She pretended to prepare fruit for the two of them in the kitchen, and packed the ostrich.

Mori Kogoro sat beside Belmode, and Belmode's body tensed up again, and she immediately said, "Detective Maori, don't worry, I didn't see anything, and I won't say anything."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Miss Bella is really smart, I like talking to smart people."

Saying this, his slightly rough hands immediately pressed Belmode's long white dress, and landed on her beautiful legs, it was really smooth and extraordinary.

Seeing this scene, Belmode's pupils shrank sharply immediately, and his whole body froze, like a cat strangled by fate.

That's it for now?This is a new role for me, and it's the first time I've met, how can you get started so easily?It doesn't make sense!

"Miss Bella, we should have met before. It's in the cafe below. It was the day when the owner of the tricolor cat came here last time."

"I still remember the last time Miss Bella wore a silk scarf around her neck, and she smiled at me three times!"

God damn three smiles show mercy, is there any?

Belmode's impression was a little blurred, and he seemed to feel that there was really one.

She forced a smile and pushed Kogoro Mori's big hand: "Detective Mori, please be respectful, you must have misunderstood, I have never smiled at you, I am not such a casual woman."

"Oh, sorry, it's me, Meng Lang."

Seeing Kogoro Mori's smirk made Belmore flustered, she immediately stood up, with a curvy posture, twisting her waist and walking towards the kitchen cabinet.

In front of You Xizi, he shouldn't dare to be so presumptuous!

Seeing Belmore's twitching Mijiri, who seemed plumper than before, Mori Kogoro chuckled, took a sip of water, and followed her up.

Across the kitchen cabinet, the two stood side by side watching You Xizi cut the fruit, and You Xizi still had a panicked look in her eyes.

But then, Belmord's water-green eyes trembled slightly, and he shook his head in disbelief and looked at Kogoro Mori who was beside him with a smirk.

How dare he do this?

Chapter 0314 buttocks are big enough to give birth to cubs


Well, it feels great in the hand, it's full when you grab it, and it will swing as soon as you let go, it's really tempting.

Belmode's breathing became a little disordered, and he couldn't help but look at Yukiko in front of him with a guilty conscience.

Unexpectedly, You Xizi was also very guilty, as soon as she looked up and saw her, she immediately avoided her sight.

The two women have their own thoughts, this scene is really interesting!

Kogoro Mouri smiled slightly: "Miss Bella already said that she didn't see anything just now, did she?"

Belmore, who was palpitating, nodded obediently. She looked at the kitchen cabinet, and water mist gradually formed in her water-green eyes.

Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief, seeing how cooperative her fans were, she couldn't help but glance at Kogoro Mori approvingly.

Mori Kogoro picked up the fruit that Yukiko had washed with his right hand, and took a bite, the sweet juice flowed down to his chin in an instant.

He couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction: "Well, this peach is really sweet, plump and juicy, tsk tsk tsk, Bell... Uh, Bella, do you want to try one?"

Hearing this, Belmode's pupils shrank immediately, full of disbelief.

Bell, do you want to be called Belmode?What the hell, did he get recognized again?how is this possible?Did I show any flaws?

But even though there were many turbulent waves in Belmore's heart, he still pretended to be very normal on the surface, nodded obediently, then took a small bite of the peach in both hands, and nodded in a hurry.

"Well, it's delicious. It's really a blessing to be able to eat the fruit that Miss Yukiko washed for me."

"Oh, I still remember that I have something to do, so I have to go first."

Belmorde struggled to leave. At this moment, Mori Kogoro lowered his brows, his voice seemed to cool down, and he whispered softly: "It's rare for a guest to come to the door, let's stay for a while!"

"Yukiko still wants to try her secret juice for you? Don't you?"

These words seemed to have intimidating magic power, Belmode's movements froze immediately, and obediently returned to his original position and let him bully him.

She also found an excuse by herself: "That incident is not a big deal, it doesn't matter if we go later at night."

But You Xizi was stunned for a moment, looked at the two of them suspiciously, and quickly turned around to pick up the juicer in cooperation.

"Yes, Bella, you must try my secret juice, with blueberry jam and honey, it's delicious."

Mori Kogoro put on a slight smile again, and Belmore secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yukiko, what were you talking about with Bella just now? I'm also quite interested."

Yuxiko, who was busy cleaning the juicer, didn't look back, and said with a light smile, "Just talk to Bella about the movie, you don't know, Bella is very insightful in movie appreciation, and she even gave my The two films "Elf in the Fog" and "Escape Day" are not fair!"

"Oh, are those two Oscar-nominated films for Best Actress? They were PKed down by Sharon Wynyard?"

Hearing Mori Kogoro mentioning the name of the person he had changed, Belmode felt a little nervous.

She didn't want Mori Kogoro to tell Yukiko his true identity, and then he and Yukiko wouldn't even be friends.

At this time, You Xizi turned around holding the juicer, couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and asked, "Xiao Goro, who do you think is better than Sharon?"

You Xizi who said this had a cold gleam in his eyes, and his little hands seemed to be unconsciously grasping the fruit knife, as if he would run away and kill people when he heard a word that didn't go his way.

Mori Kogoro immediately chuckled: "Of course you are better, you are extremely agile, every time you appear like an elf descending from the world, it is amazing."

"Sharon is so old, her face is full of wrinkles, like an old pickle, I feel uncomfortable seeing it on the big screen." Hearing this, You Xizi couldn't help showing a satisfied smile, and gave her a few winks with joy , I plan to reward him well tonight.

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