Hattori Heiji said directly, "Uncle Mori, Mr. Harako is dead."

Mori Kogoro said, "Director Neito, call the police immediately."

Nedongche nodded: "Detective Maori, I will trouble you next."

Hearing this, the people next to him recognized Mori Kogoro, and they couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"No one is allowed to enter this room except with my permission."

He went straight inside and smelled almonds as soon as he got close to the body, again from cyanide poisoning.

Unconnected plaques had already appeared on the corpse, and the jaw hadn't stiffened yet. The time of death was between half an hour and an hour.

Hattori Heiji was holding the deceased's mobile phone with a handkerchief, and there was a video recorded by the deceased before his death.

Mori Kogoro took the phone and walked out of the room, and the sharp-eyed sound artist Yahachi took the notebook over.

Directly connect the mobile phone with a data cable, and the video can be played in the notebook.

In the picture, Yuan Xiechong took a bottle of water and poison containing cyanide and drank it. After a few seconds, he fell down with his neck strangled. Then he reached for his mobile phone, and the screen of the mobile phone went black.

It was more than forty minutes later that Hattori Heiji's voice came.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but said: "It seems to be suicide, but why do you want to seek death!"

At this time, Conan, who picked up the phone quietly, couldn't help but said, "Because it's related to this suicide note!"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, and a routine iron fist fell on Conan's forehead in an instant, and then he snatched the phone and read the editor's suicide note.

"To my old friend Uchito Seiji, my heart will stop beating because of this poison, and I will become a dead person in the eyes of the world, but my soul will still stay in the body and gain infinite life. At that time, I will be like this movie Like the funeral procession of the necromancers in the villa, we invite all the living in the villa to enter our world."

Xiaolan couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and hugged Yuanzi beside her: "Necromancer?"

Conan said again: "I also found this letter on his body. When I opened it, it said the words "Dead Soul's Funeral". This should be the subtitle of the movie!"

Mori Kogoro landed another iron fist on the kid's forehead, and another big red envelope grew symmetrically.

The little devil's head suddenly hurt and ran away.

"You dare to dismantle the things on the corpse, Conan, you are getting more and more courageous."

Hattori looked at Conan sympathetically: It seems that there is a reason for the broken head.

"Uncle Maori, I took a picture of the envelope before it was opened, so it's all right, but the envelope is very thick, if you put the paper with the title back, you won't be able to see it under the light."

"There is a high probability that this text message was also edited by the deceased himself. I think this time it should be a suicide!"

The female lighting engineer Zhi Jiang couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect the events of the year to have such a great impact on Yuanxie, and he hasn't left until now." At this time, Director Nei Dong ran over after reporting to the police: " Detective Maori, the police from the Gunma Police Station said that the bridge leading to this place from the police station is broken and is being repaired, and it is expected to arrive in two or three hours."

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Compared with this, I'm more curious about the name on the editing content of the deceased's mobile phone, Neito Chengji, I guess it should be the younger brother of the director Neito, what happened back then? "

Everyone's face changed slightly, and they all looked away. In the end, Director Nei Dong started the topic first, and the rest dared to speak up.

Eight years ago, this group of people were still members of the university's Horror Film Research Association. They came to this villa to shoot a movie for the school celebration program. As the president, Uchito Chengji had a new idea and wanted to add it to the movie. Performed a disappearance in front of everyone.

He entered the room, which is now the room where Yuan Xie Chong died. Someone was watching at the door, and someone was watching from the downstairs outside the window. Nei Dong Chengzhi really disappeared within ten minutes after entering.

Everyone went in and searched but couldn't find him. They searched all over the bed, table, and cabinets but couldn't find him.

After that, everyone searched all over the villa and went outside, but they couldn't find anyone.

However, as college students, they didn't take any responsibility at all. In the end, when they were tired, they went to a bar to drink directly. After that, Liya suddenly fell ill, and she still had a serious cold. Everyone sent her back to the hospital in the city, thinking that Neidong Chengzhi would come back by himself, so he stopped paying attention to him.

After Liya was discharged from the hospital, they went to Liya's house to eat, drink and have fun for a few days. They didn't realize that something was wrong until the counselor at the university called and said that they couldn't get in touch with Chengzhi Uchito.

Later, when they drove back to the villa, they saw the remains of Neito Chengzhi who had been starved to death, which looked like a zombie.

Eight years later, it was the director Nai Dongche who wanted to fulfill his younger brother's wishes, so he dug out the script of the year, and found members of the original research society to film "Zombie Blade" together. Who knew that the first film starring Yoko would be released? It was well received, and naturally started shooting the second part non-stop, but this time there was an accident.

After listening to the whole story, the eyes of Xiaolan and others looking at the camera crew changed a little, and Yoko stepped back silently and came to Sonoko's side.She also didn't expect that these people were so unreliable, and they could forget people for so long, so that they starved to death. This is too superb.

The director couldn't help but said: "I remember that when my brother died, there were traces of fingernails, but there were no traces in the room."

Hattori Heiji said: "It sounds like this group of people you have been together since college are very suspicious. It is very likely that someone deliberately killed your president back then."

The crowd suddenly became excited.

"Nonsense. The police have investigated it. It was really an accident."

"We are responsible, but at best careless."

"Who made the president always want to show off his ideas, we just cooperated with him, and we really searched the villa and the surrounding area afterwards. It can be considered that we have worked hard, and he couldn't come out by himself."

The more people talked, the more ugly Nedongche's face became.

Mori Kogoro scolded, "They're all dead, can you please calm down for a while and wait for the police to come before you speak."

As soon as his gaze was caught, an inexplicable aura surged out, and everyone dared not say more.

At this time, the chubby female photographer Kyoko said, "I remember that incident happened eight years ago. The finished movie was not played, and the videotape didn't know where it went."

"If we can find the video tape from that year, maybe Yuan Xie's suicide today can also be justified?"

Chapter 0290 Eri is on the move again

Nei Dongche, the director, couldn't help asking, "Kyoko, what do you mean by that?"

The chubby female photographer shook her head: "It's nothing, maybe I'm overthinking, let's talk about it when the police come."

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