Haibara raised his eyes, but still didn't speak, his light blue eyes were hard to tell.

"Xiao Ai, don't scare uncle!" Mori Kogoro pretended to be anxious, carried Hui Yuan out of the performance hall, and went to the corridor outside.

Chapter 0147 Huiyuan's Reward

There are a row of long stone chairs on both sides of the corridor. Mori Kogoro sat on the stone chairs with Hui Yuan in his arms, and let her stand on his lap regardless of the dust on Hui Yuan's shoes.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Huiyuan, and he looked at Huiyuan's cold and delicate face with a look of concern.

Huiyuan turned his head sideways, looking at the scenery aside, his light blue eyes couldn't see anything!

"Xiao Ai, are you okay? You don't have a fever, do you?" Mori Kogoro is a master at pretending to be stupid. He stretched out his hand to touch Huiyuan's forehead, and then touched his own. Of course, he didn't find anything abnormal. .

"It's strange, Xiao Ai, your face was ugly just now, is it because the air in the performance hall is too bad, or we won't perform." Mao Li Kogoro had a warm smile on his face, and his big hand gently Carefully stroking Haibara's brown hair.

Hui Yuan couldn't help being slightly annoyed: This big fool, who was so shrewd when he solved the case, why is he so stupid now.

Mori Kogoro used the calendar slightly with his big hand, and turned Huiyuan's delicate face to face him. He said softly, "Xiao Ai, what happened just now, can you tell uncle? Uncle is a little worried about you!"

Haibara's light blue eyes looked at Mori Kogoro's deep eyes, a blush appeared on his face, and he lowered his head.

A voice as thin as mosquito silk came out of his mouth: "Yoshida-san..."


"Yoshida-san, I just saw you pick up Yoshida-san, and she's still sitting on your arm!"

Haibara raised his small head, staring at Mouri Kogoro with watery light blue eyes, wanting to see his reaction.


Mori Kogoro laughed softly, gently stroked Huiyuan's small white face with his big hand, his eyes narrowed with a smile: "So that's the case, Xiao Ai, you are jealous!"

Mori Kogoro hugged Xiao Ai, and put his small face against his own, the touch was extremely springy, like jelly.

"Because Uncle Maori picked up Ayumi and let Ayumi sit on the arm that you had been sitting on, Xiao Ai, so you became jealous, hehe, uncle is so happy, I didn't expect my Xiao Ai to like it so much Uncle!"

When Mori Kogoro said this, Huiyuan's little face flushed, and he retorted softly, "No way!"

Mori Kogoro raised his head back slightly, fixed his eyes on Huiyuan's light blue eyes, and said softly: "Okay, uncle promises you, from now on, uncle's arm will only be for Xiao Ai to sit on and hold Xiao Ai alone." You little girl, can you?"

Hearing this, Haibara immediately threw himself into Kogoro Mori's arms like a swallow falling into a forest.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Uncle has already agreed to Xiao Ai, so does Xiao Ai also want to reward Uncle?"

"Reward?" At this moment, Hui Yuan's delicate face was in a daze.

Mori Kogoro pointed to his cheek with his index finger and raised his eyebrows.

Huiyuan immediately understood, her face became a little more shy, and she couldn't help but looked around, seeing that no one was paying attention, she hurried forward, quickly pecked Kogoro Moori's cheek with a small mouth, and then Backed off.


Don't kiss!Haihara-san!

Mitsuhiko, who was hiding in the corner, resisted with a face full of pockmarks trembling. He watched this scene happen, and his mood suddenly became extremely bad.

But he has no reason to go out and stop it. This scene just shows that Detective Mouri and Haibara have a very good relationship, and it doesn't explain anything!

However, Mitsuhiko still felt unacceptable in his heart, and he continued to stare at the two of them.


Mori Kogoro smiled and shook his head: "Xiao Ai, it's not that close, it's the way it is!"

Mori Kogoro demonstrated, kissing Haibara's cheek with his mouth, making the sound of Mua...

He pointed his index finger to his forehead again, and there was encouragement in his eyes.

Huiyuan looked left and right again, and there were only a few people in the corridor, so he was no longer shy, and stepped forward to kiss Moori Kogoro on the forehead, Mua...

Mori Kogoro's index finger constantly changes position, forehead, cheek, jaw, temple, nose.

Huiyuan obeyed the command, and even though his face was flushed, he also kissed him.


Finally, Kogoro Mori put his index finger on his lips, and Haibara kissed him subconsciously. Kogoro Mori held his big hand behind him and used his calendar to prevent Haibara from leaving easily.

And Mori Kogoro opened his mouth, and Haibara's pair of light blue eyes immediately contracted continuously.


Mitsuhiko who was at the corner was stunned at the moment, his mouth was wide open, and his small face twitched intermittently.

This situation is not what normal uncles and little girls should appear at all.

Although kissing on the cheek is very intimate, it is still within the normal range. However, kissing with tongue, how could this kind of thing happen to Uncle Maori and Huiyuan...

At this moment, Mitsuhiko was so upset that he couldn't believe it at all.

What made him even more unacceptable was that Huiyuan actually responded.


Mori Kogoro and Haibara kissed for a very long time, and finally Mori Kogoro let go of Haibara's small mouth.

Huiyuan's small breasts were constantly rising and falling, she was panting heavily, her face was blushing, her eyes were full of mist and tenderness, her pink hands like lotus root were still tightly hugging Kogoro Mouri's neck.

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