Soon, the divination object exited the scene and left the villa.

Xiaolan looked at the gorgeous and extraordinary woman, and said in a low voice: "Hiss, it turned out to be Teacher Zitiao. I remember that she became famous because she had calculated the winning countries of the World Cup in advance. I didn't expect that Teacher Nagara was with her. Competition."

Mira also laughed softly: "It's very interesting, I'll ask them to help me calculate the kingdom's national fortune later!"

And opposite the two women on the sofa is the cameraman of this talk show, a curly-haired man holding a camera, Masao Tamura.

Next to him smoking a cigarette is Kensuke Katsuragi, the president of the publishing house in a green suit.

He looked a little anxious, as if he had something to do with Zitiao Lihua.

Cameraman Masao Tamura raised his hand and said, "Ka, that's the end of the shooting in the living room. The two wins in three rounds is the temporary victory for Mr. Zitiao. Let's take a break first and then move to the atrium to shoot."

In an instant, everyone in the villa relaxed a little.

Zitiao Lihua laughed lightly: "Xiaoyao, are you still using the divination taught in that book? You haven't given up after so long, don't cry like before when you lose."

Nagara Haruka said: "Senior Sister, you are the one who is wrong. Your divination skills are flashy, and you are simply fooling people. I just let the water go, lest you lose too badly. I will not show mercy next time." !"

Zitiao Lihua's face changed slightly immediately, and cameraman Masao Tamura's eyes lit up, and he secretly turned on the camera to continue filming the scene where the sisters of the same school are fighting each other.

These images must be very attractive as a preview.

At this time, Zitiao Lihua's female apprentice Shiraishi Youhua came forward with a phone, and said respectfully: "Teacher, the Zhongmu producer of Dongdu TV Station called and said that he has something very important to see you."

Zitiao Lihua waved her hand impatiently: "I'm working now, I'll talk about it later."

Shijo Lihua wanted to say some harsh words to Nagara Haruka, but Nagara Haruka ignored her, got up and walked over to Mori Kogoro.

This vicious female fortune-teller also saw Mori Kogoro, her eyes lit up slightly, she couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and followed him to meet him.

Immediately after Nagara Haruka took Mori Kogoro to and from the corner of the corridor, Zijo Lihua could only greet Xiaolan and Mira to get up.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking: "Xiaoyao, why did you ask me to come here? I don't know how to divination. What can I do for you?"

"Besides, hasn't your divination skills improved a lot? Why are you still losing to others?"

Nagara Haruka wrapped her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm and acted like a baby.

"Master, can you give me another bottle of the potion you gave me earlier?"

"I used up the experiments too quickly in the past two days, and the star power in my body was exhausted. That's why I lost to my senior sister."

This girl, whenever she asks someone to call her master, she can call her master so smoothly.Kogoro Mori was not stingy, and took out another bottle of well water from the mysterious well.

Nagara Haruka quickly took it, pulled out the cork and drank it, with a very satisfied expression on his face.

She couldn't help but stepped forward and kissed Mori Kogoro on the cheek: "I love you."

Mori Kogoro reached out and took Nagara Haruka into his arms, and asked, "What is your background as a senior sister? Are you also a fortuneteller like you? What level is she? A psychic fortuneteller? A star fortuneteller?"

"That's not true. Although Senior Sister is practicing under the same teacher as me, her divination skills are completely different from mine."

"It's completely crooked, relying on gorgeous clothes, gorgeous jewelry to distract others' attention, and wearing some psychedelic perfume."

"Put some hallucinogenic sandalwood in the divination room, and use hypnotism to hypnotize others, so that people can let go of their guard and tell the secrets in their hearts. They are all crooked ways, and they are not real divination."

"Mine is the orthodox inheritance. It relies on communicating with the spirit of Tarot to find out the truth. How can she compare with me?"

Kogoro Moori glanced at the surrounding manor, raised his eyebrows and said, "But she seems to be better off than you. She lives in a manor, and you live in a small villa."

Xiaoyao immediately wrinkled her nose in resentment: "Hmph, that's because my senior sister loves money too much, unlike me, who has been working hard to meditate and study, if I spare time to divination for others, I will definitely be able to live in a big manor gone."

"Okay, okay, okay, Xiaoyao, you treat money like dung and have high ambitions. You are a strange woman."

Xiaoyao nodded in agreement with a smile on his face.

Mori Kogoro's big hands slowly covered Nagara Haruka's plump body, and he smirked: "So strange girl, when will we finish what we haven't finished before?"

Xiaoyao's face turned red immediately, but she pretended to be stupid and said, "Why don't I remember what is unfinished?"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, and put his big hand directly on Nagara Haruka's buttocks: "Okay, you, cross the river and tear down the bridge, right? After drinking the potion, you will turn your face and deny anyone?"

Xiaoyao's eyes trembled, as if there was more water in them.

She tiptoed lightly, leaning into Kogoro Mouri's arms, whispering into Kogoro Moori's ear, "Master, I'm not wearing underwear now!"

On the other hand, Zitiao Lihua was very friendly to Xiaolan and Mira, and couldn't help asking: "Are you two twins? Do you have telepathy?"

Xiaolan smiled lightly and shook her head, she was always asked this question when she was with Mira.

"We're not twins, and we're not related by blood, it's just that we look alike."

"That's really rare!" Zitiao Lihua looked surprised: "May I ask, the person who came with you just now is a Maori detective, what does he have to do with my junior sister Nagara Haruka? He ran away as soon as he came. go whisper"

Xiaolan wasn't too wary, and said directly: "It's nothing to do with it, it's Miss Nagara I met when my father and I went to a charity party a few days ago, but I think Miss Nagara's divination is inaccurate. Said that I will not be pregnant for another year or two, hehe!"

Mira couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Xiaolan, so that's what she wanted to ask!

How useful is divination in this kind of thing, the key is to see if the belly is up to date?

At this time, Kensuke Katsuragi, the president of the publishing house, came over and couldn't help but said, "Zi Tiao, that matter..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Lihua Zijo interrupted him: "Mr. Katsuragi, I'm busy now. Let's discuss what you said later, okay?"

Katsuragi Kensuke paused for a while, and seeing Zijo Reika's impatient face, he turned and left in disappointment and walked out of the villa. He started smoking again at the door.

Chapter 0317 absurd move

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