Only when turning will the neutral gear be exposed, allowing you to overtake.

And Qiu Mingshan is famous for its curves, the most steep one is the five consecutive bends in the middle, there are many car accidents, but it is the favorite of racers.

So even Kogoro Mori's modified Lexus can easily reach 400 kilometers, far exceeding the top speed of 1 kilometers per hour in the F367 race.

However, being blocked by the AE86 in front, he could only maintain a lower speed and wait for overtaking when cornering.

But even so, the five girls in the car were all excited beyond words.

The commentator holding a telescope on the top of the mountain couldn't help but said: "It's a miracle, this Lexus LX has caught up with the vehicle in front. The speed is too fast, and it is closely following the AE86."

"What's going on, FC suddenly slowed down and fell directly to the third place. Is this letting the water go?"

"Entering the curve, the speed of the three cars is more than 86 kilometers, and the AE[-] has not slowed down, its speed is getting faster and faster!"

Just before a big bend, Takumi Fujiwara on AE86 narrowed his eyes, changed direction and accelerated, intending to use his unique skills.

At the same time, Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "We're about to start overtaking."

Except for the leading E3, the three cars behind all ran their right tires into the ditch next to them, and performed the ditch running method one after another without slowing down at all. One after another passed the professional driver Jingyi in front.

Mori Kogoro explained: "The car that was overtaken just now should be a professional driver. Professional drivers have a habit of leaving a little gap when turning, and they can pass as long as they accelerate."

"We all use the water ditch, use the water ditch as a track, use its traction to resist the centrifugal force and generate a centripetal force greater than the grip to corner at high speed."

Mori Kogoro explained to the girls calmly, but Fujiwara Takumi and Takahashi Ryosuke in front were stunned.

Takahashi Ryosuke only knew it after studying Fujiwara Takumi's running method before, but how could the Lexus behind him do it?

But Jingyi, who fell from first to fourth, was extremely annoyed.

He is a professional driver, and it is unforgivable that he was overtaken by three non-professional drivers.

Jingyi directly increased the horsepower, and E3 continued to accelerate and rushed up.

It was another big bend, and the AE86 and FC in front continued to gallop, and even clenched the ditch on the inner circle, so that the outer circle gave way to pass.

And Mori Kogoro, who was following behind, moved his hands and feet together, ready to start accelerating, and the speed of the rotary meter jumped directly to [-].

He was planning to spin and drift to quickly corner and overtake directly from the outer circle.

That's right, Lexus has such a sudden acceleration performance, although the distance from the outer circle is longer, but as long as the speed is fast enough, it can still overtake.

It's just that when this technique is used, the speed is extremely fast, and the acceleration is also extremely fast, requiring amazing control ability.

This is also the kingly way of racing: even if I go farther, as long as my speed is fast enough, I will still crush you!

Compared with these little tricks of using ditches, the level is much higher.Originally Kogoro Mori wanted to speed up and overtake directly, but he glanced at the rearview mirror, and the black E3 behind him also accelerated continuously, and rushed straight towards the rear of the Lexus.

If you insist on overtaking, the Lexus that is taking the curve will definitely be hit by the E3 to the rear of the car.

The extra kinetic energy was enough to knock the Lexus out of the driveway and onto a cliff.

"Bumping and overtaking" on a curve is a commonly used trick on the racing field, just like a tackle on a football field.

As long as the car is not knocked over, it is not considered a violation, and a little gap can be overtaken.

But this is not a racing track, using 'crash and overtake' on the mountain road is completely trying to kill people.

There were five women in the car, and Mori Kogoro was furious, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he voluntarily gave up his intention of overtaking, slowed down and returned to the middle of the road.


With a loud bang, the rear of the Lexus was hit, and all the girls in the car staggered.

Mori Kogoro speeded up again, and when he was a fist away from E3, he kept a constant speed with E3.

His driving skills are too strong, his control is too amazing, and his reaction is seven or eight times that of ordinary people.

As soon as the E3 behind accelerated, the Lexus also accelerated, and the speed was exactly the same.

If someone looks at the speedometers of two cars at the same time, he can clearly know that the values ​​corresponding to the two pointers are exactly the same.

No matter how Jingyi speeds up or slows down, the two workshops will always maintain a fist distance.

This is unparalleled suppression ability!

Jing's eyes were full of horror and panic, it was too scary, and he was completely seen through.

Obviously others can throw you away, but if they don't, they deliberately keep the same distance from you, hang you, play with you, no matter how fast you speed up, you can't surpass.

Kogoro Mori pressed a button, and all the black paint on the windows and the rear glass disappeared.

In an instant, the four girls in the back seat saw the iron man Jingyi wearing a white turban.

Yuanzi turned his head directly and made a face at Jingyi Yimi away.

She stretched her ears and stuck out her tongue: ".~Slightly slightly slightly slightly!"

Then Yuanzi pressed down the window of the car, poked his head out, and pointed the middle finger at Jingyi, very close to provocation.

Jing Yi in the back seat blushed instantly, it was so humiliating!

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Sonoko, come back."

Yuanzi was about to return to the car and shouted, "Sweet!"

Naturally, Kogoro Mori would not easily let the car behind him go. His Lexus was so close that he was suppressing his vision.

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