Hearing this, Hattori Heiji punched Conan on the forehead: "Idiot, there are no zombies and ghosts in this world, don't scare yourself, they should be robbers dressed as zombies."

While talking, the zombie outside the villa directly broke the window and climbed in.

The sound effectist Yaba directly picked up the magic sword used as a prop, and slashed it down.

The zombie's head was cut off directly, but it was still moving, and kept climbing forward.


Hattori Heiji was dumb for an instant, how could a robber be able to walk after his head was cut off.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions changed wildly.

Conan screamed, eyes full of fear, and immediately ran to the second floor with short legs, followed by Mori Kogoro who was holding Yoko.

Mori Kogoro was as fast as lightning, and soon carried the pale Yoko to the third floor.

But just as he put Yoko down, he heard a woman screaming from outside the villa.

Mori Kogoro's face changed drastically immediately. It was Eri's voice, which he would never admit was coming from outside the villa.

"Yoko, you wait here, I'll be right back."

Before Yoko could speak, Mori Kogoro broke through the window and landed on the ground like a wild goose.

Then he rampaged all the way, knocking the surrounding zombies into the air, and rushed towards the direction where the sound came from.

Soon, he entered the woods and saw six zombies surrounding Eri and Yukiko.

Yingli was too frightened to walk, but Yukiko was waving a wooden stick in her hand and kept saying, "Don't come here, don't come here."

A zombie grabbed You Xizi's wooden stick, and its big hand wanted to grab Yu Xizi's chest, followed by several other zombies.

Mori Kogoro's eyes were about to burst, and he yelled, "Bold."

In an instant, a human-shaped gust of wind swept away. Before the zombie could succeed, it hit its abdomen hard with a fist and sent it flying into the boat.

Its body suddenly spun like a top, and it didn't take many turns before it was forked directly on the tree branch.

Chapter 0291

Seeing this, the other five zombies turned around and tried to escape as if they were frightened.

How could Kogoro Moori let them go, kicking one by one, beating them like hanging from a tree, and kicking them one by one to the branch of the tree, the six of them passed out.

The 'cracking' sound kept ringing, and they all had to break at least a few ribs.

Seeing this, Eri and Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief, and the two girls quickly hid behind Mori Kogoro.

"Xiao Wulang, what is this place, why are there so many zombies?"

Mori Kogoro explained, "They're not zombies, they're just extras playing zombies."

"It should be that in order to save the budget, the film crew asked them to put on their own makeup and participate in the casting."

"It happens all the time, especially with C-rated films like this that are cheap."

"It's just that these guys have bad intentions. They just want to take advantage of you two because they wear hoods and masks that others can't recognize. They really deserve to die."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro picked up a few stones from the ground and threw them directly.

The stone hit the red heart, and they all hit their crotch, and the six people hanging on the tree groaned, and they were all crippled by Kogoro Mouri, and he let out a breath of evil.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the pale-faced two girls, and quickly reached out to embrace them in his arms, stroking the soft backs of the two girls with his big hands to comfort them.

I didn't expect that Yingli, like Xiaolan, was so afraid of these monsters and ghosts. No wonder she never watched horror movies.

Otherwise, with his judo skills, it would be easy to deal with these group performers.

But why did they suddenly appear here?

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking, "Why did you two suddenly appear here?"


Yukiko glanced at Eri, wondering if she should speak out.

Originally, Yingli wanted to bring Xizi here to catch the adulterer, but after this accident, the plan naturally fell through.

She quickly changed the subject and said: "Xiao Wulang, there are so many zombies surrounding the villa, go and rescue Xiao Lan and the others!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes and glanced at Eri, which made her feel scared, so he turned his eyes away.

"There's no need to help. Not everyone is like these few. They're just here for an audition. Let's just go back."

Then Mori Kogoro walked towards the villa with his two daughters in his arms.

Sure enough, what Kogoro Mori said was exactly the same. The zombies outside the villa are actually expressing themselves as much as possible, acting with their teeth and claws.

Like the staff of a haunted house, scaring people but not touching them.

But even so, Eri was so frightened that her legs went limp, her delicate body clinging to Kogoro Mori, and 36E kept rubbing against her, the touch was wonderful.

When Mori Kogoro and his group reached the gate of the villa, Yoko ran down desperately and ran towards Mori Kogoro anxiously.

She wanted to jump straight into his arms, but when she caught a glimpse of Eri beside him, she immediately stopped and asked with concern: "Xiao Goro, you are not injured, how could you jump directly from the third floor? It's dangerous!"

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