The nervous Sonoko stepped barefoot on the big rock opposite Mori Kogoro, and then shouted: "Uncle, what do you think of my body?"

Saying this, Sonoko boldly lifted off the wrapped white bath towel.

The little pigeon is wrapped in a red bikini, and it is trying to squeeze out a small gap, it is really full of vitality.

A pair of beautiful legs looked extraordinarily slender from the bottom of the pool.

It's just that tonight's attention is mainly on the other four girls, and Kogoro Mouri just smiled and responded: "Sonoko, it's pretty good, it's quite suitable for you."

Seeing this scene, Yingli's Danfeng eyes couldn't help squinting.

A cold light flashed across, and a murderous aura enveloped Yuanzi.

The little girl seemed to have sensed it, and quickly jumped off the big rock and quickly got into the hot spring pool, not daring to speak anymore.

Xiaolan chuckled when she saw this, she didn't untie her bath towel, she directly dipped her feet into the water, tested the temperature and went directly into the water, and sat next to Kogoro Mori.

Opening his mouth slightly, he couldn't help but put his arms around Mori Kogoro, and moaned comfortably: "It's so comfortable, Dad!"

Mori Kogoro then chuckled lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Eri, Yoko, and Yukiko also entered the water one after another, and they all entered the water without untiing their bath towels.

Yuanzi was a little confused for a moment. She thought she would see a swimsuit show tonight. When she was in the dressing room just now, she struggled with what swimsuit to wear for a long time.

Soon, a possibility appeared in Yuanzi's mind: Could it be that other people were wearing nothing but a bath towel?

You must know that the bath towel absorbs water and becomes heavy. It is impossible to wrap it around the body all the time, and it will be removed sooner or later.

In other words, the other four girls will be naked later, and they will only wear swimsuits?

Chapter 0300

What happened next told Sonoko that her reasoning was correct.

The bath towels sank in the water and were pulled up and placed on the shore beside them, even those with Xizi and Yoko were no exception.

Yuanzi suddenly wanted to cry, but wouldn't he be completely PKed in this way?

As Kogoro Mori watched this lively scene, he had only one thought, I couldn't hold the gun anymore!

The rest of the people looked normal, but Yoko blushed and soaked in the hot spring pool like a little quail, only showing her small head.

The red face is so cute!

Yoko is completely cowardly, she hesitated for a long time in the locker room before making such a bold move.

But in the current situation, she was just following the trend, and Senior Yuxiko did the same. She immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this matter could be pushed to the bathing culture.

When Eri and Yukiko saw Yoko's posture, the two women narrowed their eyes and reacted instantly.

It seems that this girl idol is also Kogoro's woman!

Yukiko immediately misunderstood why Yingli brought her to the horses, and rolled her eyes speechlessly: such a small matter, such a small role, how can it be worth doing it in person?

Then Yukiko glared at Mori Kogoro again, then turned around and leaned against her, a junior in the entertainment industry, to talk with her to relieve her nervousness.

Now that she knows that she is also Kogoro's woman, Yukiko's attitude naturally becomes a little closer.

She didn't keep the acting questions asked by Yoko just now, and reorganized the answers for her.

Yoko immediately gained a lot, forgot to be ashamed and annoyed, and started to exchange acting skills with Yukiko.

But Yingli came to Xiaolan's side, couldn't help pinching Xiaolan's waist, and said softly: "Damn girl, who made you do this!"

Xiaolan immediately put her arms around Yingli's arm, and chuckled lightly: "What's the matter, except for Dad, everyone else is a woman."

Immediately afterwards, she laughed badly, and couldn't help but squeeze her little hand: "Could it be that you are jealous, mom? Wow, if mom is really jealous, why do I feel a little happy?"

Yingli shrank back, her eyes were a little panicked, and her small hand under the water couldn't help but patted Xiaolan's buttocks: "Damn girl, let you talk nonsense, let you speak without restraint."

But seeing her daughter react like this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that my daughter is still the same as before, her previous thoughts were really superfluous!

It's just that Yingli's slapping naturally didn't break Xiaolan's defense at all.

This girl's little hand was still taking advantage of Yingli under the water, and soon Yingli's face turned red.

There were two pairs in the hot spring pool, Sonoko wearing a red bikini glanced at Aunt Yingli, and saw that she was teaching her daughter a lesson, so she had no time to talk to herself.

She couldn't control herself again, and quietly moved towards Kogoro Mori's position.

"Uncle, why don't I help you rub your back!" Yuanzi spoke with a very obvious swallowing sound, and his voice trembled a little.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to see that Sonoko's face was flushed, her eyes were greedily and vaguely looking at her chest muscles, as if she wanted to swallow herself up.

He suddenly had a headache, this girl was too active but a little scary, what a heavy burden.

But before Mori Kogoro could answer, Sonoko started directly.

His little hand under the hot spring touched his abdominal muscles directly.

The rows are as neat as chocolate, full of elasticity and strength, and can be called the most perfect abdominal muscles in the world.

This little hand can also be divided into two ways, one is stroking the abdominal muscles, and the other is grasping his own strong big pectoral muscles.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but stare his eyes round and open his mouth wide, full of disbelief that he was taken advantage of by this girl.

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