart beat like a heavy drum in an instant, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Ouch, here we come again."

At the last meter, Conan's stomach turned upside down again, and he immediately turned around and headed towards the toilet.

Hearing the sound of the toilet closing, Xiaolan let go, leaning against Mori Kogoro with a flushed face, panting heavily.

Mori Kogoro kissed Xiao Lan's earlobe: "Lan, does it matter if Dad and Yoko are good friends now?"

What else can I do, Xiaolan doesn't want to suffer another electrotherapy, and once again [True Thunder God's Hand], she can only say angrily: "It's okay, as long as Dad is happy."

"You are so good, you are worthy of being Daddy's baby girl."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro pinched the Fajue with both hands, and cast a wind control technique on Xiaolan, and then walked down holding his daughter's little hand.

The filming below was proceeding in an orderly manner, and Mori Kogoro didn't make a sound, pulling Xiaolan to stand behind the director, watching Yoko and Ria act.

Yoko's acting skills are not bad. After all, I met Yukiko before and was guided by her. Among young artists, her acting skills are already very good. Converted to the system's level, it should be at the perfect level.

And Liya's acting skills are quite embarrassing, especially when she picked up the magic sword and was recognized by the magic sword, the cry she made was almost like the cry of a pig being killed.

The magic sword immediately glowed red, and the special effects looked particularly awkward. Coupled with the lines of the middle two, it looked particularly bad.From time to time, the entire production team would brag about each other's business, which made Mori Kogoro a little uncomfortable.

Xiaolan was very interested in watching it, and was a little curious about what the finished film would be like.

After that, Yuanzi came down from the second floor and followed Xiaolan to watch the filming process.

Hattori Heiji, who had investigated around the villa, also entered the villa, and went upstairs to hang out with the little devil.

When it was Lia's turn to play a one-man show, Yoko quietly walked up to Mori Kogoro, pulled him aside, and couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "Kogoro, come as soon as you come, why are you bringing so many people?" ?”

"Originally, I made an appointment to eat mushroom soup and soak in Kusatsu Onsen after the shooting was over in the evening."

Kusatsu Onsen is the number one hot spring in Japan. It is said to be able to treat everything except lovesickness. It is very classical and romantic.

Yoko originally wanted to have a romantic trip with Mori Kogoro, and it was carefully arranged. Who would have expected so many light bulbs to appear.

"Yuanzi and Xiaolan are also very curious. I have no choice but to keep up. As for the other two brats who only appeared during the investigation, it has nothing to do with me."

"I don't care, you have to make it up to me." Yoko couldn't help but pouted.

Seeing Yoko's pink lips, Mori Kogoro wanted to say something: "Okay, okay, you can do whatever you want when you get back to Tokyo!"

Yoko wanted to act like a spoiled child again, but when she caught a glimpse of Sonoko approaching quietly behind her, she didn't dare to say anything more.

Just when it was her turn to play, Yoko also stepped forward to continue working.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Hattori Heiji and Conan finally came down from upstairs.

Conan's complexion gradually improved, and it seemed that he had improved a lot.

However, Hattori Heiji was still at a loss for the zombie mystery, and did not see any clues at all.

At this time, director Nei Dong finished shooting a scene, and said directly: "Ka, let's take a break, have dinner, and shoot a few more shots in the evening."

"Yaba, go and help me get some bento." The pockmarked male sound engineer obeyed obediently.

The photographer Kyoko couldn't help but said, "What about the producer, why hasn't he been seen all day? Isn't he the one who likes to find fault the most?"

Zhijiang, the female lighting engineer, said, "You should rest upstairs, and someone can ask him to eat."

At this time, Hattori Heiji said: "Let's go call, you have been filming for a day, take a good rest."

After saying this, he pushed the little devil's head upstairs.

Looking at the backs of the two, there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if the god of death is going to seduce the soul.

Sure enough, not long after, the exclamation of the two people came from upstairs.

The people below also went upstairs, and soon saw the body of the producer Yuan Xiechong in a room on the third floor.

He was holding a mobile phone in his hand, drooling from the corner of his mouth, and he looked like he was dying.

Chapter 0289 Suicide?

The sky outside gradually darkened, and when everyone saw the appearance of this corpse, they all felt terrified.

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