With one slap after another, Xiaolan's buttocks were all red.

Xiaolan's face was buried in the pillow, and a dull voice came out: "Bad dad, stinky dad, play a rogue, lose and don't admit it."

Kogoro Maoli couldn't help being even more annoyed when he heard this, and he quickly argued: "Dad is very strong, just now he deliberately released water to let you, if Dad really struggles, he will definitely hurt you, you girl , why don't you believe it?"

While talking, the slap on Xiaolan's bottom still fell, but Mouri Kogoro was also afraid that his hand would seriously hurt Xiaolan, so the force of the slap quietly slowed down.

Mori Kogoro was not lying. When he was subdued by Xiaolan just now, he actually had many ways to break free, but he was afraid of hurting Xiaolan's back and breaking Xiaolan's bed. , so it didn't show up.

After all, if this non-human physical fitness is fully exerted, it will be extremely terrifying.

Xiaolan still didn't believe it, her head was buried, and the small voice kept coming out: "Smelly dad, bad dad, he will play a rogue!"

Hearing Xiaolan's soft scolding, Mori Kogoro felt a little tired. He felt that his image of stalwart in his daughter's heart had collapsed, which made him a little at a loss as to what to do.

Whether or not the case is solved is not the key, the image of oneself in the heart of her daughter is very important!

If he really becomes a rascal in his daughter's heart, thinking of this, Mori Kogoro absolutely cannot accept such a fact.

He let go of Xiaolan's legs, and turned Xiaolan over.

At this moment, Xiaolan's face turned red, and she was about to cry. It was obvious that she was hurt by the beating, and she looked like she wanted to cry.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being surprised, how much effort he obviously didn't use!

Xiaolan pouted her little mouth, her little red face was full of displeasure.

Mori Kogoro said, "Xiao Lan, Dad is not a scoundrel, and Dad will prove it to you."

Mori Kogoro stood up, but he said to Little V in his mind: "Little V, exchange it for me."

Little V couldn't help but said: "As you wish, host, deduct [-] points."

Countless memory fragments merged into Mori Kogoro's mind, Mori Kogoro opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, he stood in front of the wall of Xiaolan's room, and slowly took a horse stance.

Xiaolan raised her head and looked at Kogoro Mouri.

I saw Mori Kogoro only half a step forward, and the right hand located in the waist and abdomen was instantly struck out, and the roaring sound burst out.

This punch was short in shape and fierce in strength, the arrow pierced through the heart, and the mountains fell and the ground cracked.

Direct bombardment on the wall instantly tore open countless cracks in the wall, densely packed like spider webs.

However, the tearing of the cracks was controlled to a certain extent, and no dust escaped, and the entire wall became very artistic.

Half-step Bengquan: [Stunt Skill] (Crude level) is the supreme skill in Xingyiquan. It is known as half-step Bengquan to conquer the world. The rough level can be superimposed with three layers of Bengjin, and the maximum can be stacked thirty-six layers Beng Jin, with one punch, the sky fell apart.

Mori Kogoro turned around, and saw Xiaolan's mouth slightly opened, with a shocked expression on his face, he was very satisfied, and he didn't feel any pain in his body even though his points had been greatly reduced.

He directly punched the wall of Xiaolan's room like cracked porcelain glaze, full of artistic cracks everywhere.

Mori Kogoro smiled and said: "How about it, Xiaolan, believe me now, Dad was just teasing you just now, your strength is considered to be the best among young people, but it is still far behind Dad Why not!"

At this moment, Xiaolan looked at Kogoro Mori with eyes full of admiration. In fact, she didn't really think that Kogoro Mori was being spanked by Kogoro Mori just now, it's just that Kogoro Mori couldn't understand the meaning. .

Xiaolan immediately got up from the bed and rushed over, Ruyan threw herself into Maoli Kogoro's embrace like a forest, the two lumps of softness hit Maoli's chest, little stars appeared in her eyes, full of admiration, she said: " Dad, you are amazing."

Hearing these words, Mori Kogoro felt as comfortable as if he had eaten ginseng fruit. He couldn't help showing a honey smile on his face, patted Xiaolan's back with his palm, pretended to be calm, and said: "Basically Operation, basic operation, nothing special!"

The image of his father's stalwart was finally maintained, and Mori Kogoro didn't want to make trouble, he slowly picked up Xiaolan, put him on the bed again, and then covered him with a quilt.

Xiaolan stared at Mori Kogoro intently, and did not let go of her gaze for a moment.

Kogoro Maoli stretched out his index finger and scratched Xiaolan's nose, and smiled: "Next time you are naughty, Dad will punish you, and you are not allowed to be naughty in the future, do you understand?"

Xiaolan nodded obediently, but her eyes were spinning around!

"Okay, enough trouble has been made, and the punishment has been punished. You didn't sleep all night last night. Now you sleep well for me."

Xiaolan is extremely well-behaved at the moment, she nods obediently at what Kogoro Mouri said, and a small nasal voice emerges from her nose: "En!"

The little girl was extremely cute, and her innocent little face was almost like an angel. Kogoro Mori stepped forward and kissed Xiaolan's forehead, and she immediately laughed.

Mori Kogoro was about to get up and leave, but was held by Xiaolan's little hand.

"Dad, I want you to sing to me, I want to sleep to it!"

My daughter has a request, how could Kogoro Mori have the heart to refuse!

He sat on the edge of Xiaolan's bed, watching Xiaolan close her eyes obediently, rubbing her little hand with her big hand, displaying her master-level singing skills, a melodious and peaceful song was sung slowly from Maori Kogoro out and into Xiaolan's ears, making her unable to bear the smile on her face.

The evening sun shines in, and the singing is so beautiful that it attracts the birds outside to stop on the wires and listen.

The father in the artistic room looked at his daughter's cute sleeping face tenderly. This scene was as meaningful and beautiful as a picture scroll.

Chapter 0146 The Garden Party

In Xiaolan's room, Kogoro Mori's singing gradually became weaker and finally disappeared completely. Kogoro Mori was about to get up quietly and walk out of the room, but suddenly he saw Xiaolan opened his big watery eyes.

Aggrieved nasal voice came out: "Dad, it hurts, I can't sleep."

At this moment, Xiaolan is like a poor kitten.

Kogoro Mori was about to perform a healing technique on Xiaolan, but Xiaolan's small hand took Kogoro Mori's big hand and said pitifully, "Dad, I'm in pain, rub it off for me!"

While talking, he brought Kogoro Mori's big hand to the injured area, where it was indeed red and swollen.

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