But Xiaolan, who has keen five senses, noticed that her father was doing bad things in secret, and immediately widened her eyes in surprise.

How did dad get together with Shinichi's mom?

But she is just a junior, she has no right to speak at all, and with her mother around, Xiaolan naturally dare not say anything.

Xiaolan recalled what happened just now, her memory has always been very good, and the strange fragrance is very special, it is clearly her mother's smell.

But just got out of the car, it smells like mother, which is enough to explain what father did in the car.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan couldn't help but glared at her father again: "It really is a bad father, it's really disgusting!"

But Mori Kogoro turned his head and smiled at him, his eyes were evil, like a big devil.

Seeing her father's gaze like this, Xiaolan suddenly turned her head with palpitations, talked to Yuanzi and avoided his gaze.

Mori Kogoro could feel that Eri and Yukiko's bodies were trembling slightly, but there was no intention of stopping.

On the contrary, he continued to persuade the two women to drink with words.

After drinking for three rounds, more than [-] minutes later, everyone was overwhelmed.

Yoko, who was slightly drunk with the wine, suggested: "Everyone is almost done eating, why don't we go to the hot spring together!"

Hearing this, Yukiko and Eri, who were unbearable to attack, immediately nodded.


"Let's go quickly."

The two girls immediately struggled to their feet, eager to escape from the restaurant and Kogoro's clutches.

But Yoko hesitated and said, "Although I reserved a private hot spring pool, the pool here is very difficult to choose. It's a mixed bathing pool..."

Hearing this, Yuanzi's amber eyes lit up immediately: In this way, won't I be able to see my uncle's vigorous body again?

Yuanzi couldn't help but licked his tongue excitedly, and immediately agreed happily: "Mixed baths, mixed baths, it doesn't matter!"

And Yingli also hurriedly said: "Let's go, or it will be too late, and anyone who feels uncomfortable can wear a swimsuit by himself."

After saying this, she couldn't wait to get up, but it seemed that her legs were numb after sitting on the futon for too long.

As soon as she stood up, she couldn't help but her legs were weak, and she was about to fall down again. Kogoro Mori kindly supported her immediately.

And Yoko breathed a sigh of relief, just now she was afraid that Eri would ask why she ordered a mixed bath.

In fact, the purpose of her reservation for the mixed-bath hot spring pool is also Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it.

Everyone stepped on their wooden clogs, got up one by one and headed towards the hot spring pool.

Mori Kogoro took the black card and went to the front desk to say something.

He naturally arranged for Hattori and Conan.

Nonsense, if I went to the hot spring with the five girls and these two brats barged in, it would be boring, so naturally I would open a hot spring pool for gays for them.

The black card worked so well that the boss at the front desk quickly agreed to Kogoro Mori's request.

Only then did Kogoro Mori feel relieved and went to the hot spring that Yoko had reserved.

As soon as you enter the hot spring, you can see five hot spring pools under the night, exuding curling smoke and a faint smell of sulfur. Under the sky full of stars, it is quite romantic.The surrounding area is surrounded by rockery, so it is natural that others will peek at it.

The five girls were all in the locker room, and they hadn't come out yet, but Mori Kogoro arrived first.

He took off his clothes, wrapped a bath towel around his waist and crotch, and went in with the towel in his hand.

Step on the cobbled stone road with bare feet, walk across the wooden bridge, and walk towards the pool.

The hot springs in this area are all located in the deep mountains, blending intimately with nature. In spring, you can also see pink cherry blossoms all over the mountains.

But now that the season of cherry blossoms has passed, naturally there is no blessing for the eyes.

The temperature of these five pools ranges from low to high, so that the body can gradually adapt to the temperature, and soaking in sequence can promote blood circulation.

Looking at the emerald green hot spring water, it's not too clear, if there is any movement in the water, it can be covered, Maori Kogoro feels very satisfied.

He stepped directly into the first pool and sat on the stone with only his head exposed.

In an instant, I felt refreshed, as if all the muscles in my body were stretched, and I couldn't help but raise my head and exhale, feeling extremely comfortable.

He leaned against the big rock, enjoying the recuperation of the hot spring, relaxing his body and mind.

Soon, the voices of the five girls rang out one after another, and their figures were seen at the wooden bridge.

They appeared one by one wrapped in white bath towels, their snow-white legs intertwined, like a scroll of beauties.

"Hey, Dad has already started taking a bath, it's so fast."

The naughty Xiaolan squatted by the hot spring pool, splashing water on Kogoro Mouri's head.

Seeing that it was interesting, Yukiko also splashed water in retaliation, and Moori Kogoro was immediately drenched like a drenched chicken.

"You wait for me." He directly lowered his head and got into the bottom of the water, swam around and ran to the opposite side again, and sat down again.

And Yingli didn't dare to take revenge, she didn't know when this evil and awe-inspiring husband would let go of his anger and calm down!

Eri and Yoko sat by the hot spring pool, pouring hot water on themselves with a ladle.

It is not only to purify the body, but also to let the body adapt to the temperature, so as not to be caught off guard and get scalded in the water.

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