Everyone stopped paying attention to her.

Yaba, the sound engineer, said, "Since Yuan Xie committed suicide, then everyone should stop here, let's go back downstairs and wait."

Hearing this, everyone turned around and walked downstairs.

Ran goes to the window and calls Eri, saying that she can't go back to dinner tonight.

When Yingli in the office heard this, Danfeng's eyes narrowed instantly, and then he asked calmly: "Then Xiaolan, where are you now?"

"My father and I are here in Qunma County, and there is another murder case. I'm afraid we have to live here tonight!"

Yingli's heart skipped a beat for a moment, and his expression changed slightly: You're with Kogoro again, and you can't go home?About the same as the day before yesterday?

Seeing her expression, Yuxiko, who was crossing her legs on the sofa, couldn't help asking, "Eri, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so weird?"

When the phone was hung up, Eri ignored Akiko's question and opened an app on her phone instead.

Soon a map appeared on the screen, and a red dot of location flashed on the map.

This is the positioning system that Eri quietly installed on Xiaolan's phone. As a top lawyer in Japan, she still has such a small trick.

She directly pulled Yuxiko up, and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's give Kogoro a surprise."

Yukiko, who was confused, was pulled into her car by Eri, and then the blue Mini Cooper rushed out of the parking lot with a 'whoosh' sound.

Yukiko in the passenger seat couldn't help shivering. She glanced at the aggressive Eri, always feeling that her aura was terrifying at the moment.

It takes more than two hours to drive from Tokyo to Gunma, but at Eri's current speed, if you go directly to the expressway, it may take more than an hour.

On the other hand, Xiao Lan also called Xiao Ai at home and asked them to settle the dinner by themselves.

The little loli who just came home from school couldn't help but scolded: "Big Nailan, where did you abduct uncle again?"

"Let me tell you, don't use the camera installed in the room as an excuse to play crooked tricks, thinking of monopolizing uncle, this is too rascal~."

"If you dare to do this again, be careful and I will tell your mother."

"Slightly slightly slightly!"

Xiao Lan stuck out her tongue triumphantly, and hung up the phone directly.

Little Loli squeezed her fist angrily, then took the key and opened the door.

After he left, the door of the suite on the second floor opened, and the little girl with big breasts leaned over, with a rather strange expression on her face.

Time flies, the sun goes down, and night falls quietly, but there is an inexplicably strange atmosphere around the villa.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Xiaolan heard rustling sounds coming from the jungle.

Coupled with the weird suicide in the villa, the uncomfortable last words on the mobile phone.

[The funeral of the dead?Soul deposit and corpse?Invite the living into our kingdom? 】

The more this girl thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she refused to let go of her arms around Mori Kogoro, closing her eyes and shaking her head from time to time, not knowing what she was thinking.

The soft elasticity wraps around Mori Kogoro's arm, making him unable to stretch it.

Conan, the little devil on the side, couldn't help complaining in his heart: This is too tight!

On the other hand, Yoko was rather depressed, she was the one who invited Kogoro over, but it was very difficult for her to get close to him, Xiaolan must have been too close to him.

In the woods outside the villa, the blue Mini Cooper quietly stopped.

The pale-faced You Xizi got out of the car, supported the big tree to pant, she almost vomited.

Eri glanced at the signal location on the phone, and it was already very close, which was the villa with lights in front.She put away her mobile phone and walked forward with her waist bowed.

You Xizi was a little confused, and had no idea what Yingxiang was doing.

When asked, Eri just said: "Don't talk, just follow me."

You Xizi can only obey obediently.

And Yuanzi in the villa couldn't help but said: "Xiaolan, let's go to the bathroom together, I feel a little nervous going alone."

Xiaolan nodded: "I just wanted to speak, let's go together."

The two women walked upstairs arm in arm, and soon went up to the second floor.

At this time, Xixi Suo Suo's voice reappeared, and it became louder and louder, and everyone on the shooting scene heard it.

The sound of knocking on the window came, and the director who was smoking in a bad mood couldn't help but opened the curtains and cursed: "What the hell, knock on the window for nothing... Ah!"

Seeing the scene outside the window, Director Ne Dong was instantly frightened and fell to the ground, his legs trembling uncontrollably.

"Zombie, zombie... Zombie!"

The faces of everyone on the shooting scene also turned extremely pale. This scene was really terrifying.

Outside the villa, a zombie with green face and fangs approached, swaying from side to side, just like a zombie movie.

It's so vast, I don't know how many there are.

Conan's legs couldn't stop shaking, and his small hands were pulling on Hattori Heiji's shorts and big hairy legs, and his voice was almost crying.

".~There are really zombies, why am I so unlucky!"

"Hattori, you're screwing me to death."

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