It's a pity that Tomoko went to Osaka to inspect the work, and was not in the villa, so Sonoko was naturally in vain.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro took Yoko back to her apartment.

Yoko glanced at Xiaolan, who was still sleeping in the back seat, and then boldly came over and pecked Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro put his big arms around his slender waist, and naturally responded enthusiastically. His fiery big hands traveled all over Yoko's exquisite figure, which made Yoko tremble.

After kissing passionately for a few minutes, Yoko's eyes were filled with mist, and then reluctantly left Kogoro's embrace.

"Okay, go back and have a good rest. Someone will come to you tomorrow and help you deal with things in the studio."

"If you don't want to work, it doesn't matter if you retire, I will support you in the future." Mouri Kogoro gently rubbed Yoko's little head with his big hands.

Hearing this, Yoko's eyes were full of warmth, but she still shook her head, she still wanted to continue to pursue her dream of acting.

"Xiao Goro, I'm going up, remember to miss me, wait for your call."

Only then did Yoko open the car door and walk towards the apartment, turning her head every step of the way, she was really nostalgic.

Mori Kogoro waved to him, then turned around and drove towards his home.

He glanced at Xiao Lan who was still sleeping peacefully in the back seat, it seemed that she was really tired.

I have to say that I was really crazy and carried away last night, I should have offended Eri very badly!

As soon as he changed his mind, the picture of Yingli's office appeared in his mind.

Sure enough, Eri at this moment is very violent, his face is ugly, his eyes are shining scarlet, and he cuts off the pen in his hand from time to time. Midori Kuriyama and Ritsuko Usui who are in the meeting with him are all trembling!

It seems that it is better not to go there and catch the bad luck.

But Mori Kogoro is not too afraid. In this case, he should be fine after one meal, and if there are still problems, he can always subdue this little female leopard.

How Eri begged for mercy last night, she will still beg for mercy in the future.

Soon, the Mini Cooper parked next to the Polo Cafe. Yukiko and Belmode in the cafe disappeared, and the two girls who had a good chat went upstairs.

Mori Kogoro got out of the car and opened the rear door, tapped Xiaolan's nose lightly with his fingertips: "Little lazy pig, get up soon."

Only then did Xiaolan open her eyes, but she didn't realize that she was on the street, so she wrapped her arms around Mouri Kogoro's neck, and said softly, "Dad, I seem to be hurt?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro became anxious immediately, and was about to perform a healing technique.

However, the detection function of the healing technique showed that Xiaolan was normal, and she was not injured at all.

Only then did Kogoro Maoli come to his senses, and said cooperatively: "Then, do you want me to carry you up and give you a massage later?"

"Okay! Okay!" Xiaolan nodded her head frantically.

Mori Kogoro couldn't laugh or cry, but he still reached out his hand through Xiaolan's slippery legs and the back of his neck, picked him up, and went upstairs.

Soon, the two came to the third floor, the door was ajar, they went in directly, and saw Mira and Mary in the living room.

The two girls were eating fruit and watching TV. As for Haibara and Sera, both went to school!

"Xiao Goro, you are finally back."

Xiaolan couldn't help pouting, she thought that there was no one here, so she could be alone with her father and enjoy his massage!I didn't expect so many people.

"Mira, how did you get here?"

"Forget it, Yukiko and her fans are bragging to each other next door, and they can't listen to it at all!"

The little loli with big breasts got up immediately, and without saying a word, she dragged Kogoro Moori to the balcony.

Although Xiaolan was a little puzzled, she didn't pay much attention to it, and sat next to Mira to watch TV with her.

As soon as the balcony door was closed, Mary's face was a little anxious, and she couldn't help but said, "Xiao Goro, the foreign woman next door is weird, she looks at me very strangely."

"I've tried her a few times, she's a bit like someone from that organization."

"They're here, should Shiliang and I avoid it?"

Mary, who is an agent of the Eagle Country, is naturally not simple, and she has a keen sense of Belmode's breath.

When helping them serve fruit, I tried it with a fruit knife, and based on the muscle memory reaction observed in Belmode, I judged that she was a member of the organization.

If Kogoro hadn't sent a text message telling her that he was coming soon, she would have slipped away.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and reached out to rub Mary's fluffy blond hair: "You don't have to avoid it, that guy is indeed a member of the organization, but he is not an enemy, and she will not reveal your information."

Hearing this, the slightly furious little loli finally settled down.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to hug Mary, felt the extreme softness against his chest, and felt very satisfied, he couldn't help but kissed little Loli.

Mary glanced at the two girls in the living room with their backs to them, wrapped her plain arms around Kogoro Mori's neck, and responded enthusiastically.

It's been a few days since I've had sex with Kogoro, and Mary misses the taste of eating bones and souls, after all, her real age was when she was like a wolf and a tiger.

With steel and iron bones and an iron kidney, Mori Kogoro can handle so many women.

Mori Kogoro asked for the sweetness in the little loli's mouth, then put it down, and said softly: "Okay, I'll deal with the woman next door, just pretend nothing happened, everything is fine." give it to me."

Upon hearing this, Mary nodded obediently.

After Mori Kogoro put Mary down, he couldn't help rubbing his hands again, and then let the blushing Mary go back to the living room.

Then he turned around and walked to the next door, wanting to see what kind of wishful thinking Belmord was planning.

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