"However, it's impolite to enter the room without the host's permission, right?"

Seeing this vixenous Zitiao Lihua, a strange fragrance burst into his nose in an instant, Mouri Kogoro raised his brows.

"It's my fault, Miss Zitiao. I apologize, but it's important to deal with the situation. After all, Xiaoyao wants me to help, and I can't refuse."

Hearing this, Zitiao Lihua's eyes flashed with surprise, and she took a step closer, and the fragrance became even more striking.

Mori Kogoro recognized it. It was the smell of psychedelic sage. If you smell it too much, it will cause hallucinations in front of your eyes.

"My junior sister wants the Maori detective to help me, so I'm a little confused."

"Could it be that Mr. Mao Li is not only a detective, but also a master of divination? Didn't he just secretly give my junior sister extra lessons? Hehehe!"

Zitiao Lihua covered her mouth and smiled softly, her chest was trembling, which was very eye-catching.

Mori Kogoro held Zitiao Lihua's jade arm, turned and pushed it against the wall, staring at him with deep eyes, and smiled frivolously.

"I've dabbled in divination a little bit, so it's more than enough for Miss Zitiao to make up lessons."

"But, I'm a real detective."

"The divination object just now should be Miss Zitiao hired by you!"

"After all, Mr. Nakame, the producer of this show, has everything in your hands. It is only natural to design a special show to make you famous."

Immediately Zitiao Lihua's complexion changed greatly, her pupils shrank sharply, but she pretended to be calm again.

"Detective Maori, stop talking nonsense, how could I have a trust?"

Mori Kogoro leaned close to his jade neck and spoke softly, his warm breath fell on his neck, making his little face blush.

"Miss Zitiao, let me tell you a secret. Just now, I sneaked into your divination room while you were not paying attention."

"I saw a note in your safe, and it was all the handles of various dignitaries and dignitaries that you recorded yourself, so I took that note out secretly, and there was a note about Mr. Zhongmu in it." Require."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you have to write down bad things, you are so stupid!"

Zitiao Lihua's body was unsteady for a while, she glanced down, and looked into the gully of her chest.

how is this possible?The keys to the fortune-telling room and the safe are all in her cleavage, how could anyone take them away.

Mori Kogoro seemed to understand the meaning, and explained: "There is no way, after all, I am a very curious detective, so it is not unusual to be able to pick locks."

In fact, he didn't steal the notebook at all, he just habitually summoned the Ant-Man robot to investigate around, and naturally he knew Zijo Lihua's secret notebook.

Zitiao Lihua panicked immediately, her eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but said, "Detective Maori, what do you want?"

Mori Kogoro had a wicked smile on his lips, and he directly raised his hand!


Chapter 0319 What do you want?

Sure enough, he was so domineering that he couldn't grasp it with both hands.

Zitiao Lihua was completely stunned, she opened her mouth slightly, with a look of astonishment on her face.

She didn't expect Maori detective to do such a thing to herself, this is too much!

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Mori Kogoro followed up with the other hand, and after pulling it open, he found the keychain inside.

He poked around with his fingertips and took out the keys. There were two keys, one for the door, one for the safe, and a pendant of white gemstones, which were still warm.

With a little effort and a sudden pull, the bunch of keys fell into his hands.

Zitiao Lihua's little face turned red in an instant. This guy is too bold and reckless. He completely treats himself as transparent, making it round when he wants to be round, flattening when he wants to be flat, and even snatching the key. Bandit!

"Give me back the key!"

She immediately wanted to get back the key, but even though she was stepping on high heels and raising her hands, she couldn't reach Kogoro Mori's raised hands at all.

Zitiao Lihua's delicate body was leaning in front of Mori Kogoro, eager to get the key, and kept hitting people with the ball, with great impact.

Mori Kogoro smiled proudly.

The vixen girl got angry and raised her right foot directly, the high-heeled shoe stepped heavily on Kogoro Mori's left foot.

Unfortunately, this raid was blocked by a robot, and the heel was directly lifted by a robot the size of an ant.

Zitiao Lihua thought she had succeeded, and couldn't help showing a smile, but seeing Mouri Kogoro's expression not changing at all, he couldn't help frowning.

How is this going?

Immediately afterwards, a huge force struck, and his body was pushed against the wall again.

Her eyes were about to burst into flames, and there was another big hand on her proud side, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

This guy is too much, Bai Xia looks so good-looking, I didn't expect him to be a big rascal!

Mori Kogoro said, "I'm sorry, Miss Lihua, it's just a habit, a habit."

But even if he said this, Kogoro Mori did not take back his right hand, but looked up at the white gemstone pendant, and praised: "This should be corundum, this shape, this level, it should be regarded as It’s a gemstone, the color is really good.”

Saying this, Mori Kogoro put down the left hand holding the gemstone, turned his hand down, then pressed it up with his left hand, and continued to look at it in another direction while holding the gemstone in his right hand.

"I've always wanted to buy a white gemstone, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find the jewelry I like."

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