Mira couldn't help but said, "Teacher Zitiao seems to be very busy. There are so many people looking for you, so can you take the time to do a fortune-telling for us?"

Zijo Lihua smiled apologetically: "Normally, there is no problem, but there are still a lot of people queuing up, and I have to record another show today, so I'm afraid there is no way."

At this time, his female disciple Yuhua Shiraishi came up with a long-haired woman in jeans and a purple wallet.

Xiaolan recognized this woman: "Isn't this Ms. Luchuan Kela? A first-line movie star in China, I remember that she was the heroine of the previous hit drama."

Lvchuan Kela seemed to have heard Xiaolan's voice, smiled at her, and then came to Zitiao Lihua: "Mr. Zitiao, can I take a moment of your time?"

Zitiao Lihua frowned, then turned to Xiaolan and Mira and said, "Then I will excuse you first."

Then she led Lvchuan Kela to the divination room upstairs.

Xiaolan couldn't help but exclaimed: "It seems that Teacher Zitiao's divination skills are very accurate, even big stars come to her for fortune-telling."

And Mira couldn't help but turned her head to inspect: "Where did that guy Xiaogoro go, and why did he suddenly disappear?"

Kogoro Mori, whom Mira missed, was sitting on the sofa in the reception room. The door was locked, but the atmosphere in the room was very warm.

Mori Kogoro sat with a big horse, and Nagara Haruka sat on his lap.

The fiery big hands are walking on its graceful body.

What Nagara Haruka said just now ignited him instantly. What meaning can a girl say by saying this, that is, she has been preparing...

Girls have said so, as a man, are you still ashamed to persuade him?

Of course Kogoro Mori is not cowardly, on the contrary, he acts very recklessly!

Otherwise, it would not be the first time to visit someone else's mansion and treat it as one's own, making such absurd behavior.

Mori Kogoro kissed Xiaoyao's pink lips, but his big hand couldn't help checking whether Xiaoyao had lied to him just now.

Swiping lightly, he nodded in satisfaction, and sure enough, his little slave girl still didn't dare to tell lies.

Xiaoyao's face was flushed, her body trembled slightly, and her heart was beating so fast that Kogoro Moori could feel it.

Qi Su couldn't help but push Kogoro Mori's chest with his bare hands, finally got rid of the kissing state, panting and said: "No, I can't be here, master, I have a competition later."

Mori Kogoro chuckled, took his small hand and kissed it, and put it behind him: "Isn't there a thirty-minute break?"

Xiaoyao pursed her lips: "But this is my senior sister's home, so it's not good!"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Xiaoyao with deep eyes, and said softly: "Xiaoyao, is there any difference where? The most important thing is that we are together now!"

The tip of his nose lightly rubbed Xiaoyao's Qiong's nose: "Do I remember that our first meeting was in that cursed villa full of sin? But even in that scene, because of our meeting, I don't feel that What's wrong with the villa."

"On the contrary, I think it's very romantic there, and I often think of that place, just because of the memory you and I have in common."

Huyou's rhetoric followed another, Xiaoyao was quickly confused, his eyes gradually softened, and he seemed to think that what he said made sense.

Taking advantage of the situation, Mori Kogoro kissed his pink lips again, displaying master-level kissing skills, greedily searching for all the sweetness, while his big hands that penetrated into the black gauze skirt greedily grabbed all the softness.

Slowly, Nagara Haruka got on the horse, and a stirring movement sounded, but was blocked by a barrier again, and the sound was completely blocked in the room.

(More than [-] characters are omitted here!) In Reika Zijo’s cylindrical divination room, actress Midorikawa Kela looked at Reika Zijo’s back, and couldn’t help saying: “It’s almost like this, I’ll pay for it.” That's enough money!"

Zitiao Lihua with her back to her folded her arms, her chest seemed to grow taller, she tapped her arms with her fingertips, she said softly:

"Is it appropriate for you to say that? I only need to reveal a little bit of information about you, and you will be finished if you have just become popular."

Lvchuan Kela frowned: "But if this continues, even I will have nowhere to go."

Zitiao Lihua laughed softly: "Miss Carat is joking, what I want is not enough for one-tenth of what you earn, is this going to be desperate?"

"But if you want to escape from me, it's not impossible."

"Go and help me find a replacement, anyone is fine, a big fat sheep who is rich, stupid and sweet."

"As long as you help me find such a person, I will let you go, thick and thick!"

Zitiao Lihua covered her mouth and laughed, completely imitating the villain she saw in the TV series.

Hearing this exaggerated smile, Midorikawa Kela couldn't help but twitched her brows, annoyed that she fell into the hands of this woman who didn't seem to have a high IQ!

On the other side, Xiaolan and Mira visited the villa together, mainly because they wanted to find Kogoro Mori who suddenly disappeared.

When the two women passed by a room, they suddenly heard the sound of arguing from inside, they couldn't help but stop curiously, and poked their heads to peek.

The two quarreling in the room were the newspaper's president Kensuke Katsuragi and his female disciple Yuka Shiraishi.

Only Shiraishi Yuhua said dissatisfiedly: "President, what's going on, didn't we clearly agree that I will take over that column next?"

Katsuragi Kensuke lowered his head and sighed: "I did plan like this, but Lihua insisted on not agreeing."

"Unless you can use things other than divination, it doesn't mean that your ability is insufficient, it's just... hey!"

Shiraishi Youhua lowered his head helplessly, tears seemed to linger in his eyes.

"Excuses, all of these are excuses. It's just that the teacher hates me, and she just wants me to serve her for the rest of my life."

Hearing this, Xiaolan and Mira frowned at the same time.

But the people in the room were about to come out, and the two women hurried away.

They walked outside the courtyard to get some air, and soon they were attracted by the colorful glass.

Mira couldn't help but said, "That's stained glass. I didn't expect this fortune-teller to be so stinky. He carved his own portrait on these glasses."

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