As soon as he entered the next room, he heard Yukiko's familiar laughter.

Walking through the porch, I saw two bright and extraordinary girls on the sofa, looking very happy talking.

Belmore crossed his legs and nodded lightly, like a European lady.

Her disguised appearance is the same as the last time I went to the cafe to try out the donation.

Chapter 0313 Here's Getting Started

?It doesn't make sense!

When Belmode saw Mori Kogoro appearing, he couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, and his body tensed up a little.

Yukiko introduced with a light smile: "Kogoro, this is my fan, a Frenchman named Bella."

And Belmode also greeted him: "Detective Maori, I only saw you on TV before, but I didn't expect you to be more handsome than the camera."

"Excellent, Miss Bella, your Japanese is really good."

"Of course, Bella is a Japanese major at the University of Tokyo."

Immediately afterwards Yukiko dragged Mori Kogoro to the kitchen, avoided Belmode's sight, and asked in a low voice.

"Kogoro, how did you come back? Also, what did you do to Eri last night, why did she look like she took gunpowder in the morning?"

Mori Kogoro embraced Yukiko's slender waist, pressed his body against her graceful curves, and began to explain.

"I asked someone to fix Eri's Mini Cooper, and drove back."

"As for why Yingli is so angry, next time I let you try, you will understand."

You Xizi rolled her eyes: "I don't want it, it's definitely not a good thing, you bastard, you're full of bad water."

"But you have to coax Yingli back, or I won't spare you."

And Mori Kogoro gave a funny salute: "Yes, sir, I promise to complete the task."

Yukiko couldn't stop laughing coquettishly again, and immediately turned around, put her plain arms around Moori Kogoro's neck, and kissed him on the cheek.

At this time, Belmor poked his head out, pretending to be puzzled and asked, "Where is the toilet?"

Before she finished speaking, she deliberately showed a shocked expression when she saw the scene behind the kitchen cabinet: "Uh, you..."

Yukiko pushed Moori Kogoro away in an instant, and explained in a little panic: "Bella, don't get me wrong, I just accidentally fell down, and Kogoro just caught me, the two of us are fine." of."

"The toilet is at the beginning of the corridor."

Belmode immediately showed an ambiguous smile, and then turned to go to the toilet.

Seeing that Belmore had to leave, You Xizi panicked and said, "This is terrible, she saw it, what if she goes out and talks nonsense?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Don't worry, she didn't take a photo, she has nothing to prove, she's fine."

"I didn't take a picture, but I really live here with you. Those paparazzi say that the wind is the rain, and they will definitely be unable to argue with it."

"If they come to guard the door, it's not very annoying, then I have to move, I don't want to move!"

Hearing these words, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing.

You Xizi was so naive, did she think those paparazzi didn't know she moved here?

She is an Oscar queen with her own traffic, and her every move involves countless people's hearts.

The reason why I didn't come to guard the interview was because more than a hundred Ant-Man robots were patrolling nearby, and whenever a reporter appeared, they were 'invited' away.

All intersections are guarded by robots, and the radiation range is a full five kilometers, covering Minmei's residence, Izumo Shrine, and Belmode's residence.

It's just that the Ant-Man robots that monitor Belmode and Toru Amuro usually fail after a while, and need to be replaced with paper cranes to monitor.

Mori Kogoro was able to perform psychic spells ten times without feeling strenuous, that is to say, he could maintain forty thousand origami cranes daily, which was more than enough to monitor the people in the organization.

The entire surrounding area of ​​the detective office was completely controlled by Mori Kogoro, but the residents inside were completely unaware and were still living their own lives.

In addition, Mori Kogoro also used capital to control the throat of public opinion, and when he found a newspaper that was not afraid of death reporting the scandal between Yukiko and himself, he suppressed it first.

Then his security company will be dispatched directly, and after some operations, usually the newspaper boss will obediently withdraw the report.

However, Kogoro Mori did not tell Yukiko about these things he did in private. After all, protecting his own woman is a matter of course.

Xizi looked so panicked because she didn't know.

"What should I do, Kogoro? Kogoro, don't you know how to hypnotize, use hypnotism to hypnotize Bella, let her forget what happened just now!"

Mori Kogoro patted Yukiko's buttocks with his big hands: "Where did you hear that I know how to hypnotize?"

"That's what your daughter said!"

"You really think I'm a god, and you can erase memories, how can hypnotism be so magical!"

Of course Kogoro Mori would be able to erase the memory, a psychedelic talisman would do it, but Belmode is a member of the organization, and the psychedelic talisman would not work on it.

"Don't worry, let me handle it, I will keep her from going out and talking nonsense."

"Then leave it to you."

Hearing the sound of Belmore returning to the living room, Mori Kogoro walked out of the kitchen.

Yukiko was embarrassed to see Bella. She said downstairs that she had nothing to do with Detective Mori, and that she came here just to observe the characters and collect materials. Now she slaps her in the face.

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