Xiaolan bit her lip lightly, her innocent little face was full of anticipation.

My daughter has a request, how could Kogoro Mori have the heart to refuse!

He began to gently massage the injured area with his hands.

Xiaolan's angelic little face immediately showed a comfortable expression, Mori Kogoro was very focused on gently massaging Xiaolan without distraction.

Xiaolan spoke again: "Dad, it's uncomfortable to press through the cloth!"

While speaking, she held Kogoro Mori's big hand again and approached the injured place.

Mori Kogoro gasped, Xiaolan was hurt so badly, he couldn't help but regret what he did just now.

Relying on the experience and technique of a martial arts master, Mori Kogoro put all his massage skills into full play, with all his concentration and no distractions.

But Xiaolan obviously couldn't bear it anymore, and her little face was flushed with suffocation. This little appearance is really pitiful!

This pressing took a full [-] minutes, Mouri Kogoro had already exerted all his strengths, and finally promoted blood circulation and removed blood stasis, and all the redness and swelling in the injured area were eliminated.

He got up and wiped the sweat off his forehead, and it was too exhausting to put all his body and mind into one thing.

At this moment, Xiao Lan covered her head under the pillow, and she didn't know if she fell asleep.

Mori Kogoro walked out of the room, his footsteps were obviously a little flustered, obviously because he had exhausted his mind just now.


In the evening, Huiyuan found the crack on the wall of Xiaolan's room, and couldn't help but be extremely surprised.

Haibara hurriedly asked Mori Kogoro how the crack appeared.

Mori Kogoro spoke gently, and said truthfully: "The wall has become like this, but uncle punched it!"

Huiyuan naturally didn't believe it at all.

And when it was time for dinner at night, Conan's big eyes looked at Xiaolan through the glasses without prescription. He obviously felt that Xiaolan had changed, but he couldn't tell what the change was!

Conan couldn't help looking distressed. He speculated that Xiaolan might have met that mysterious person he liked, and he couldn't help but feel very annoyed. Why did he go out to rehearse some garden party play in the afternoon.

Conan kept deliberating from the sidelines and asked Xiaolan: "Sister Xiaolan, where did you go this afternoon?"

Xiaolan also answered truthfully: "I didn't go out in the afternoon, so I stayed at home and slept to catch up on sleep!" She stretched her waist, looking refreshed, and she really looked like she had slept to catch up on sleep. .

But Conan didn't believe it at all.

Both Haibara and Conan today are citizens of Mubi Country.

At the dinner table, with a smile on her face, Xiaolan continued to pick up food for Kogoro Mouri: "Dad, you should eat more, don't be tired."

Xiaolan blinked her big eyes, showing an angelic smile!

Mori Kogoro ate all the food that Xiaolan had picked up, turned his head to look at Huiyuan and Conan, and asked, "How is your garden party rehearsal going?"

Huiyuan stopped his chopsticks and said, "It's going well, it's more than enough to perform in the garden party. By the way, Uncle Mao Li, will you go to the Didan Elementary School garden party tomorrow?"

There seemed to be a hint of anticipation hidden deep in Huiyuan's light blue eyes, Mouri Kogoro smiled, and reached out to touch Huiyuan's head: "Since it is Xiaoai's show, uncle must watch it no matter what! "

Hearing this, Huiyuan couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. Although there was no smile on his small face, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and he seemed to be in a very good mood.

Conan looked at Haibara, then at Mori Kogoro, and could only sigh deeply. It's really a deteriorating world, with weird aesthetics. A young and beautiful girl would fall in love with an uncle who is almost forty years old. However, as a handsome young man, no one appreciates him. Looking at the rice grains in the bowl, he couldn't help but feel a little melancholy.

"Conan, why are you in a daze? After eating, I went to do the math problem. I haven't finished the [-] pages you were punished last time. Is your scalp itchy again?" Mori Kogoro made a soft fist appearance.

Conan replied immediately: "I'll make it as soon as I finish eating, and it will be ready tonight."

He immediately sat upright, and quietly started picking rice grains.


The next morning, Kogoro Mori and Ran got up late, and Haibara and Conan had already gone to school to prepare for the program.

Xiaolan hugged Mori Kogoro's arm, and Mori Kogoro's arm immediately fell into two lumps of softness. The two set off and took a taxi to the performance hall of Teidan Elementary School.

The performance hall is decorated with lights and colorful ribbons, which is quite childlike. There are many small sets on the stage, which are quite attentive.

Parents are sitting at the bottom, while children are running around, with the largest number of children in the background.

"Hey, it's Uncle Mouri!" The cute and real loli voice burst out, and when Ayumi saw Mori Kogoro, she moved her calf and rushed over with a happy face. At this time, Ayumi was dressed like Megure Like a police officer, she wears a big yellow windbreaker and a hat. It is obvious that she is playing a policeman today.

Mori Kogoro subconsciously hugged Ayumi, let her sit on his arm, scratched the little loli's nose with his fingers, and said, "So it's Ayumi, where are Haibara and the others?"

"Huihara and the others are changing at the back, and they will be out soon."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro suddenly felt a piercing chill spraying on his body, and turned his head to look.

Haibara, dressed as a detective and holding a pipe, was looking at Mori Kogoro and Ayumi-san on his arm with a cold face, and his other hand was clenched together into a fist.

Something is wrong!

Moments like this require acting skills very much!

Ayumi didn't feel the coldness of winter coming from Haibara's body at all, Mori Kogoro had already put it down, and then came to Haibara with sincere surprise on his face.

He walked around Huiyuan, completely ignoring the coldness on Huiyuan's face, and said with a smile on his face: "Wow, Xiao Ai, you look so good in this dress, so cool, completely Just a detective! Perfect!"

Hui Yuan's face was slightly icy.

Mori Kogoro quickly picked him up, pretending that he only noticed Huiyuan's face at this time, and couldn't help but care: "Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you? Tell uncle!"

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