Mori Kogoro naturally nodded and agreed: "Then let's go."

The group said goodbye to the rest of the film crew, then went down the stairs and walked outside.

It was only then that Xiaolan, who was playing the group of zombies, was terrified. Her little hand kept grabbing the hem of Mouri Kogoro's clothes, refusing to let go.

However, Yingri's Mini Cooper parked in the jungle couldn't start. It was destroyed by the legal queen all the way, and it stopped and went on strike.

There was no other way, so the five girls could only take Kogoro Mori's Lexus and drive down the mountain.

And Conan the Devil was naturally driven away by Hattori Heiji on a motorcycle, and was quickly thrown off by Lexus.

In the car going down the mountain, there were four women sitting in the back seat. Yoko talked about sex very well and kept talking.

"Xiao Wulang, do you know? The next road down the mountain is the famous Qiu Ming Mountain. I heard that there are many speedsters here at night."

Autumn famous mountains in Gunma Prefecture?Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, there is no way there is Fujiwara Takumi in this world!

At this time, the road ahead suddenly lit up, and a group of young men and women gathered around the shoulder of the road, each of them dressed in a non-mainstream way, listening to various sports cars on the shoulder of the road.

Yuanzi couldn't help being surprised and said, "There really are bikers."

On the road ahead, three cars were driving side by side.

An exposed girl walked to the middle with a flag, waved her hand, and the three cars drove away, only the red lights at the rear of the car could be seen.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but twitched his lips. With his super vision, he could see the car models of the racing cars in front of him at a glance, and one of them was really an AE86.

Is there such a coincidence?

Yuanzi in the back seat couldn't help but said: "Uncle, catch up, catch up, let's overtake them."

Xiaolan said: "Forget it, Dad, let them go first, don't make trouble with the speeding gang."

But Yingli, who was in the passenger seat, seemed a little excited. She was naturally very adventurous after racing all the way just now.

In addition, she also knew Kogoro's driving skills, so she said directly, "Overtaking."

After Eri said so, Mori Kogoro immediately stepped up the accelerator, and got into the mountain road before the group of bikers blocked the road with a fence.

The observer at the shoulder of the road immediately said, "Attention, attention, there is a black Lexus rushing in, and there are five women inside."

"Oh my god, the speed of this Lexus is so fast, it's over two hundred miles."

The three drivers in front all heard it through their headphones, and their hearts were full of disdain. How fast can a Lexus full of women go?

Really want to drive fast, Mori Kogoro's Lexus has not slowed down.

His master-level driving skills were displayed, his pupils dilated, and countless planned routes appeared in his retina.

Where to cut in, where to drift is the safest, directly accurate to the millimeter level.

However, he glanced at the girls in the car, fearing that they would not be able to withstand the fast cornering, so he did not choose the fastest driving method, but the most stable driving method.

Even so, the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, the street lights on the left and right passed away like streams of light, the wind poured in from the car windows, and the hair of the girls danced wildly with the wind.

Yingli and Yuanzi couldn't help getting excited, and kept saying, "Hurry up, hurry up."

Xiaolan was fine, but Yoko stretched out his hand to support the car body, his face was a little pale.

You Xizi already had some regrets at this moment, she shouldn't have come to Qunma's side.

Eri raced all the way and ruined the Mini Cooper, and now it's Kogoro's turn to race, which is too dangerous.

Yukiko likes racing cars, but she doesn't like being driven by others. This feeling of being out of control is too bad.

But very soon, You Xizi noticed the abnormality. Although Kogoro drove the car very fast, it was very stable, and his body would not feel uncomfortable at all.

This level of stability even if a glass of water is placed in the car, it will not splash out at all.

Yuxiko glanced at the rearview mirror, and saw that Kogoro had time to flirt with her, and instantly felt relieved.

Gradually, her adrenaline began to secrete, and her little face turned red.

Kogoro Mori smiled, the speed of the tachometer had turned to [-], it was time to show the real drifting skills.

He stepped on the brakes, directly reversed the steering wheel, entered the corner at the fastest speed, the rear seat swung the tail, the sound of the exhaust valve was elegant and picturesque, and the friction sound of the tires against the ground was even more trembling.

After a few whistling sounds of the exhaust valve, the three drivers in front of the car suddenly found that the Lexus had been attached to the back, and they couldn't help being shocked.

This is just an SUV, not suitable for racing at all, how can it catch up?

Chapter 0295 Unparalleled Suppression

He Moori Kogoro was right, the three cars in front are indeed the characters in the initial D.

The leading driver of the Mitsubishi E3 is Sudo Kyoichi, the captain of the Emperor Racing Team. He wears a white turban and is known as the Iron Man. He is a professional driver.

The next Mazda FC driver is Akagi's white comet, Takahashi Ryosuke, a theoretical school proficient in theoretical analysis.

The final driver of the AE86 was Akinayama Rider, Fujiwara Takumi of the tofu shop.

The three of them made an appointment to compete on a mountain road here today, but they didn't expect a Lexus to enter in the middle.

The mountain road in Qiuming Mountain is very narrow, normally only enough for two cars to drive side by side.

As for racing cars, due to suppression, the car in front will block in the middle, and there is no space to overtake on the left and right.

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