Hearing the praise inexplicably, Yoko smiled embarrassedly, but didn't dare to show too much expression.

At this moment, Yingri is by her side, she is as cowardly as a little quail.

"First you directly poisoned him with potassium hydroxide in mineral water, then took his mobile phone to edit text messages, took a video on the tablet, and pretended to commit suicide."

"But the photographer Kyoko Ejiri saw the clues to this matter. She didn't want her to talk about the school celebration movie, so she just kept doing it and killing people."

"So when the group of zombies caused riots, you imitated the way you filmed the movie back then, pulled her to the same position, cut her throat with a knife, and wanted to push the crime to the dead."

"Unfortunately, this idea is too naive. I think you should still carry the knife with which you killed people."

"Also, there should be blood stains on your black leather jacket. You just need to be appraised by the forensic officer, and everything will come to light naturally."

After hearing all the reasoning, everyone couldn't help taking a few steps back, not daring to approach this actress with short pink hair.

It's hard to believe that she killed all three of them!

Ria Kawaduan sighed a long time, pulled open the front of her shirt, took out a knife from under the bra, threw it on the ground, and said with a normal expression, "That's right, I did it all."

Director Ne Dong couldn't help asking: "Li Ya, why? Why did you kill my brother? Why?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Liya's mouth, and she didn't feel any regret at all.

"It's nothing, I just find it interesting. Your brother is too annoying, and he doesn't look in the mirror to see what he looks like. The toad wants to eat swan meat and has always wanted to pursue me."

"And told me this bad idea was going to be in the movie too."

"What the hell, I'll lock him up here and plan to starve him for a few days."

"Where did he know that he was so weak, he was starved to death after only three days in prison, really speechless."

"If you're dead, you're dead. What the hell are you leaving behind in blood for that bitch Yuan Xie to see?"

"If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be forced by Yuan Xie to serve him and the few investors he brought in."

"Don't kill this kind of person, keep it and keep messing with me?" Liya suddenly had a violent expression on his face.

"I didn't want to kill Kyoko in the first place. Whoever made her talk so much and talk about everything is considered unlucky for her."

"Okay, that stupid policeman, hurry up and handcuff me."

Shancun, who was photographed by Li Ya's aura, stepped forward and handcuffed him.

"Hey, no, I'm not a stupid cop."

"Cut, idiot, hurry up and take me back to the police station!"

Saying this, Li Ya stepped on her black boots and walked out, as if she was a policeman and not a prisoner.

When passing by Mori Kogoro, she turned her head sideways and said, "Detective Maori, I remember you." Then she walked away!

Chapter 0294 old driver driving, steady and fast

Seeing Liya being taken away, Yoko was a little sad: "I didn't expect Liya to be such a person."

She and Leah are also friends.

Although I couldn't understand her evil gesture of playing with human life, I sympathized with her experience of being forced and humiliated, and my heart was very complicated for a while.

Mori Kogoro stepped forward to caress Yoko's shoulder, and comforted him in a warm voice: "Don't worry about her, seeing her calm posture, she must have figured out how to deal with it."

To be honest, Mori Kogoro believed that Kawadan Ria would be released from prison soon.

After all, the police here in Gunma County are too unreliable. Even someone like Shancun Cao can be a police department.

Yoko also understood what Mori Kogoro meant, and her expression soon returned to normal.

She glanced at Yingli next to her, and asked guiltily, "Kogoro, are lawyers Yingli and the others here to arrest us?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, and after watching the surveillance in his mind with distraction, he fully understood that Eri was not here to catch Yoko, but Ran.

I didn't expect her to be so suspicious, and she was still tampering with Xiaolan's mobile phone.

"Don't worry, Eri and the others will be dealt with by me, you can behave as usual, everything is up to me."

"But if something like this happens, don't make this movie of yours, bad luck."

"When I get back to Tokyo, I'll find someone to help you set up a studio and pick up a few big productions for you."

Yoko smiled widely, not doubting that Mori Kogoro could not do it, she nodded her head lightly.

But when she saw Eri's gaze, she quickly pretended to be normal.

And Mori Kogoro walked in the direction of Xiaolan Eri.

Xiaolan was still asking: "Mom, why did you and Aunt Yukiko appear suddenly? Aren't you still in Tokyo when I called you just now?"

Yingli responded very reluctantly, and she couldn't think of any reason to fool her daughter.

It was Mori Kogoro who came forward to help out: "Okay, I told your mother. Your mother must have rushed here because she was worried about you, wasn't she Eri?"

Eri nodded immediately, but when she turned her head and saw Kogoro Mori's evil smile, she couldn't help feeling a little palpitating.

This smile naturally impressed her very much. The last time Kogoro smiled like this, she was blown away in the office.

And Yoko came over and said, "Xiao Wulang, lawyer concubine, senior, the matter here is almost settled."

"I've already prepared the mushroom banquet and booked a room at Kusatsu Onsen. Let me treat you this time. Let's stay in Gunma today."

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